Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                            REPORT OF FOREIGN ISSUER

                      PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                          For the month of August 2007

                           PETROCHINA COMPANY LIMITED

                          16 ANDELU, DONGCHENG DISTRICT
                 BEIJING, THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, 100011
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

     (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual
reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.)

     Form 20-F [X] Form 40-F [ ]

     (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the
information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to
the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of

     Yes [ ] No [X]

     (If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the
registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-______)

     PetroChina Company Limited (the "Registrant") is furnishing under the cover
of Form 6-K the Registrant's announcement of its interim results for the six
months ended June 30, 2007.

     This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning
of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements
are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties. These
forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements relating to:

     -    the Registrant's plan to strengthen its oil and gas operation and

     -    the Registrant's plan to optimize the structure of refining
          operations; and

     -    the Registrant's other future plans and prospects.

     These forward-looking statements reflect our current views with respect to
future events and are not a guarantee of future performance. Actual results may
differ materially from information contained in these forward-looking statements
as a result of a number of factors, including, without limitation:

     -    fluctuations in crude oil and natural gas prices;

     -    failure to achieve continued exploration success;

     -    failure or delay in achieving production from development projects;

     -    failure to complete the proposed acquisition of certain overseas
          assets as planned;

     -    change in demand for competing fuels in the target market;

     -    continued availability of capital and financing;

     -    general economic, market and business conditions;

     -    changes in policies, laws or regulations of the PRC and other
          jurisdictions in which the Registrant and its subsidiaries conduct
          business; and

     -    other factors beyond the Registrant's control.

     We do not intend to update or otherwise revise the forward-looking
statements in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise. Because of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the
forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this press release might
not occur in the way we expect, or at all.

     You should not place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking

                              (CHINESE CHARACTER)

                           PETROCHINA COMPANY LIMITED

 (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China
                            with limited liability)

                                (Stock Code: 857)

   Announcement of the interim results for the six months ended June 30, 2007

                      ##FINANCIAL AND OPERATING SUMMARY##

Output of crude oil for the first half of 2007 was 419.7 million barrels,
representing an increase of 0.1% from the first half of 2006.

Output of marketable natural gas for the first half of 2007 was 798.0 billion
cubic feet, representing an increase of 16.5% from the first half of 2006.

Total output of crude oil and natural gas for the first half of 2007 was 552.7
million barrels of oil equivalent, representing an increase of 3.7% from the
first half of 2006.

Consolidated turnover for the first half of 2007 was RMB392,726 million,
representing an increase of 20.3% from the first half of 2006.

Consolidated net profit* for the first half of 2007 was RMB81,830 million,
representing an increase of 1.4% from the first half of 2006.

Basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to equity holders of the
Company for the first half of 2007 were RMB0.46, representing an increase of
RMB0.01 from the first half of 2006.

The Board of Directors has proposed an interim dividend attributable to equity
holders of the Company for the first half of 2007 of RMB0.205690 per share.

*    Consolidated net profit is profit attributable to the Company's equity


The Board of Directors (the 'Board ') of PetroChina Company Limited (the
'Company ') is pleased to announce that the unaudited consolidated interim
results of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group ') for the six months
ended June 30, 2007 and the Group's consolidated financial position as of June
30, 2007 are as follows:


                                         Notes   Six months ended June 30
                                         -----   -------------------------
                                                     2007          2006
                                                 -----------   -----------
                                                 (unaudited)   (unaudited)
                                                 -----------   -----------
                                                 RMB million   RMB million
                                                 -----------   -----------
TURNOVER                                   3       392,726       326,545
                                                  --------      --------
   Purchases, services and other                  (166,995)     (112,758)
   Employee compensation costs                     (22,426)      (16,993)
   Exploration expenses, including
      exploratory dry holes                        (10,607)       (8,750)
   Depreciation, depletion and
      amortisation                                 (31,228)      (29,910)
   Selling, general and administrative
      expenses                                     (23,901)      (19,104)
   Taxes other than income taxes           5       (28,784)      (24,259)
   Other income, net                                   345           522
                                                  --------      --------
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES                          (283,596)     (211,252)
                                                  --------      --------
PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS                             109,130       115,293
                                                  --------      --------
   Exchange gain                                       581           830
   Exchange loss                                      (923)         (798)
   Interest income                                     819           959
   Interest expense                                 (2,050)       (1,848)
                                                  --------      --------
TOTAL NET FINANCE COSTS                             (1,573)         (857)
                                                  --------      --------
   JOINTLY CONTROLLED ENTITIES                       2,785         1,482
                                                  --------      --------
PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                     4       110,342       115,918
TAXATION                                   6       (24,026)      (30,675)
                                                  --------      --------
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                               86,316        85,243
                                                  ========      ========
   Equity holders of the Company                    81,830        80,681
   Minority interest                                 4,486         4,562
                                                  --------      --------
                                                    86,316        85,243
                                                  ========      ========
   PERIOD (RMB)                            7          0.46          0.45
                                                  ========      ========
Interim dividends proposed after the
   balance sheet date                      9        36,823        36,307
                                                  ========      ========



                                              Notes   June 30, 2007   December 31, 2006
                                              -----   -------------   -----------------
                                                       (unaudited)        (audited)
                                                      -------------   -----------------
                                                       RMB million       RMB million
                                                      -------------   -----------------
   Property, plant and equipment                         657,041          645,337
   Investments in associates and jointly
      controlled entities                                 32,447           32,956
   Available-for-sale investments                          2,508            2,054
   Advance operating lease payments                       21,195           20,468
   Intangible and other assets                             6,705            6,627
   Time deposits with maturities over one
      year                                                 2,013            2,499
                                                         -------          -------
                                                         721,909          709,941
                                                         -------          -------
   Inventories                                            84,327           76,038
   Accounts receivable                          10        16,399            8,488
   Prepaid expenses and other current
      assets                                              39,618           23,281
   Notes receivable                                        4,606            2,844
   Time deposits with maturities over three
      months but within one year                           3,407            3,012
   Cash and cash equivalents                              71,771           48,559
                                                         -------          -------
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                     220,128          162,222
                                                         -------          -------
   Accounts payable and accrued liabilities     11       136,581          120,182
   Income tax payable                                     10,345           17,744
   Other taxes payable                                    12,325            6,190
   Short-term borrowings                                  27,733           35,763
                                                         -------          -------
                                                         186,984          179,879
                                                         -------          -------
NET CURRENT ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)                          33,144          (17,657)
                                                         -------          -------
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                    755,053          692,284
                                                         =======          =======
   Equity attributable to equity holders of
      the Company Share capital
      - State-owned shares of RMB1.00 each               157,922          157,922
      - H shares of RMB1.00 each                          21,099           21,099
                                                         -------          -------
                                                         179,021          179,021
   Retained earnings                                     318,228          264,092
   Reserves                                              143,242          143,564
                                                         -------          -------
                                                         640,491          586,677
   Minority interest                                      33,596           30,914
                                                         -------          -------
TOTAL EQUITY                                             674,087          617,591
                                                         -------          -------
   Long-term borrowings                                   42,667           35,634
   Other long-term obligations                               874              995
   Asset retirement obligations                           19,186           18,481
   Deferred taxation                                      18,239           19,583
                                                         -------          -------
                                                          80,966           74,693
                                                         -------          -------
                                                         755,053          692,284
                                                         =======          =======




     The consolidated interim condensed financial statements ("financial
     statements ') have been prepared in accordance with International
     Accounting Standard ("IAS ') 34 "Interim Financial Reporting '. The
     accounting policies and methods of computation used in the preparation of
     the consolidated interim condensed financial statements are consistent with
     those used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements for
     the year ended December 31, 2006 except for the ones modified by the Group
     as a result of the adoption of the new or revised International Financial
     Reporting Standards ('IFRS").

     In 2007, the Group adopted the following new standard and interpretation
     which are relevant to its operations and mandatory for financial year
     ending December 31, 2007. The adoption of the new standard and
     interpretation did not result in substantial changes to the Group's
     accounting policies. In summary:

     -    IFRS 7, Financial Instruments: Disclosure, and the complementary
          Amendment to IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements

     -    Capital Disclosure.

     -    International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC ')
          Interpretation 10, Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment.

     The following interpretations are mandatory for financial year ending
     December 31, 2007 but are not relevant to the Group's operations.

     -    IFRIC Interpretation 7, Applying the Restatement Approach under IAS
          29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies.

     -    IFRIC Interpretation 9, Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives.

     The consolidated interim condensed financial statements should be read in
     conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto
     included in the annual report of the Group for the year ended December 31,
     2006. The consolidated interim condensed financial statements as of June
     30, 2007 and for the six month periods ended June 30, 2007 and June 30,
     2006 are unaudited but reflect, in the opinion of the Board, all
     adjustments (which include only normal recurring adjustments) necessary to
     properly prepare the consolidated interim condensed financial statements,
     in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34. The results of
     operations for the six months ended June 30, 2007 are not necessarily
     indicative of the results of operations expected for the year ending
     December 31, 2007.

     Costs that incur unevenly during the financial year are anticipated or
     deferred in the interim financial statements only if it would be also
     appropriate to anticipate or defer such costs at the end of the financial


     Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on
     historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future
     events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The
     matters described below are considered to be the most critical in
     understanding the judgements that are involved in preparing the Group's
     consolidated financial statements.

     (a)  Estimation of oil and natural gas reserves

          Oil and natural gas reserves are key elements in the Group's
          investment decision-making process. They are also an important element
          in testing for impairment. Changes in proved oil and natural gas
          reserves, particularly proved developed reserves, will affect
          unit-of-production depreciation, depletion and amortisation charges to
          the consolidated profit and loss account. Proved reserve estimates are
          subject to revision, either upward or downward, based on new
          information, such as from development drilling and production
          activities or from changes in economic factors, including product
          prices, contract terms or development plans. In general, changes in
          the technical maturity of oil and natural gas reserves resulting from
          new information becoming available from development and production
          activities have tended to be the most significant cause of annual
          revisions. Changes to the Group's estimates of proved reserves,
          particularly proved developed reserves, affect the amount of
          depreciation, depletion and amortisation recorded in the Group's
          consolidated financial statements for property, plant and equipment
          related to oil and gas production activities. A reduction in proved
          developed reserves will increase depreciation, depletion and
          amortisation charges (assuming constant production) and reduce net

     (b)  Estimated impairment of property, plant and equipment

          Property, plant and equipment, including oil and gas properties, are
          reviewed for possible impairment when events or changes in
          circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be
          recoverable. Determination as to whether and how much an asset is
          impaired involves management estimates and judgements such as future
          prices of crude oil, refined products and chemical products and
          production profile. However, the impairment reviews and calculations
          are based on assumptions that are consistent with the Group's business
          plan. These assumptions also include those relative to the pricing
          regulations by the regulatory agencies in China that the pricing
          regulations will not restrict the profit margins of refined products
          to levels that will be insufficient to recover the carrying cost of
          the related production assets. Favourable changes to some assumptions
          may allow the Group to avoid the need to impair any assets in these
          years, whereas unfavourable changes may cause the assets to become


     (c)  Estimation of asset retirement obligations

          Provisions are recognised for the future decommissioning and
          restoration of oil and gas properties. The amounts of the provisions
          recognised are the present values of the estimated future
          expenditures. The estimation of the future expenditures is based on
          current local conditions and requirements, including legal
          requirements, technology, price level, etc. In addition to these
          factors, the present values of these estimated future expenditures are
          also impacted by the estimation of the economic life of oil and gas
          properties. Changes in any of these estimates will impact the
          operating results and the financial position of the Group over the
          remaining economic life of oil and gas properties.


