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Investment Company Act file number 811-10499

Name of Fund: BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust (BJZ)

Fund Address: 100 Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19809

Name and address of agent for service: Donald C. Burke, Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock
California Municipal 2018 Term Trust, 800 Scudders Mill Road, Plainsboro, NJ, 08536.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 9011, Princeton, NJ, 08543-9011

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (800) 882-0052, Option 4

Date of fiscal year end: 12/31/2009

Date of reporting period: 03/31/2009

Item 1 – Schedule of Investments

BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust       
Schedule of Investments March 31, 2009 (Unaudited)  (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
  Municipal Bonds    (000)  Value 
California - 131.7%         
County/City/Special  Clovis, California, Unified School District, Capital Appreciation, GO     
District/School  (Election of 2004), Series A, 5.126%, 8/01/21 (a)(b)(c)(d)  $ 7,500  $ 4,505,475 
District - 30.8%  Los Angeles, California, Harbor Department Revenue Refunding     
  Bonds, AMT, Series B, 5.50%, 8/01/21 (e)    10,025  9,922,545 
Los Angeles, California, Unified School District, GO, Series I, 5%,
  7/01/20    2,500  2,624,625 
  Riverside, California, Unified School District, GO (Election of 2001),     
  Series A, 5.25%, 2/01/23 (b)(c)    5,000  5,194,400 
San Diego County, California, COP, Refunding (MTS Tower), 5.25%,
  11/01/19 (e)    2,980  2,986,854 
Education - 2.5%  California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Refunding     
  Bonds (California Community Colleges), Series A, 5%, 12/01/17  2,020  2,021,232 
Hospitals/  ABAG Finance Authority for Nonprofit Corporations, California,     
Healthcare - 15.4%  Revenue Bonds (San Diego Hospital Association), Series C,     
  5.375%, 3/01/21    2,100  1,827,105 
  California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds     
  (Adventist Health System), Series A, 5%, 3/01/18  1,075  1,021,465 
  California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds     
  (Adventist Health System), Series A, 5%, 3/01/19  1,000  935,240 
  California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds     
  (Adventist Health System), Series A, 5%, 3/01/20  2,060  1,891,986 
  California Health Facilities Financing Authority Revenue Bonds     
  (Adventist Health System), Series A, 5%, 3/01/24  1,355  1,142,022 
California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Revenue
  Bonds (Kaiser Hospital Assistance I-LLC), Series A,     
  5.55%, 8/01/31    6,500  5,805,085 
IDA/PCR/Resource  California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Solid Waste     
Recovery - 7.2%  Disposal Revenue Bonds (Waste Management, Inc. Project), AMT,     
  Series A, 5.125%, 7/01/31    4,000  3,673,320 
  California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Solid Waste     
  Disposal Revenue Refunding Bonds (Republic Services, Inc.     
  Project), AMT, Series C, 5.25%, 6/01/23    2,500  2,201,950 

Portfolio Abbreviations
To simplify the listings of portfolio holdings in the Schedule of Investments, the names and descriptions of
many of the securities have been abbreviated according to the list below.

AMT  Alternative Minimum Tax (subject to) 
CABS  Capital Appreciation Bonds 
COP  Certificates of Participation 
GO  General Obligation Bonds 
PCR  Pollution Control Revenue Bonds 


BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust         
Schedule of Investments March 31, 2009 (Unaudited)  (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
  Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
Other Revenue Bonds - 9.3%  California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Revenue       
  Bonds (J. David Gladstone Institute Project), 5.50%,       
  10/01/20    $ 1,985  $  2,007,629 
  Fontana, California, Public Financing Authority, Tax Allocation       
Revenue Refunding Bonds (North Fontana Redevelopment Project),
  Series A, 5.25%, 9/01/18 (f)    3,395    3,583,728 
  Vista, California, COP, Refunding (Community Projects), 5%,       
  5/01/19 (c)    1,000    1,001,740 
Vista, California, COP, Refunding (Community Projects), 4.75%,
  5/01/21 (c)    1,115    1,061,123 
Special Tax - 1.0%  San Bernardino County, California, Special Tax Bonds (Community       
  Facilities District Number 2002-1), 5.60%, 9/01/19  500    454,935 
San Bernardino County, California, Special Tax Bonds (Community
  Facilities District Number 2002-1), 5.70%, 9/01/20  355    320,810 
State - 18.5%  California State, GO, Refunding, 5%, 11/01/11 (g)  4,740    5,219,972 
  California State, GO, Refunding, 5%, 11/01/20    260    259,672 
California State Veterans, GO, Refunding, AMT, Series BZ, 5.35%,
  12/01/21 (c)    6,500    6,062,680 
  California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue       
Refunding Bonds (Daughters of Charity National Health System),
  Series A, 5.25%, 7/01/24    5,000    3,634,950 
Transportation - 17.6%  Foothill/Eastern Corridor Agency, California, Toll Road Revenue       
  Refunding Bonds, CABS, 5.884%, 1/15/21 (d)    20,000    7,084,600 
  Long Beach, California, Harbor Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series A,       
  5.25%, 5/15/18 (b)(c)    5,000    4,990,000 
Santa Clara Valley, California, Transportation Authority, Sales Tax
  Revenue Bonds, Series A, 5%, 6/01/11 (c)(g)    2,135    2,321,087 
Utilities: Electric &  California Pollution Control Financing Authority, PCR, Refunding       
Gas - 3.9%  (San Diego Gas & Electric Company), Series A, 5.90%, 6/01/14  3,100    3,195,263 
Utilities: Irrigation, Resource  California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Solid Waste       
Recovery, Solid Waste &  Disposal Revenue Bonds (Republic Services, Inc. Project), AMT,       
Other - 3.1%  Series B, 5.25%, 6/01/23    2,500    2,195,625 
San Bernardino County, California, Special Tax Bonds (Community
  Facilities District Number 2002-1), 5.35%, 9/01/17  105    96,735 
San Bernardino County, California, Special Tax Bonds (Community
  Facilities District Number 2002-1), 5.50%, 9/01/18  245    224,535 
Utilities: Water &  California State Department of Water Resources, Power Supply       
Sewer - 22.4%  Revenue Bonds, Series A, 5.125%, 5/01/12 (g)    6,500    7,332,585 
California State Department of Water Resources, Power Supply
  Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series H, 5%, 5/01/22  3,500    3,567,445 

BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust         
Schedule of Investments March 31, 2009 (Unaudited)  (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
  Municipal Bonds    (000)    Value 
  California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Refunding       
  Bonds (Trustees California State University), Series A, 5%,       
  10/01/17    $ 2,415  $  2,417,415 
Lathrop, California, Financing Authority Revenue Bonds (Water
  Supply Project), 5.80%, 6/01/21    995    827,969 
Lathrop, California, Financing Authority Revenue Bonds (Water
  Supply Project), 5.85%, 6/01/22    1,040    854,724 
Lathrop, California, Financing Authority Revenue Bonds (Water
  Supply Project), 5.90%, 6/01/23    1,000    817,180 
  Stockton-East Water District, California, COP, Refunding,       
  Series B, 5.94%, 4/01/19 (b)(c)(d)    4,590    2,496,134 
  Total Municipal Bonds in California        107,781,840 
Puerto Rico - 17.4%           
Other Revenue Bonds - 7.4%  Puerto Rico Public Buildings Authority, Government Facilities       
  Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series C, 5.75%, 7/01/19 (a)(h)  5    6,079 
  Puerto Rico Public Buildings Authority, Government Facilities       
  Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series C, 5.75%, 7/01/19 (h)  4,405    4,048,724 
  Puerto Rico Public Buildings Authority, Government Facilities       
  Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series M, 6%, 7/01/20 (h)  1,000    984,250 
  Puerto Rico Public Buildings Authority, Government Facilities       
  Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series M, 6.25%, 7/01/21 (h)  1,000    1,004,130 
State - 10.0%  Puerto Rico Commonwealth, Public Improvement, GO, Series B,       
  5.25%, 7/01/17    1,035    947,398 
  Puerto Rico Public Finance Corporation, Commonwealth       
  Appropriation Revenue Bonds, Series E, 5.70%, 2/01/10 (g)  7,000    7,269,990 
  Total Municipal Bonds in Puerto Rico        14,260,571 
US Virgin Islands - 3.0%           
County/City/Special  Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds       
District/School  (Matching Fund Loan Note), Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/23  960    797,011 
District - 1.3%  Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds       
  (Matching Fund Loan Note), Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/24  300    247,113 
GO: Other - 1.3%  Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds       
  (Matching Fund Loan Note), Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/19  455    397,097 
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds
  (Matching Fund Loan Note), Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/21  460    392,293 
Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds
  (Matching Fund Loan Note), Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/22  315    264,200 
State - 0.4%  Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds       
  (Matching Fund Loan Note), Series A, 5.25%, 10/01/17  360    325,868 
  Total Municipal Bonds in the US Virgin Islands      2,423,582 

BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust       
Schedule of Investments March 31, 2009 (Unaudited)  (Percentages shown are based on Net Assets) 
  Municipal Bonds    (000)  Value 
Multi-State - 9.2%         
Other Revenue  Charter Mac Equity Issuer Trust, 6.625%, 6/30/49 (i)(j)  $ 4,000  $ 4,029,160 
Bonds - 9.2%  MuniMae TE Bond Subsidiary LLC, 6.875%, 6/30/49 (i)(j)  5,000  3,499,250 
  Total Municipal Bonds in Multi-State      7,528,410 
  Total Municipal Bonds - 161.3%      131,994,403 
  Corporate Bonds       
Other Revenue Bonds - 4.0%  San Manuel Entertainment Authority Series 04-C, 4.50%,     
  12/01/16 (j)    4,000  3,307,800 
  Total Corporate Bonds - 4.0%      3,307,800 
  Total Long-Term Investments (Cost - $145,680,956) - 165.3%    135,302,203 
  Short-Term Securities    Shares   
  CMA California Municipal Money Fund, 0.11% (k)(l)  634,615  634,615 
  Total Short-Term Securities (Cost - $634,615) - 0.8%    634,615 
  Total Investments (Cost - $146,315,571*) - 166.1%    135,936,818 
  Other Assets Less Liabilities - 1.8%      1,446,860 
  Preferred Shares, at Redemption Value - (67.9)%    (55,534,249) 
  Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares - 100.0%  $   81,849,429 

* The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of March 31, 2009,
as computed for federal income tax purposes, were as follows:

Aggregate cost  $  146,370,706 
Gross unrealized appreciation  $  2,591,619 
Gross unrealized depreciation    (13,025,507) 
Net unrealized depreciation  $  (10,433,888) 

(a) Security is collateralized by Municipal or US Treasury Obligations.
(b) FGIC Insured.
(c) NPFGC Insured.
(d) Represents a zero-coupon bond. Rate shown reflects the current yield as of report date.
(e) AMBAC Insured.
(f) FSA Insured.
(g) US government securities, held in escrow, are used to pay interest on this security as well as to retire the bond in
full at the date indicated, typically at a premium to par.
(h) Commonwealth Guaranteed.
(i) Security represents a beneficial interest in a trust. The collateral deposited into the trust is federally tax-exempt revenue
bonds issued by various state or local governments, or their respective agencies or authorities. The security is subject to
mandatory redemption at maturity.

(j) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in
transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.

(k) Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Trust, for purposes of
Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, were as follows:

Affiliate  Net Activity    Income   
CMA California Municipal Money Fund  (1,599,330)  $    745 

(l) Represents the current yield as of report date.


BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust

Schedule of Investments March 31, 2009 (Unaudited)
Ÿ For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust's industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-
classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by Trust
management. This definition may not apply for purposes of this report which may combine industry sub-classifications for
reporting ease.

Ÿ The Trust adopted Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, "Fair Value
Measurements" ("FAS 157"). FAS 157 clarifies the definition of fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair values
and requires additional disclosures about the use of fair value measurements. Various inputs are used in determining the
fair value of investments, which are as follows:

Ÿ Level 1 - price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical securities
Ÿ Level 2 - other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in
markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets in markets that are not active, inputs other
than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities,
prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)

Ÿ Level 3 - unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the circumstance, to the extent observable
inputs are not available (including the Trust's own assumption used in determining the fair value of investments)

The inputs or methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing
in those securities. For information about the Trust's policy regarding valuation of investments and other significant
accounting policies, please refer to the Trust's most recent financial statements as contained in its
annual report.

The following table summarizes the inputs used as of March 31, 2009 in determining the
fair valuation of the Trust's investments:

 Valuation Inputs    Investments in Securities 
Level 1  $  634,615 
Level 2    135,302,203 
Level 3    - 
Total  $  135,936,818 


Item 2 – Controls and Procedures

2(a) – The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers or persons performing
similar functions have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as
defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the
“1940 Act”)) are effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this report based on the
evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act
and Rule 13(a)-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

2(b) – There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as
defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act) that occurred during the registrant’s last fiscal
quarter that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the
registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 3 – Exhibits

Certifications – Attached hereto

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment
Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust

By: /s/ Donald C. Burke
Donald C. Burke
Chief Executive Officer of
BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust

Date: May 20, 2009

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment
Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf
of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /s/ Donald C. Burke
Donald C. Burke
Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of
BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust

Date: May 20, 2009

By: /s/ Neal J. Andrews
Neal J. Andrews
Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer) of
BlackRock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust

Date: May 20, 2009