     Turnover represents revenues from the sale of crude oil, natural gas,
     refined products and petrochemical products and from the transportation of
     crude oil and natural gas. Analysis of turnover by segment is shown in Note


                                                                                             Six months ended June 30
                                                                                                2007          2006
                                                                                            -----------   -----------
                                                                                            RMB million   RMB million
                                                                                            -----------   -----------
Profit before taxation is arrived at after crediting and charging of the following items:
   Dividend income from available-for-sale investments                                             75           173
   Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables                                          2,321           108
   Reversal of impairment of available-for-sale investments                                        --             1
   Reversal of write down in inventories                                                           68           136
   Amortisation on intangible and other assets                                                    688           589
   Cost of inventories (approximates cost of goods sold) recognised as expense                208,074       146,273
   Depreciation on property, plant and equipment, including impairment provision
      - owned assets                                                                           29,916        28,677
      - assets under finances leases                                                                3             3
   Impairment of available-for-sale investments                                                    --             2
   Impairment of investments in associates and jointly controlled entities                          5            --
   Provision for impairment of receivables                                                         67            53
   Interest expense (Note (i))                                                                  2,050         1,848
   Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                              407           185
   Operating lease expenses                                                                     3,166         2,429
   Repair and maintenance                                                                       3,687         2,978
   Research and development expenses                                                            2,796         2,024
   Write down in inventories                                                                       --            56
   Note (i): Interest expense
             Interest expense                                                                   2,624         2,252
             Less: Amounts capitalised                                                           (574)         (404)
                                                                                              -------       -------
                                                                                                2,050         1,848
                                                                                              =======       =======


     Taxes other than income taxes include RMB14,942 million for the six months
     ended June 30, 2007 (six months ended June 30, 2006 : RMB10,289 million) of
     special levy which is paid or payable on the portion of income realised by
     petroleum exploration enterprises from the sales of domestic crude oil at
     prices higher than a specific level. This levy was imposed by the
     government of the People's Republic of China ('PRC ') and became effective
     from March 26, 2006.


                                                       Six months ended June 30
                                                          2007          2006
                                                      -----------   -----------
                                                      RMB million   RMB million
                                                      -----------   -----------
Income tax                                              25,415         28,682
Deferred tax                                            (1,389)         1,993
                                                       -------         ------
                                                        24,026         30,675
                                                       =======         ======


     In accordance with the relevant PRC income tax rules and regulations, the
     PRC income tax rate applicable to the Group is principally
     33% (2006 : 33%). Operations of the Group in certain regions in China have
     qualified for certain tax incentives in the form of reduced income tax rate
     to 15% through the year 2010 and accelerated depreciation of certain
     property, plant and equipment.

     The tax on the Group's profit before taxation differs from the theoretical
     amount that would arise using the statutory tax rate in the PRC applicable
     to the Group as follows:

                                                                              Six months ended June 30
                                                                                 2007          2006
                                                                             -----------   -----------
                                                                             RMB million   RMB million
                                                                             -----------   -----------
   Profit before taxation                                                      110,342       115,918
   Tax calculated at a tax rate of 33%                                          36,413        38,253
   Prior year tax return adjustment                                                451           243
   Effect of income taxes from international operations in excess of taxes
   at the PRC statutory rate                                                       389            --
Effect of preferential tax rate                                                 (8,256)       (7,319)
Effect of enacted changes in PRC Corporate Income Tax Law (Note (i))            (4,482)           --
Tax effect of income not subject to tax                                         (1,226)         (983)
   Tax effect of expenses not deductible for tax purposes                          737           481
                                                                               -------       -------
   Tax charge                                                                   24,026        30,675
                                                                               =======       =======

Note (i)  On March 16, 2007, the National People's Congress approved the
          Corporate Income Tax Law of the PRC (the "new CIT Law"), which is
          effective from January 1, 2008. Under the new CIT Law, the corporate
          income tax rate applicable to the Group from January 1, 2008 will be
          25%, replacing the previously applicable tax rate of 33%.

          The management of the Group had reassessed its taxation position as of
          June 30, 2007 by reference to the enacted new CIT Law and accordingly
          a net decrease in tax charge for the six months ended June 30, 2007 of
          RMB4,482 million was recorded.


     Basic and diluted earnings per share for the six months ended June 30, 2007
     and June 30, 2006 respectively have been computed by dividing the profit
     attributable to equity holders of the Company by the number of 179,021
     million shares issued and outstanding for the relevant periods.

     There are no potential dilutive ordinary shares.


                                                    Attributable to equity holders of the    Minority     Total
                                                                   Company                   Interest    Equity
                                                  ----------------------------------------   --------   --------
                                                   Share    Retained
                                                  Capital   Earnings   Reserves   Subtotal
                                                  -------   --------   --------   --------
                                                    RMB        RMB        RMB        RMB        RMB        RMB
                                                  million    million    million    million    million    million
                                                  -------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
Balance at January 1, 2006                        179,021   203,812    132,556    515,389     28,278    543,667
Currency translation differences                       --        --        439        439        924      1,363
                                                  -------   -------    --------   -------    -------    -------
Net income recognised directly in equity               --        --        439        439        924      1,363
Profit from January 1, 2006 to
   June 30, 2006                                       --    80,681         --     80,681      4,562     85,243
                                                  -------   -------    --------   -------    -------    -------
Total recognised income from January 1, 2006 to
   June 30, 2006                                       --    80,681        439     81,120      5,486     86,606
                                                  -------   -------    -------    -------    -------    -------
Final dividends for 2005 (Note 9)                      --   (32,282)        --    (32,282)        --    (32,282)
Dividends to minority interest                         --        --         --         --     (1,426)    (1,426)
Purchase of minority interest in subsidiaries          --        --     (2,178)    (2,178)    (2,396)    (4,574)
Other movement in minority interest                    --        --         --         --        130        130
                                                  -------   -------    -------    -------    -------    -------
Balance at June 30, 2006                          179,021   252,211    130,817    562,049     30,072    592,121
                                                  =======   =======    =======    =======    =======    =======
Balance at January 1, 2007                        179,021   264,092    143,564    586,677     30,914    617,591
Currency translation differences                       --        --       (258)      (258)      (164)      (422)
                                                  -------   -------    --------   -------    -------    -------
Net loss recognised directly in equity                 --        --       (258)      (258)      (164)      (422)
Profit from January 1, 2007 to
   June 30, 2007                                       --    81,830         --     81,830      4,486     86,316
                                                  -------   -------    --------   -------    -------    -------


Total recognised income/(loss) from January 1,
   2007 to June 30, 2007                               --    81,830       (258)    81,572      4,322     85,894
                                                  -------   -------    --------   -------    -------    -------
Final dividends for 2006 (Note 9)                      --   (27,694)        --    (27,694)        --    (27,694)
Dividends to minority interest                         --        --         --         --     (1,895)    (1,895)
Purchase of minority interest in subsidiaries          --        --        (64)       (64)       (22)       (86)
Other movement in minority interest                    --        --         --         --         11         11
Minority interest paid-in capital                      --        --         --         --        266        266
                                                  -------   -------    --------   -------    -------    -------
Balance at June 30, 2007                          179,021   318,228    143,242    640,491     33,596    674,087
                                                  =======   =======    =======    =======    =======    =======


                                                                                      Six months ended June 30
                                                                                         2007          2006
                                                                                     -----------   -----------
                                                                                     RMB million   RMB million
                                                                                     -----------   -----------
Final dividends attributable to equity holders of the Company for 2005 (Note (i))           --        32,282
Final dividends attributable to equity holders of the Company for 2006 (Note (ii))      27,694            --
                                                                                        ------        ------
                                                                                        27,694        32,282
                                                                                        ======        ======


(i)  Final dividends attributable to equity holders of the Company in respect of
     2005 of RMB0.180325 per share amounting to a total of RMB32,282 million
     were approved by the shareholders in the annual general meeting of the
     Company on May 26, 2006, and accounted for in equity as an appropriation of
     retained earnings in the six months ended June 30, 2006. These dividends
     were paid on June 9, 2006.

(ii) Final dividends attributable to equity holders of the Company in respect of
     2006 of RMB0.154699 per share amounting to a total of RMB27,694 million
     were approved by the shareholders in the annual general meeting of the
     Company on May 16, 2007, and accounted for in equity as an appropriation of
     retained earnings in the six months ended June 30, 2007. These dividends
     were paid on June 1, 2007.

(iii) As authorised by shareholders in the annual general meeting of the Company
     on May 16, 2007, the Board, in a meeting held on August 23, 2007, resolved
     to distribute interim dividends attributable to equity holders of the
     Company in respect of 2007 of RMB0.205690 per share amounting to a total of
     RMB36,823 million. These financial statements do not reflect this dividend
     payable, as it was not authorised until after the balance sheet date.


                                               June 30, 2007   December 31, 2006
                                               -------------   -----------------
                                                RMB million       RMB million
                                               -------------   -----------------
Accounts receivable due from third parties          9,646             9,498
Accounts receivable due from related parties        9,979             2,247
Less: Provision for impairment of receivables      (3,226)           (3,257)
                                                   ------             -----
                                                   16,399             8,488
                                                   ======             =====

     Amounts due from related parties are interest free and unsecured.

     The aging analysis of accounts receivable at June 30, 2007 and December 31,
     2006 is as follows:

                                               June 30, 2007   December 31, 2006
                                               -------------   -----------------
                                                RMB million       RMB million
                                               -------------   -----------------
Within 1 year                                     16,165             8,299
Between 1 to 2 years                                 120                33
Between 2 to 3 years                                  32                59
Over 3 years                                       3,308             3,354
                                                  ------            ------
                                                  19,625            11,745
                                                  ======            ======

The Group offers its customers credit terms up to 180 days, except for certain
selected customers.



                                                             June 30, 2007   December 31, 2006
                                                             -------------   -----------------
                                                              RMB million       RMB million
                                                             -------------   -----------------
Trade payables                                                   27,027            22,490
Advances from customers                                           7,520             9,310
Salaries and welfare payable                                     12,594             8,844
Accrued expenses                                                  7,242                10
Dividends payable by subsidiaries to minority shareholders           56                60
Interest payable                                                    207                 3
Construction fee and equipment cost payables                     19,528            28,349
One-time employee housing remedial payment payable                1,412               933
Amounts due to related parties                                   47,981            35,273
Others                                                           13,014            14,910
                                                                -------           -------
                                                                136,581           120,182
                                                                =======           =======

     Amounts due to related parties are interest free, unsecured and with no
     fixed terms of repayment.

     The aging analysis of trade payables at June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006
     is as follows:

                                               June 30, 2007   December 31, 2006
                                               -------------   -----------------
                                                RMB million       RMB million
                                               -------------   -----------------
Within 1 year                                     23,683            19,994
Between 1 to 2 years                               2,934             1,966
Between 2 to 3 years                                  78               196
Over 3 years                                         332               334
                                                  ------            ------
                                                  27,027            22,490
                                                  ======            ======


     The Group is engaged in a broad range of petroleum related activities
     through its four major business segments: Exploration and Production,
     Refining and Marketing, Chemicals and Marketing and Natural Gas and

     The Exploration and Production segment is engaged in the exploration,
     development, production and sales of crude oil and natural gas. The
     Refining and Marketing segment is engaged in the refining, transportation,
     storage and marketing of crude oil and petroleum products.

     The Chemicals and Marketing segment is engaged in the production and sale
     of basic petrochemical products, derivative petrochemical products, and
     other chemical products.

     The Natural Gas and Pipeline segment is engaged in the sale of natural gas
     and the transmission of natural gas, crude oil and refined products.

     In addition to these four major business segments, the Other segment
     includes the assets, liabilities, income and expenses relating to cash
     management, financing activities, research and development, and other
     business services to the operating business segments of the Group.

     Most assets and operations of the Group are located in the PRC, which is
     considered as one geographic location in an economic environment with
     similar risks and returns. In addition to its operations in the PRC, the
     Group also has overseas operations through subsidiaries engaging in the
     exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas.

     The accounting policies of the operating segments are the same as those
     described in Note 1 'Basis of Preparation and Accounting Policies ".


     Operating segment information for the six months ended June 30, 2007 and
     2006 is presented below:

     Primary reporting format -- business segments

Six months ended                           Exploration and   Refining and   Chemicals and    Gas and
June 30, 2007                                 Production       Marketing      Marketing     Pipeline    Other      Total
----------------                           ---------------   ------------   -------------   --------   -------   --------
                                                                                               RMB       RMB        RMB
                                             RMB million      RMB million    RMB million     million   million    million
                                           ---------------   ------------   -------------   --------   -------   --------
Turnover (including intersegment)              205,390         314,863         49,860        23,216       483     593,812
Less: Intersegment sales                      (165,789)        (26,842)        (5,036)       (3,191)     (228)   (201,086)
                                              --------         -------         ------        ------    ------    --------
Turnover from external customers                39,601         288,021         44,824        20,025       255     392,726
                                              --------                                                           --------
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation       (20,249)         (4,961)        (2,828)       (2,895)     (295)    (31,228)
Segment result                                 101,388          18,562          7,586         6,352    (1,202)    132,686
Other costs                                     (4,952)        (14,637)        (2,188)         (224)   (1,555)    (23,556)
                                              --------         -------         ------        ------    ------    --------
Profit/(loss) from operations                   96,436           3,925          5,398         6,128    (2,757)    109,130
                                              ========         =======         ======        ======    ======    ========

                                           Exploration and   Refining and   Chemicals and    Gas and
Six months ended June 30, 2006                Production       Marketing      Marketing     Pipeline    Other      Total
------------------------------             ---------------   ------------   -------------   --------   -------   --------
                                                                                               RMB       RMB        RMB
                                             RMB million      RMB million    RMB million     million   million    million
                                           ---------------   ------------   -------------   --------   -------   --------
Turnover (including intersegment)              211,012         255,106         39,565        18,233       373     524,289
Less: Intersegment sales                      (170,761)        (21,142)        (3,072)       (2,587)     (182)   (197,744)
                                              --------         -------         ------        ------    ------    --------
Turnover from external customers                40,251         233,964         36,493        15,646       191     326,545
                                              --------                                                           --------
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation       (17,748)         (6,614)        (2,732)       (2,578)     (238)    (29,910)
Segment result                                 128,906          (3,001)         4,266         4,669      (965)    133,875
Other costs                                     (4,454)        (10,888)        (1,358)          (82)   (1,800)    (18,582)
                                              --------         -------         ------        ------    ------    --------
Profit/(loss) from operations                  124,452         (13,889)         2,908         4,587    (2,765)    115,293
                                              ========         =======         ======        ======    ======    ========

     Secondary reporting format -- geographical segments

                                          Turnover          Total assets        expenditures
Six months ended                     -----------------   -----------------   -----------------
June 30                                2007      2006      2007      2006      2007      2006
----------------                     -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
                                       RMB       RMB       RMB       RMB       RMB       RMB
                                     million   million   million   million   million   million
                                     -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
PRC                                  380,444   313,927   878,198   783,842    46,955    44,990
Other (Exploration and Production)    12,282    12,618    63,839    59,384     4,066     2,262
                                     -------   -------   -------   -------    ------    ------
                                     392,726   326,545   942,037   843,226    51,021    47,252
                                     =======   =======   =======   =======    ======    ======



     The consolidated interim condensed financial statements have been prepared
     in accordance with IFRS, which differ in certain material respects from the
     accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America
     ('US GAAP'). Such differences involve methods for measuring the amounts
     shown in the financial statements, as well as additional disclosures
     required by US GAAP.

     Effect on net income of significant differences between IFRS and US GAAP is
     as follows:

                                                     Six months ended June 30
                                                        2007          2006
                                                    -----------   -----------
                                                    RMB million   RMB million
                                                    -----------   -----------
Profit for the period under IFRS                      86,316        85,243
US GAAP adjustments:
   Share of profit of jointly controlled entities        (32)        1,220
   Depreciation charges on property, plant and
      equipment revaluation gain                       2,128         2,340
   Loss on disposal of revalued property, plant
      and equipment                                       26            21
   Tax effect                                         (2,275)         (779)
   Minority interest                                  (4,530)       (5,202)
   One-time remedial payments for staff housing       (1,234)           --
   Depreciation charges on property, plant and
      equipment arising from purchase of minority
      interest in subsidiaries                          (110)          (42)
                                                      ------        ------
Net income under US GAAP                              80,289        82,801
                                                      ======        ======
Basic and diluted net income per share under
   US GAAP (RMB)                                        0.45          0.46
                                                      ======        ======

     Effect on equity of significant differences between IFRS and US GAAP is as

                                                                June 30, 2007   December 31, 2006
                                                                -------------   -----------------
                                                                 RMB million       RMB million
                                                                -------------   -----------------
Equity under IFRS                                                  674,087           617,591
US GAAP adjustments:
   Acquisition of PetroKazakhstan Inc.                              22,129            22,129
   Share of profit of jointly controlled entities                    2,705             2,737
   Deemed distribution to CNPC International Limited                (3,044)           (3,044)
   Payment for the acquisition of PetroKazakhstan Inc.             (21,376)          (21,376)
   Reversal of property, plant and equipment revaluation gain      (80,555)          (80,555)
   Depreciation charges on property, plant and equipment
      revaluation gain                                              57,927            55,799
   Reversal of property, plant and equipment revaluation loss        1,513             1,513
   Depreciation charges on property, plant and equipment
      revaluation loss                                              (1,459)           (1,459)
   Loss on disposal of revalued property, plant and equipment        2,059             2,033
   Tax effect                                                        5,210             7,485
   Minority interest                                               (33,679)          (30,953)
   Effect on the retained earnings from the one-time remedial
      payments for staff housing borne by the state
      shareholder of the Company                                    (3,787)           (2,553)
   Effect on the other reserves of the shareholders' equity
   from the one-time remedial
      payments for staff housing borne by the state
      shareholder of the Company                                     3,787             2,553
   Purchase of minority interest in subsidiaries                     3,658             3,594
   Depreciation charges on property, plant and equipment
      arising from purchase of minority
      interest in subsidiaries                                        (312)             (202)
   Currency translation differences                                   (830)             (822)
                                                                   -------           -------
Shareholders' equity under US GAAP                                 628,033           574,470
                                                                   =======           =======


     Changes in shareholders' equity under US GAAP for each of the periods ended
     June 30, 2007 and June 30, 2006 are as follows:

                                                   Six months ended June 30
                                                      2007          2006
                                                  -----------   -----------
                                                  RMB million   RMB million
                                                  -----------   -----------
Beginning of the period                             574,470       510,141
   Net income for the period                         80,289        82,801
   Final dividends for year 2005                         --       (32,282)
   Final dividends for year 2006                    (27,694)           --
   Purchase of minority interest in subsidiary           --           382
   One-time remedial payments for staff housing       1,234            --
   Currency translation differences                    (266)          230
                                                    -------       -------
End of the period                                   628,033       561,272
                                                    =======       =======

     In preparing the summary of differences between IFRS and US GAAP,
     management is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
     reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent
     assets and liabilities, and the estimates of revenues and expenses.
     Accounting estimates have been employed in these financial statements to
     determine reported amounts, including realisability, useful lives of
     tangible and intangible assets, income taxes and other factors. Actual
     results may differ from those estimates.

     A summary of the principal differences and additional disclosures
     applicable to the Group is set out below:

     (a)  Acquisition of PetroKazakhstan Inc.

          The Group acquired a 67% equity interest in PetroKazakhstan Inc. from
          CNPC International Limited ('CNPCI"), a subsidiary of CNPC, effective
          on December 28, 2006 for RMB21,376 million. As both CNPCI and the
          Group are under common control by CPNC, the acquisition of the 67%
          equity interest in PetroKazakhstan Inc. has been accounted for in a
          manner similar to pooling of interest under US GAAP accounting and the
          US GAAP financial data reflects the acquisition of the 67% equity
          interest in PetroKazakhstan Inc. since PetroKazakhstan Inc. was first
          acquired by CNPCI on October 26, 2005.

          On December 15, 2006, PetroKazakhstan Inc. paid to CNPCI a dividend
          amount to RMB3,044 million and this was recorded as a deemed
          distribution to CNPCI.

          The purchase consideration for the acquisition of the 67% equity
          interest in PetroKazakhstan Inc. was paid by the Group to CNPCI on
          December 28, 2006.

     (b)  Revaluation of property, plant and equipment

          The property, plant and equipment, excluding oil and gas reserves,
          transferred to the Company by CNPC were appraised during 1999 by a
          firm of independent valuers on a depreciated replacement cost basis.
          The 1999 revaluation resulted in RMB80,549 mi lion in excess of the ca
          rying value immediately prior to the revaluation and a revaluation
          loss of RMB1,122 million on certain property, plant and equipment.

          As at September 30, 2003, a revaluation of the Group's refining and
          chemical production equipment was undertaken by a firm of independent
          valuers registered in the PRC, China United Assets Appraiser Co., Ltd,
          on a depreciated replacement cost basis. The September 2003
          revaluation resulted in RMB872 million in excess of the carrying value
          immediately prior to the revaluation and a revaluation loss of
          RMB1,257 million on certain property, plant and equipment.

          As at March 31, 2006, a revaluation of the Group's oil and gas
          properties was undertaken by independent valuers, China United Assets
          Appraiser Co., Ltd and China Enterprise Appraisals, on a depreciated
          replacement cost basis. The revaluation did not result in significant
          difference from their carrying value.

          The depreciation charge, which includes impairment charge, on the
          revaluation surplus from January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2007 was RMB2,128
          million and from January 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006 was RMB2,340 million

          The loss on disposal of revalued property, plant and equipment from
          January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2007 was RMB26 million, and from January
          1, 2006 to June 30, 2006 was RMB21 million.

          For purposes of reconciling to the US GAAP financial data, the effect
          of the revaluation, the related depreciation charges and loss on
          disposal was reversed. A deferred tax asset relating to the reversal
          of the effect of revaluation in 1999 was established, together with a
          corresponding increase in the equity. Under a special approval granted
          by the Ministry of Finance, the effect of the revaluation in 1999 is
          available as additional depreciation base for purposes of determining
          taxable income.

     (c)  One-time remedial payments for staff housing

          The Ministry of Finance of the PRC issued several public notices and
          regulations during the years ended December 31, 2000 and 2001 with
          respect to the one-time remedial payments for staff housing payable to
          certain employees who joined the workforce prior to December 31, 1998
          and have housing conditions below local standards as determined in
          accordance with government regulations and guidelines. These Ministry
          of Finance notices and regulations also provided that the portion of
          remedial payments attributable to the periods prior to a restructuring
          of the employer enterprise from a wholly state-owned status to a less
          than wholly state-owned status is to be borne by the state shareholder
          of the enterprise.


          The restructuring that resulted in the formation of the Group took
          place in November 1999. As such, the one-time remedial housing
          payments payable to the eligible employees of the Group are to be
          borne by the state shareholder of the Group.

          Under IFRS, such direct payments to employees or reimbursements will
          not be recorded through the consolidated profit and loss account of
          the Group. US GAAP contains no such exemption but requires this
          principal shareholder's action on behalf of the Company to be recorded
          in the consolidated profit and loss account. In the last quarter of
          year 2002, the Group and CNPC estimated the amount payable to
          qualified employees of the Group and accordingly, an amount of
          RMB2,553 million was reflected in determining net income of the Group
          for the year ended December 31, 2002 under US GAAP. Since this amount
          is borne by CNPC, a corresponding amount has been included as an
          addition to the other reserves in the shareholders' equity of the
          Group. During the period ended June 30, 2007, there is a RMB1,234
          million increase in the estimate amount. CNPC funded this estimate
          payment through a portion of the 2006 final dividend paid by the

     (d)  Minority interest

          In accordance with the revised IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial
          Statements" and IAS 27 "Consolidated and Separate Financial
          Statements", minority interest becomes part of the profit for the year
          and total equity of the Group, respectively, whereas under US GAAP, it
          is respectively excluded from the net income and equity of the Group.

          This reconciling item includes the impact of minority interest's share
          of the revaluation gain and loss, on the property, plant and equipment
          of non-wholly owned subsidiaries and the impact of minority interest
          arising from the acquisition of the 67% equity interest in
          PetroKazakhstan Inc. by a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Group to
          net income and equity under US GAAP.

     (e)  Purchase of minority interest in listed subsidiaries

          The Company acquired certain outstanding A shares from the minority
          interest of Jinzhou Petrochemical Company Limited ("JPCL ') and Liaohe
          Jinma Oilfield Company Limited ("LJOCL"), A shares and H shares
          (including ADS) from minority interest of Jilin Chemical Industrial
          Company Limited ("JCIC"). Under IFRS, the Company applies a policy of
          treating transactions with minority interest as transactions with
          equity participants of the Group. Therefore, the assets and
          liabilities of JPCL, LJOCL and JCIC additionally acquired by the
          Company from minority interest were recorded by the Company at cost.
          The difference between the Company's purchase cost and the book value
          of the interests in JPCL, LJOCL and JCIC acquired by the Company from
          minority interest was recorded in equity. Under US GAAP, the
          acquisition of additional minority interest is accounted for under
          purchase method. Assets and liabilities additionally acquired were
          restated to fair value and the difference of purchase cost over fair
          value of the minority interest acquired and identified intangible
          assets was recorded as goodwill. Additional depreciation charges were
          provided for the assets which were restated to fair value.

     (f)  Recent US accounting pronouncements

          In February 2007, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB ')
          issued Financial Accounting Standards No. 159, 'The Fair Value Option
          for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Including an amendment
          of FASB Statement No. 115" ("FAS 159"). This Statement permits an
          entity to choose to measure financial instruments and certain other
          items similar to financial instruments at fair value, with all
          subsequent changes in fair value for the financial instrument reported
          in earnings. By electing the fair value option in conjunction with a
          derivative, an entity can achieve an accounting result similar to a
          fair-value hedge without having to comply with complex hedge
          accounting rules. The Group is currently evaluating the impact of
          adopting FAS 159 but does not expect to have a material effect on the
          Group's consolidated financial position and results of operations.


The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated
interim condensed financial statements of the Group and the notes thereto,
proposed to be submitted by the Company to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited (the 'HKSE ') and published on the website of the HKSE, which contains
information required under paragraphs 46(1) to 46(9) in Appendix 16 of the Rules
Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
(the 'Listing Rules").


For the six months ended June 30, 2007, profit before taxation of the Group was
RMB110,342 million, representing a decrease of 4.8% compared with the same
period of the previous year. Net profit was RMB81,830 million, representing an
increase of 1.4% compared with the same period of the previous year. The
increase in net profit was primarily resulted from the Group's reassessment of
its taxation position pursuant to the requirements of the 'Corporate Income Tax
Law of the People's Republic of China" (the "new CIT Law ') approved by the
National People's Congress on March 16, 2007. As a result, the tax charge for
the reporting period was reduced, increasing the Group's net profit.


The Group actively implemented three main strategies in the areas of resources,
marketing and internationalisation of operations and strengthened efforts in
exploration and exploitation to maximise its upstream advantage, optimised the
downstream product mix, coordinated resources allocation, expedited major
pipelines construction and pipeline network, steadily expanded its international
operations, strengthened operation and management, emphasised safety operation,
environmental protection, energy saving. With the concerted efforts made by all
staff, the Group's production and operation remained steady and profitability
continued to remain at a high level.

For the six months ended June 30, 2007, the basic and diluted earnings per share
attributable to the equity holders of the Company were RMB0.46 (the six months
ended June 30, 2006 : RMB0.45).

Comparison between the six months ended June 30, 2007 and the six months ended
June 30, 2006

Consolidated Operating Results

Turnover Turnover increased 20.3% from RMB326,545 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2006 to RMB392,726 million for the six months ended June 30,
2007. This was primarily due to the increases in the realised selling prices and
sales volume of refined products and certain petrochemical products and
increases in the sales volume of crude oil and natural gas.

Operating Expenses Operating expenses increased 34.2% from RMB211,252 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB283,596 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2007. This was primarily due to an increase in the purchase costs
of crude oil, feedstock oil and refined products from external suppliers and an
increase in employee compensation costs and taxes other than income taxes, of

Purchases, Services and Others Purchases, services and other expenses increased
48.1% from RMB112,758 million for the six months ended June 30, 2006 to
RMB166,995 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007. This was primarily
due to an increase in the purchase prices and purchase volumes of refined
products and feedstock oil from external suppliers that resulted in the increase
in the purchase expenses. The increase in purchase expenses also resulted from
the increase in the refined products supply operations during the reporting

Employee Compensation Costs Employee compensation costs rose 32.0% from
RMB16,993 million for the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB22,426 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2007. This was primarily due to (1) an
increase in the employees' salaries commensurate with the performance of the
Company and the evaluation system as well as increases in commodity prices; (2)
an increase in employees' salaries due to the increase in the number of
employees resulting from the expansion of the operation scale of the Group; and
(3) a sequential increase in the welfare expenses as a result of the increase in
the employees' salaries and change of government policies.

Exploration Expenses Exploration expenses increased 21.2% from RMB8,750 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB10,607 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2007. To further boost crude oil and natural gas resources, the
Group undertook more exploration activities for crude oil and natural gas.

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortisation Depreciation, depletion and
amortisation increased 4.4% from RMB29,910 million for the six months ended June
30, 2006 to RMB31,228 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007. This was
primarily due to an increase in the provision for depreciation, depletion and
amortisation that resulted from an increase in the average amount of property,
plant and equipment and the average net value of oil and gas properties for the
reporting period.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses Selling, general and administrative
expenses increased 25.1% from RMB19,104 million for the six months ended June
30, 2006 to RMB23,901 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007. This was
primarily due to an increase in safety expenses incurred by the


Company to strengthen the management of potential operational risks in
accordance with regulatory requirements. In addition, the Company actively
expanded its sales, which resulted in an increase of transportation costs,
leasing costs and etc.

Taxes other than Income Taxes Taxes other than income taxes increased 18.7% from
RMB24,259 million for the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB28,784 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2007. The increase was primarily due to the
imposition by the PRC government of a special levy on petroleum exploration
enterprises since March 26, 2006 which is payable on the portion of the income
realised from the sale of domestic crude oil with prices exceeding a certain
level. Therefore, the special levy borne by the Group for the first half of 2007
was higher than that for the same period of last year of RMB4,653 million.

Profit from Operations As a result of factors including the decrease in crude
oil prices, the increase in operating expenses and the increase in the special
levy for the reporting period, the Group's profit from operations was RMB109,130
million for the six months ended June 30, 2007, representing a decrease of 5.3%
compared to the same period of last year.

Net Exchange Loss Compared to the net exchange gain of RMB32 million for the six
months ended June 30, 2006, a net exchange loss of RMB342 million was recorded
for the six months ended June 30, 2007 as the exchange gain for the six months
ended June 30, 2007 was lesser than that for the same period of last year due to
the changes in the exchange rate.

Net Interest Expenses Net interest expenses increased 38.5% from RMB889 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB1,231 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2007. This increase reflected an increase in interest expenses
recognised as a result of the accretion expense in relation to asset retirement
obligations. In addition, the increase in basic interest rate for Renminbi loans
by the People's Bank of China in the first half of this year also resulted in an
increase in the interest expenses of the Group.

Profit Before Taxation As a result of the above factors, profit before taxation
of the Group was RMB110,342 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007,
representing a decrease of 4.8% compared to the same period of last year.

Taxation Taxation decreased 21.7% from RMB30,675 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2006 to RMB24,026 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007.
The decrease was due to (1) the decrease in taxable income for the reporting
period; and (2) the Group's reassessment of its taxation position pursuant to
the requirements of the new CIT Law and accordingly reducing the income tax for
the reporting period.

Net Profit As a result of the factors discussed above, net profit increased 1.4%
from RMB80,681 million for the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB81,830
million for the six months ended June 30, 2007.

Segment Information

Exploration and Production

Turnover Turnover decreased 2.7% from RMB211,012 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2006 to RMB205,390 million for the six months ended June 30,
2007. The decrease was primarily due to the revenue arising from the increase in
the sales volume of crude oil and natural gas being insufficient to offset the
lessened revenue resulting from the decrease in crude oil price. The average
realised crude oil price of the Group in the first half of 2007 was US$57.69 per
barrel, representing a decrease of 1.8% from US$58.75 per barrel compared with
the first half of 2006.

Intersegment sales revenue decreased 2.9% from RMB170,761 million for the six
months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB165,789 million for the six months ended June
30, 2007. The decrease was mainly due to a decrease in the crude oil price.


Operating Expenses Operating expenses increased 25.9% from RMB86,560 million for
the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB108,954 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2007. The increase was primarily due to increases in purchase
expenses, taxes other than income taxes, personnel costs and depreciation,
depletion and amortisation.

Profit from Operations Due to the above factors, profit from operations realised
in this segment was RMB96,436 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007,
representing a decrease of 22.5% compared to the same period of last year.

Refining and Marketing

Turnover Turnover increased 23.4% from RMB255,106 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2006 to RMB314,863 million for the six months ended June 30,
2007. The increase was primarily due to an increase in the realised selling
price and sales volume of key refined products of which:

Sales revenue from gasoline increased 16.7% from RMB57,985 million for the six
months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB67,680 million for the six months ended June
30, 2007. The increase was primarily due to an increase in the realised selling
prices and sales volume of gasoline. The average realised selling price of
gasoline surged 5.1% from RMB4,785 per ton for the six months ended June 30,
2006 to RMB5,030 per ton for the six months ended June 30, 2007. The sales
volume of gasoline increased 11.0% from 12.12 million tons for the six months
ended June 30, 2006 to 13.45 million tons for the six months ended June 30,

Sales revenue from diesel increased 19.1% from RMB101,637 million for the six
months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB121,061 million for the six months ended June
30, 2007. The increase was primarily due to an increase in the realised selling
price and sales volume of diesel. The average realised selling price of diesel
increased 8.9% from RMB4,191 per ton for the six months ended June 30, 2006 to
RMB4,563 per ton for the six months ended June 30, 2007. The sales volume of
diesel increased 9.4% from 24.25 million tons for the six months ended June 30,
2006 to 26.53 million tons for the six months ended June 30, 2007.

Sales revenue from kerosene increased 4.5% from RMB4,211 million for the six
months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB4,401 million for the six months ended June 30,
2007. The increase was primarily due to an increase in the selling prices of

Intersegment sales revenue increased 27.0% from RMB21,142 million for the six
months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB26,842 million for the six months ended June
30, 2007. The increase was due to an increase in the selling prices and sales
volume of key refined products.

Operating Expenses Operating expenses increased 15.6% from RMB268,995 million
for the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB310,938 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2007. The increase was primarily due to an increase in the
purchase costs of crude oil, feedstock oil and refined products from external
suppliers, and an increase in selling, general and administrative expenses. In
addition, the increase in operating expenses was also resulted from an increase
in the level of refined product supply operations in this period.

Profit from Operations Profit from operations realised in this segment amounted
to RMB3,925 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007, compared to a loss
from operations amounting to RMB13,889 million for the six months ended June 30,
2006. The change from loss to profit was primarily due to higher realised prices
of refined products in the domestic market in the first half of 2007 compared to
those of the same period in last year and a decrease in the purchase costs of
crude oil.

Chemicals and Marketing

Turnover Turnover increased 26.0% from RMB39,565 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2006 to RMB49,860 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007.
The growth in turnover was primarily due to an increase in the sales volume and
selling prices of certain petrochemical products.


Operating Expenses Operating expenses increased 21.3% from RMB36,657 million for
the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB44,462 million for the six months ended
June 30, 2007. The increase was primarily due to increases in the purchase
prices for raw materials and selling, general and administrative expenses.

Profit from Operations Due to the above factors, this segment realised profit
from operations of RMB5,398 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007,
representing an increase of 85.6% from that for the six months ended June 30,

Natural Gas and Pipeline

Turnover Turnover increased 27.3% from RMB18,233 million for the six months
ended June 30, 2006 to RMB23,216 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007.
The increase was primarily due to (1) an increase in the sales volume of natural
gas; and (2) an increase in the volume of natural gas from pipeline transmission
and the average price for pipeline transmission of natural gas.

Operating Expenses Operating expenses increased 25.2% from RMB13,646 million for
the six months ended June 30, 2006 to RMB17,088 million for the six months ended
June 30, 2007. The increase was primarily due to an increase in the purchase
costs of natural gas and an increase in depreciation charges.

Profit from Operations Due to the above factors, this segment realised profit
from operations of RMB6,128 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007,
representing an increase of 33.6% from that for the six months ended June 30,


As at June 30, 2007, the Group's primary sources of funds were cash generated
from operating activities, and short-term and long-term borrowings. The Group's
funds were primarily used for operating activities, capital expenditures,
repayment of short-term and long-term borrowings and distribution of dividends
to equity holders of the Company.

As at June 30, 2007, short-term borrowings made up approximately 3.7% of the
Group's capital employed as compared with approximately 5.2% as at December 31,
2006. The Group's ability to obtain adequate financing may be affected by our
financial position, the operating results and the conditions of the domestic and
foreign capital markets. The Group must seek approvals from the relevant PRC
government authorities before raising capital in the domestic and foreign
capital markets. In general, the Group must obtain the PRC government's
approvals for any project involving significant capital investments in the
Refining and Marketing segment, the Chemicals and Marketing segment and the
Natural Gas and Pipeline segment.

The Group plans to fund its capital expenditures and related investments
principally from cash flows generated from operating activities and short-term
and long-term borrowings. For the six months ended June 30, 2007, net cash flows
generated from operating activities was RMB109,838 million. As at June 30, 2007,
the Group had RMB71,771 million in cash and cash equivalents. Cash and cash
equivalents were primarily denominated in Renminbi (with Renminbi and United
States Dollar accounting for approximately 92.1% and 7.9% respectively).


The table below sets forth the cash flows of the Group for the six months ended
June 30, 2007 and June 30, 2006 respectively and the amounts of cash and cash
equivalents as at the end of each year:

                                                      Six months ended June 30
                                                         2007          2006
                                                     -----------   -----------
                                                     RMB million   RMB million
                                                     -----------   -----------
Net cash flows generated from operating activities     109,838       100,825
Net cash Amount used for investing activities          (56,836)      (51,974)
Net cash Amount used for financing activities          (30,192)      (37,291)
Currency translation differences                           402           165
Cash and cash equivalents as at the end of year         71,771        92,630

Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities

The net cash flows of the Group generated from operating activities for the six
months ended June 30, 2007 was RMB109,838 million, representing an increase of
8.9% compared with RMB100,825 million generated for the six months ended June
30, 2006. This increase was primarily due to the changes in cash related to the
operating activities of the Group during the reporting period.

As at June 30, 2007, the Group had working capital of RMB33,144 million while
the Group had net current liabilities in excess of the current assets in the
amount of RMB17,657 million as at December 31, 2006. The increase in working
capital was primarily due to increases in accounts receivable, advanced
payments, inventory, cash and cash equivalents.

Net Cash Flows Used for Financing Activities

The net cash flows used by the Group for its financing activities during the six
months ended June 30, 2007 decreased by 19.0% compared with that for the six
months ended June 30, 2006. This was mainly due to the increase in short-term
and long-term loans in the first half of 2007 and a lower level of dividends
payment made to shareholders of the Company when compared with the same period
last year.

The net borrowings of the Group as at June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006,
respectively, are as follows:

                                                        As at          As at
                                                       June 30,    December 31,
                                                         2007          2006
                                                     -----------   ------------
                                                     RMB million    RMB million
                                                     -----------   ------------
Short-term borrowings (including current portion
   of long-term borrowings)                             27,733        35,763
Long-term borrowings                                    42,667        35,634
                                                       -------       -------
Total borrowings                                        70,400        71,397
                                                       =======       =======
Less: Cash and cash equivalents                        (71,771)      (48,559)
                                                       -------       -------
Net borrowings                                          (1,371)       22,838
                                                       =======       =======


Maturities of long-term borrowings of the Group, including those maturing within
one year, are as follows:

                                             As at June 30,   As at December 31,
                                                  2007               2006
                                             --------------   ------------------
                                               RMB million        RMB million
                                             --------------   ------------------
To be repaid within one year                     11,900             20,607
To be repaid within one to two years             12,372             11,797
To be repaid within two to five years            15,938             10,449
To be repaid after five years                    14,357             13,388
                                                 ------             ------
                                                 54,567             56,241
                                                 ======             ======

Of the total borrowings of the Group as at June 30, 2007, approximately 31.6%
were fixed-rate loans and approximately 68.4% were floating-rate loans. Of the
borrowings as at June 30, 2007, approximately 74.1% were denominated in
Renminbi, approximately 25.5% were denominated in United States Dollar,
approximately 0.3% were denominated in Euro and approximately 0.1% were
denominated in Japanese Yen.

As at June 30, 2007, the amount of borrowings obtained by the Group from China
Petroleum Finance Company Limited ('CP Finance') was RMB27,044 million, the
amount of borrowings obtained from state-owned banks and other state-owned
non-banking financial institutions was RMB31,340 million and the amount of
borrowings obtained from other related parties was RMB5 million.

As at June 30, 2007, the amounts of short-term and long-term borrowings owed by
the Group to CP Finance were RMB321 million and RMB26,723 million, respectively.

As at June 30, 2007, borrowings of the Group included secured debts totaling
RMB315 million (RMB359 million as at December 31, 2006). These secured debts are
secured mostly over certain of the Group's assets and time deposits with
maturities over one year.

As at June 30, 2007, the gearing ratio of the Group (gearing ratio =
interest-bearing debts/(interest-bearing debts + total equity)) was 9.5% (10.4%
as at December 31, 2006).

Capital Expenditures

The table below sets out our capital expenditures by business segment for the
six months ended June 30, 2007 and June 30, 2006 respectively and the estimates
for the whole year of 2007 respectively. For the six months ended June 30, 2007,
capital expenditures of the Group increased 8.0% to RMB51,021 million from
RMB47,252 million for the six months ended June 30, 2006. The increase in
capital expenditures was primarily due to an increase in expenditures relating
to crude oil and natural gas exploration and exploitation, implementation of
safety and environmental protection and strategic adjustment. In addition, the
increases in commodity prices also resulted in increase in the capital

                                     Six months ended June 30,
                                     2007                  2006           Estimates for 2007
                             -------------------   -------------------   -------------------
                             RMB million     %     RMB million     %     RMB million     %
                             -----------   -----   -----------   -----   -----------   -----
Exploration and Production     42,196*      82.7     32,933*      69.7     115,200*     62.0
Refining and Marketing          4,841        9.5      6,169       13.1      28,000      15.1
Chemicals and Marketing         1,163        2.3      3,938        8.3      16,000       8.6
Natural Gas and Pipeline        2,471        4.8      3,840        8.1      18,000       9.7
Others                            350        0.7        372        0.8       8,500       4.6
                               ------      -----     ------      -----     -------     -----
Total                          51,021      100.0     47,252      100.0     185,700     100.0
                               ======      =====     ======      =====     =======     =====


*    If investments related to geological and geophysical exploration costs were
     included, the capital expenditures and investments for the Exploration and
     Production segment for the first half of 2006, the first half of 2007 and
     the estimates for 2007 would be RMB37,253 million, RMB46,680 million and
     RMB127,200 million, respectively.

Exploration and Production

The majority of the Group's capital expenditures were related to the Exploration
and Production segment. For the six months ended June 30, 2007, capital
expenditures in relation to the Exploration and Production segment amounted to
RMB42,196 million, including RMB8,542 million for exploration activities and
RMB25,726 million for development activities. For the six months ended June 30,
2006, capital expenditures in relation to this segment totaled RMB32,933
million, including RMB4,251 million for exploration activities and RMB26,061
million for development activities. The increase in capital expenditures was
primarily due to an increase in expenditures relating to oil and gas exploration
to secure oil and gas resources.

The Group anticipates that capital expenditures for the Exploration and
Production segment for the twelve months ending December 31, 2007 will amount to
RMB115,200 million, of which approximately RMB20,000 million will be used for
oil and gas exploration, and approximately RMB95,200 million will be used for
oil and gas exploitation. Exploration and exploitation activities will be mainly
carried out in basins including the Erdos, Junggar, Tarim, Songliao, Sichuan,
Bohai Bay and Chaidamu basins.

Refining and Marketing

Capital expenditures for the Group's Refining and Marketing segment for the six
months ended June 30, 2007 amounted to RMB4,841 million, of which RMB2,696
million was used in the construction and expansion of refining facilities and
RMB1,031 million in the expansion of the retail sales network for refined
products and storage infrastructure facilities for oil products. The total
capital expenditures of this segment for the six months ended June 30, 2006 were
RMB6,169 million. The decrease in these capital expenditures was primarily due
to certain projects which were under development in previous years being
completed in 2006. Construction works of projects scheduled for 2007 will
commence in the second half of the year.

The Group anticipates that capital expenditures for the Refining and Marketing
segment for the twelve months ending December 31, 2007 will amount to RMB28,000
million, of which approximately RMB20,000 million for construction and expansion
of refining facilities and approximately RMB8,000 million for investments in the
expansion of the sales network for refined products and upgrading of the product

Chemicals and Marketing

Capital expenditures for the Chemicals and Marketing segment for the six months
ended June 30, 2007 and 2006 amounted to RMB1,163 million and RMB3,938 million,
respectively. The decrease was primarily due to certain projects that were still
under development in the previous years including key projects such as the
ethylene rebuilding and expansion project of Lanzhou Petrochemical having
commenced production after their completion in 2006 while other projects such as
Fushun Petrochemical are still in their early stages of development.

The Group anticipates that capital expenditures for the Chemicals and Marketing
segment for the twelve months ending December 31, 2007 will amount to RMB16,000
million, which are expected to be used primarily for the construction of the
ethylene facilities in Dushanzi Petrochemical and Fushun Petrochemical.

Natural Gas and Pipeline

Capital expenditures in the Natural Gas and Pipeline segment for the six months
ended June 30, 2007 amounted to RMB2,471 million. The Group incurred RMB2,323
million of these expenditures on the construction of long distance pipelines.
For the six months ended June 30, 2006, capital expenditures in


this segment was RMB3,840 million. The decrease in capital expenditures incurred
during the reporting period was primarily due to certain key pipeline scheduled
for construction in 2007 will commence construction in the second half of the

The Group anticipates that capital expenditures for the Natural Gas and Pipeline
segment for the twelve months ending December 31, 2007 will amount to RMB18,000
million, which are expected to be used primarily for construction of key
pipelines and underground natural gas storage facilities.


Capital expenditures for Other segment (including research and development
activities) for the six months ended June 30, 2007 and for the six months ended
June 30, 2006 were RMB350 million and RMB372 million, respectively.

The Group anticipates that capital expenditures for Other segment for the twelve
months ending December 31, 2007 will amount to approximately RMB8,500 million,
which are expected to be used primarily for research and development activities
and for implementation of ERP and other information systems.

Material Investment

The Group did not hold any material investment for the six months ended June 30,

Material Acquisitions or Disposals

On March 18, 2007, the Company entered into a conditional equity transfer
agreement with CNPC to dispose its entire equity interest in China United Oil
Corporation ("China United Oil '), representing 70% of the entire registered
capital of China United Oil, a company incorporated under the laws of the PRC,
which is 70% owned by the Company and 30% owned by Sinochem Corporation, at a
consideration of approximately RMB1.01 billion.

Although the Company holds 70% of the equity interests in China United Oil,
China United Oil is equity accounted for by the Company as the Company does not
have unilateral control over China United Oil. Following the disposal, the
Company will cease to hold any equity interest in China United Oil.

Post-Balance Sheet Date Events

At the extraordinary general meeting of the Company held on August 10, 2007, the
special resolution in relation to the initial public offering of A Shares of the
Company was passed, approving the allotment and issue of new A Shares by the
Company and authorising the Board and a special Board committee be fully
authorised to determine and deal with matters relating to the issue of the A

The Company has decided to allot and issue of not more than 4 billion A Shares
(including the A Shares to be issued under the over-allotment option). The final
number of A Shares to be issued shall be determined by the Board or the special
Board committee pursuant to the authorisation granted under the shareholders'
resolution after taking into account the PRC's securities market conditions and
the Company's business development needs and shall be subject to approvals by
the China Securities Regulatory Commission and other relevant regulatory
authorities. The timetable for the A Share issue will also depend on the capital
market conditions, the progress in obtaining all the relevant approvals and such
other circumstances. Upon completion of the A Share issue, the Company will
apply for the listing of and permission to deal in the A Shares on the Shanghai
Stock Exchange. The net proceeds from the A Share issue, after deducting related
expenses, is proposed to be used mainly for the exploration and development of
the Company's domestic petroleum and gas resources; the construction of the
Company's large-scale refinery, petroleum and gas pipeline projects; and the
acquisition of overseas petroleum and gas resources. Details of the A Share
issue were set out in the circular to the shareholders of the Company dated June
25, 2007.


Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

From July 21, 2005, the PRC government reformed the Renminbi exchange rate
regime and implemented a regulated floating exchange rate regime based on market
supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies. However, Renminbi
capital items are still subject to foreign exchange control. The exchange rates
of Renminbi are affected by domestic and international economic developments and
political changes, and supply and demand for currencies. Future exchange rates
of Renminbi against other currencies could vary significantly from the current
exchange rates. As Renminbi is the functional currency of the Company and most
of its consolidated subsidiaries, the fluctuation of the exchange rate of
Renminbi may have positive or negative impacts on the results of operations of
the Group. An appreciation of Renminbi against United States Dollar may decrease
the Group's turnover, but the cost for acquiring imported materials and
equipment may be reduced. A devaluation of Renminbi against United States Dollar
may not have a negative impact on the Group's turnover but may increase the cost
for acquiring imported materials and equipment as well as the debt obligations
denominated in foreign currencies of the Group.

Commodity Price Risk

The Group is engaged in a wide range of petroleum-related activities. The oil
and gas markets are affected by global and regional demands and supplies. Prices
of onshore crude oil are determined with reference to the prices of crude oil on
the international markets. A decline in the prices of crude oil and refined
products could adversely affect the Group's financial position. The Group
historically has not used commodity derivative instruments to hedge against
potential price fluctuations of crude oil and refined products. Therefore, the
Group is exposed to general price fluctuations of oil and gas commodities in
2007 and thereafter.

Industry Risk

Like other oil and gas companies in China, the Group's operating activities are
subject to regulation and control by the PRC government in many aspects. This
regulation and control, such as by the granting of exploration and production
licences, the imposition of industry-specific taxes and levies and the
implementation of environmental and safety standards etc., is expected to have
an impact on the Group's operating activities. As a result, the Group may be
subject to fairly significant restrictions when implementing its business
strategy, developing and expanding its business or maximising its profitability.
Any future changes in the PRC governmental policies on the oil and gas industry
may also affect the Group's business operations.


Employees and Employee Compensation

Number of employees

As at June 30, 2007 and June 30, 2006, the Group had 463,670 and 438,127
employees, respectively (excluding temporary staff). The table below sets out
the number of employees by major business segments as at June 30, 2007:

                                                        Number of    Percentage
                                                        Employees   of total (%)
                                                        ---------   ------------
Exploration and Production                                259,912         56.1
Refining and Marketing                                    121,851         26.3
Chemicals and Marketing                                    62,057         13.4
Natural Gas and Pipeline                                   15,416          3.3
Other*                                                      4,434          0.9
                                                          -------        -----
Total                                                     463,670        100.0
                                                          =======        =====

*    "Other" includes staff of the Company's headquarters, business segments,
     Exploration & Development Research Institute, Planning & Engineering
     Institute, Petrochemical Research Institute and other units.

Employee Compensation

The total employee compensation payable by the Group for the six months ended
June 30, 2007 was RMB13,472 million, being the total salaries of employees
during the period. Compensation of employees is determined according to industry
practice and actual conditions of the Group, and is based on the principles of
attracting and retaining high-calibre personnel, and motivating all staff for
the realisation of best results.

The Company's senior management remuneration system links senior management
financial interests (including those of executive directors and supervisors)
with the Group's results of operations and the market performance of its shares.
All members of the senior management have entered into performance contracts
with the Company. Under this system, the senior management members' compensation
has three components, namely, fixed salaries, performance bonuses and stock
appreciation rights. The variable components in their compensation account for
approximately 70% to 75% of the senior management officers' total potential
compensation, including approximately 0% to 25% forming the performance bonus
component and approximately 50% to 70% forming the stock appreciation rights
component. Variable compensation rewards are linked to the attainment of
specific performance targets, such as net profit, return on capital and cost
reduction targets. The chart below sets forth the components of the total
potential compensation for key officers:

                                              Basic       Stock
                                             salary   appreciation   Performance
                                               (%)     rights (%)     bonus (%)
                                             ------   ------------   -----------
Chairman                                       30          70              0
President                                      25          60             15
Vice Presidents                                25          60             15
Department General Managers                    25          50             25


Details of the directors' and supervisors' emoluments for the six months ended
June 30, 2007 and June 30, 2006 were as follows:

                                             For the six months ended June 30
                                                      2007      2006
                                                    -------   -------
                                                    RMB'000   RMB'000
                                                    -------   -------
Subsidies for directors and supervisors                458       816
Salaries, allowances and other benefits              1,450       985
Contributions to retirement benefit scheme              72        28
                                                     -----     -----
                                                     1,980     1,829
                                                     =====     =====

The number of directors and supervisors whose emoluments fall within the
following band (including directors and supervisors whose term expired during
the reporting period):

                                                 As at June 30,   As at June 30,
                                                     2007              2006
                                                --------------   --------------
                                                    Number           Number
                                                --------------   --------------
RMB Nil-RMB1,000,000                                 20               20
                                                    ===              ===

Upon exercise of their stock options, members of the senior management will not
receive any shares in the Company, but will, by way of stock appreciation
rights, receive a monetary sum which is calculated on the basis of the share
price of the H shares listed on the HKSE.

Training Programmes

The training programmes of the Company for 2007 have been geared towards
achieving the development strategy and operating objectives of the Company to
improve the calibre of its corporate management, technical and marketing teams.
The programmes are focused on reinforcing corporate management ability,
technical innovation ability and operational skills. The training system has
been further improved, with the training mechanism upgraded, resources optimised
and methods improved, in order that a scientific, disciplined, orderly and
efficient system will be gradually established with a view to continuously
improving training quality, upgrading of the overall manpower quality and
constant supply of talents required for the continuous, stable and co-ordinated
rapid development of the Company.


Information on the Group's contingent liabilities as at June 30, 2007 is as

Bank and other guarantees

At June 30, 2007, due to certain guarantees provided by the Group, the Group had
contingent liabilities to CP Finance, a subsidiary of CNPC. It is anticipated
that no material liabilities will arise therefrom.

                                                            June 30, 2007   December 31, 2006
                                                            -------------   -----------------
                                                             RMB million       RMB million
                                                            -------------   -----------------
Guarantee provided to CP Finance in respect of borrowings
   of associates                                                 162               162
Guarantee provided to a State-owned bank in respect of
   borrowings of third parties                                    --                41
                                                                 ---               ---
                                                                 162               203
                                                                 ===               ===


Environmental liabilities

CNPC and the Group have operated in China for many years. China has adopted
extensive environmental laws and regulations that affect the operation of the
oil and gas industry. The outcome of environmental liabilities under proposed or
future environmental legislation cannot reasonably be estimated at present, and
could be material. Under existing legislation, however, the management of the
Group believes that there are no probable environmental liabilities, except for
the amounts which have already been reflected in the financial statements, that
will have a material adverse effect on the financial position of the Group.

Legal contingencies

The Group is the named defendant in certain insignificant lawsuits as well as
the named party in other proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business.
While the outcome of such contingencies, lawsuits or other proceedings cannot be
determined at present, the management of the Group believes that any resulting
liabilities will not have a material adverse effect on the financial position of
the Group.

Leasing of roads, land and buildings

According to the Restructuring Agreement entered into between the Company and
CNPC in 1999 upon the formation of the Company:

-    CNPC will use its best endeavours to obtain formal land use right
     certificates to replace the entitlement certificates in relation to the
     28,649 parcels of land which were leased or transferred to the Company from
     CNPC, within one year from August, September and October 1999 when the
     relevant entitlement certificates were issued;

-    CNPC will complete, within one year from November 5, 1999, the necessary
     governmental procedures for the requisition of collective-owned land on
     which 116 service stations owned by the Company are located; and

-    CNPC will obtain individual building ownership certificates in the name of
     the Company for all of the 57,482 buildings transferred to the Company by
     CNPC, before November 5, 2000.

As at June 30, 2007, CNPC had obtained formal land use right certificates in
relation to 27,494 out of the above-mentioned 28,649 parcels of land and some
building ownership certificates for the above-mentioned buildings, but has not
fully completed the necessary governmental procedures for the above-mentioned
service stations located on collectively owned land. The management of the Group
confirmed that the use of and the conduct of the relevant activities at the
above-mentioned parcels of land, service stations and buildings are not affected
by the fact that the relevant land use right certificates or individual building
ownership certificates have not been obtained or the fact that the relevant
governmental procedures have not been completed. The management of the Group is
of the opinion that the outcome of the above events will not have a material
adverse effect on the operating results or the financial position of the Group.

Group insurance

Except for limited insurance coverage for vehicles and certain assets subject to
significant operating risks, the Group does not carry any other insurance for
property, facilities or equipment with respect to its business operations. In
addition, the Group does not carry any third-party liability insurance against
claims relating to personal injury, property and environmental damages or
business interruption insurance since such insurance coverage is not customary
in China. While the effect of under-insurance on future incidents cannot be
reasonably assessed at present, the management of the Group believes that it may
have a material impact on the operating results but will not have a material
adverse effect on the financial position of the Group.



Crude Oil Market Review

In the first half of 2007, oil prices on the international market dropped at the
beginning of the year but picked up in the subsequent months. At the beginning
of the year, international oil prices dropped sharply as a result of a decrease
in the demand for heating oil due to the warmer weather in the northern
hemisphere and an increase in the oil stocks in the United States. Subsequently,
international oil prices rose in a volatile manner and reached a fairly high
level when there were frequent refinery accidents, a reduction in oil production
by OPEC member states and political instability of oil-producing countries. In
the first half of the year, the average prices for WTI, Brent and Minas crude
oil were US$61.53, US$63.21 and US$63.67 per barrel respectively, representing a
decrease of 7.9%, 3.7% and 3.3% compared to the average prices during the same
period in the previous year respectively. Affected by the international oil
prices, the average realised price for domestic crude oil in the first half of
2007 was lower than that in the first half of 2006.

Domestic crude oil imports continued to increase in the first half of 2007. The
net amount of imports was 79.72 million tons, representing an increase of 13.4%
as compared to that in the first half of the previous year. Domestic crude oil
output and the amount of crude oil processed reached 93.02 million tons and 150
million tons respectively.

Refined Products Market Review

In the first half of 2007, international oil prices fell at the beginning of the
year but then rose with fairly significant volatility. Domestic refined product
prices, however, were not fully in line with the prices in the international
market. Therefore, refineries incurred losses in processing since June 2007.
There was a drastic reduction in supply of refined products by local refineries
as they were totally or partly out of operation as a result of running at a
loss. Overall, the demand and supply of refined products were in a balanced
position in the first half of 2007. In the first quarter, the supply exceeded
the demand due to the low season coupled with the lower international oil
prices. In the second quarter, the supply became tighter due to the high season
coupled with the higher oil prices and drop of supply from local refineries.
Under these circumstances, it was rather difficult to maintain stable supply on
the market. Nominal consumption of refined products was 89.42 million tons in
the first half of the year, representing a 4.2% increase over the amount in the
same period in previous year.

Chemical Products Market Review

The PRC economy experienced vigorous growth in the first half of 2007. While
there was a substantial rise in the production capacity for chemical products,
the demand also grew quite strongly and the domestic supply and demand were
basically in balance. When crude oil prices continued to move upwards, the
market prices of chemical products also remained high.

Natural Gas Market Review

At the end of 2005, the PRC government introduced a new pricing regulation for
natural gas and increased the ex-factory price of natural gas. To certain
extent, this measure tempered the rapid growth in the demand for natural gas. In
the first half of 2007, domestic supply of natural gas did not meet demand.


In the first half of 2007, despite the continuing strategic adjustment of the
crude oil output in the Daqing Oilfield and exceptional natural disasters
including snowstorms and windstorms occurred in the North- eastern China and the
Bohai Bay regions, production and operations of the Group proceeded steadily. By


strategically deploying resources and organising workstreams, significant
milestones were achieved in respect of oil and natural gas exploration: the
discovery of the Jidong Nanpu Oilfield in Jidong shallow water areas of Bohai
Bay which contains oil reserves of up to one billion tons. The relevant PRC
government authorities assessed the reserves at the Jidong Nanpu Oilfield in
August 2007 confirming the proved reserves of original oil in place of 445
million tons and the three-level geological reserves of oil and gas (or oil and
gas equivalent) of up to 1.18 billion tons; important achievement was also made
in Erdos Basin, Songliao Basin, Gunggar Basin and Sichuan Basin, the growth in
the oil and natural gas reserves of the Group remained satisfactory, providing
more stable supply of resources required for strengthening the development bases
of the Company. The Group made fairly fast progress in its refining and
marketing business, showing continuous optimisation in the restructuring of
refinery operations, steady growth in production, improvements in major
technical and economic indicators for petrochemicals production and further
expansion of the marketing and sales networks for refined products. Meanwhile,
the construction of certain key pipeline of the Group has commenced and is
proceeding in an orderly manner, enhancing the assurance of steady oil and gas
supply. In adherence to the principle of gaining mutual benefits and achieving a
win-win situation with business partners, the Group actively participated in
international oil cooperations, resulting in the expansion of its business in
terms of scope and scale.

For the six months ended June 30, 2007, total crude oil and natural gas output
of the Group was 552.7 million barrels of oil equivalent, including 419.7
million barrels of crude oil and 798.0 billion cubic feet of marketable natural
gas, representing an average daily output of 2.32 million barrels of crude oil
and 4,409 million cubic feet of marketable natural gas. For the six months ended
June 30, 2007, a total of 425.5 million barrels of crude oil and 787.7 billion
cubic feet of natural gas were sold. The Group sold approximately 84.1% of the
crude oil to its refineries. In the first half of 2007, the lifting cost for the
oil and gas operations of the Group was US$7.10 per barrel, up from US$5.91 per
barrel in the first half of 2006.

For the six months ended June 30, 2007, the Group's refineries processed 407.7
million barrels of crude oil, representing an average of 2.25 million barrels
per day. Approximately 80.0% of the crude oil processed in the Group's
refineries was supplied by the Exploration and Production segment. The Group
produced approximately 35.55 million tons of gasoline, diesel and kerosene and
sold approximately 40.93 million tons of these products. The Group actively
expanded its sales and distribution networks, in particular the retail sales
network, by capitalising on the synergy achieved from the integration of
refining and marketing. As at June 30, 2007, there were 18,630 service stations
either owned, controlled or franchised by the Group or owned by CNPC but to
which the Group provided supervisory support. The cash processing cost of the
Group's refineries decreased from RMB151 per ton during the first half of 2006
to RMB136 per ton during the first half of 2007.

For the six months ended June 30, 2007, the Group produced 1.305 million tons of
ethylene, 1.997 million tons of synthetic resin, 0.701 million tons of synthetic
fiber raw materials and polymers, 0.158 million tons of synthetic rubber and
1.897 million tons of urea.

The Natural Gas and Pipeline segment is a business segment of the Group that has
been given priority in expansion. For the six months ended June 30, 2007, the
Group sold 711.6 billion cubic feet of marketable natural gas through the
Natural Gas and Pipeline segment.


During the second half of 2007, the Company will continue to adopt solid
measures to implement various working plans formulated at the beginning of the
year. In due observance of the working guidelines, which
is 'steady, balanced, efficient, regulated and coordinated", the Company will
organise production and operation in a scientific manner, taking active steps to
change the economic growth model and promote technological and management
innovations. It will also strive to enhance harmony throughout the Company and
push forward its effective and rapid development.


In the Exploration and Production area, the Company will keep on increasing
exploration efforts and capitalise on exploration results to further reinforce
and enhance the resource base. As regards development in oil and gas
exploitation, the Company has extensively initiated works targeted for the
secondary recovery of old oilfields that have been exploited for relatively
longer years and which have high water content, with an aim to enhance the
recovery rate. Through the deployment of comprehensive measures, the Company
endeavours to raise the recovery rate by around 10%. We also endeavour to
maintain the Company's domestic oil and gas output, which currently represents
approximately 60% and above 75% of the total crude oil and natural gas output
respectively in China, in the foreseeable future, thus further reinforcing the
leading position of the Company among the oil and gas suppliers in the country.

In the Refining and Marketing area, the Company will continue to optimise the
structure of its refining operations and will organise refinery production in a
scientific manner with a view to raise operation efficiency. In the forthcoming
years, construction of certain large refining facilities will gradually be
completed and commence operations, that enables the Company to maintain its
domestic market share in crude oil processing as well as output and sales volume
of refined products, which is currently above 40%, and to gradually increase its
ethylene output to one-third of the total ethylene output in China.

In the Natural Gas and Pipeline area, the Company will continue to maintain the
continous fast growth in the sales of natural gas. In the near future, the
Company plans to construct the Second West-East Gas Pipeline, which connects the
Central Asia Gas Pipeline, thereby creating another channel for the West-East
Gas Pipeline. We will also construct certain key oil and gas pipelines including
the Northeastern China natural gas pipeline network, Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha
refined oil pipeline and Jinzhou-Zhengzhou refined oil pipeline. With these
pipeline projects, the Company will further enhance its oil and gas supply
capacity and will also have an even stronger basis for future development.

In terms of international businesses, the Company will continue to expedite the
development and strive to enhance its scale and competitiveness. It will
continue to organise the operation of existing projects and make greater efforts
in developing new projects. It will tap on new exploration and exploitation
opportunities and will actively seek opportunities of restructuring, merger and
acquisition and formation of strategic alliances. Meanwhile, the Company plans
to develop larger and stronger international trade operations and make efforts
to raise its level of internationalisation and the quality of its international

Looking ahead, it is expected that the world economy will maintain stable growth
and the Chinese economy will maintain rapid growth. The persistently high and
fast growing demand for oil and gas will provide great opportunities for the
business development of the Company. Implementation of the Chinese Government's
strategic initiates to promote the development of the Western China and to
re-invigorate old industrial bases in particular those in the Northeastern
China, together with the stepping up of the pace in building a market-oriented
pricing mechanism for oil and gas, have provided more favourable government
policy conditions and market environment for the development of the Company. The
further deepening of the economic globalisation process facilitates the Company
in taking part in the worldwide market and its sharing of global oil and gas
resources. Adhering to the corporate objective of "contributing energy and
creating harmony", the Company will endeavour to operate steadily, healthily and
with integrity at all times and will continue to enhance its corporate value,
actively fulfill its economic, environmental and social responsibilities and
seek returns for its shareholders, the society and its employees with
satisfactory operating results.


At the general meeting held on May 16, 2007, the Board was authorised by
shareholders of the Company to decide matters relating to the interim dividends
for year 2007. The Board has decided to pay interim dividends of RMB0.205690 per
share (inclusive of applicable taxes) from 45% of the net profit for the six


months ended June 30, 2007 to shareholders whose names appear on the register of
members of the Company at the close of business on September 13, 2007. The
register of members will be closed from September 7, 2007 to September 13, 2007
(both days inclusive) during which period no transfer of shares will be
registered. In order to qualify for the interim dividends, all transfer
documents must be lodged, together with the relevant share certificates, at the
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited no later than 4:30 p.m. on
September 6, 2007.

In accordance with Article 149 of the Company's Articles of Association,
dividends payable to the Company's shareholders shall be declared in Renminbi.
Dividends payable to the holders of state-owned shares shall be paid in Renminbi
while dividends payable to the holders of H shares shall be paid in Hong Kong
Dollars. The amount of Hong Kong Dollars payable shall be calculated at the rate
RMB0.9718 equals to HK$1.00 which was the average of the closing exchange rates
for Renminbi to Hong Kong Dollar as announced by the People's Bank of China for
the week prior to the declaration of the dividends by the Board. Therefore, the
interim dividends per H share payable will be HK$0.211659.

Interim dividends will be paid on or around September 28, 2007.


The Company or any of its subsidiaries did not sell any securities of the
Company or repurchase or redeem any of the securities of the Company during the
six months ended June 30, 2007.


Apart from the above, there have been no material changes from the information
disclosed in the Annual Report of the Group for the year ended December 31, 2006
regarding other matters specified in paragraph 46(3) of Appendix 16 of the
Listing Rules.


The Company has adopted the Model Code for Securities Transactions for Directors
of Listed Issuers contained in Appendix 10 of the Listing Rules (the 'Model
Code ') to regulate trading of shares in the Company by the Directors. The
Directors and Supervisors have confirmed to the Company that each of them has
complied with the requirements set out in the Model Code.


The Company has complied with the Code on Corporate Governance Practices
contained in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules throughout the six months ended
June 30, 2007, except that since May 20, 2007, the roles of the chairman and the
president were held by the same person. Following the retirement of Mr. Chen
Geng, Mr. Jiang Jiemin, who was the president and vice chairman of the Company,
has since May 20, 2007 been appointed as the chairman of the Board concurrently
with his role as the president of the Company. With his extensive experience in
China's oil and gas industry and substantial knowledge of the operations and
management of the Company, the Board believes that Mr. Jiang will continue to
provide strong leadership to the Board and facilitate the Company to implement
its plans and strategies smoothly and effectively. The Board believes that such
change in the management structure will not affect the operations and business
development and corporate governance of the Company. In view of the importance
of the role as the president, should there be a candidate with the suitable
credentials, the Board will consider appointing a new president to comply with
the relevant requirement under the Code on Corporate Governance Practices.



The members of the audit committee of the Company formed pursuant to the Listing
Rules include Mr. Franco Bernabe', Mr. Tung Chee-Chen, Mr. Liu Hongru and Mr.
Gong Huazhang. The main responsibilities of the audit committee are the review
and monitoring of the form of financial submissions and the internal control
mechanism of the Group and giving advice to the Board of Directors. The audit
committee of the Company has reviewed and confirmed the interim results
announcement and report for the six months ended June 30, 2007.


All information about the announcement of results for the six months ended June
30, 2007 will be posted on the website of the HKSE (website: This information will also be published on the website
of the Company (website:

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors
                                                  PetroChina Company Limited
                                                         Jiang Jiemin

Beijing, the PRC
August 23, 2007

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. Jiang Jiemin as the
Chairman; Mr. Duan Wende as executive director; Mr. Zheng Hu, Mr. Zhou Jiping,
Mr Wang Yilin, Mr. Zeng Yukang, Mr. Gong Huazhang and Mr. Jiang Fan as
non-executive directors; and Mr. Chee-Chen Tung, Mr. Liu Hongru and Mr. Franco
Bernabe' as independent non-executive directors.

This interim results announcement contains certain forward-looking statements
with respect to the financial position, financial results and business of the
Group. These forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to
significant risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on
circumstances that may occur in the future and are beyond our control. The
forward-looking statements reflect the Group's current views with respect to
future events and are not a guarantee of future performance. Actual results may
differ materially from information contained in the forward-looking statements.

Please also refer to the published version of this announcement in South China
Morning Post.



          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                        PetroChina Company Limited

Dated: August 24, 2007                  By: /s/ Li Huaiqi
                                        Name: Li Huaiqi
                                        Title: Company Secretary