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Public Health Alert | ||||||
Congressional and Public Affairs Cody Kahlig 202-720-9113 FSISpress@usda.gov | ||||||
FSIS ISSUES PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT FOR READY-TO-EAT POULTRY PRODUCTS CONTAINING FDA-REGULATED DAIRY PRODUCTS THAT HAVE BEEN RECALLED DUE TO POSSIBLE LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES CONTAMINATION WASHINGTON, Feb. 8, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is issuing a public health alert for ready-to-eat (RTE) poultry burrito products containing Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulated dairy products that have been recalled by Rizo-Lopez Foods, due to concerns that the products may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. FSIS is issuing this public health alert to ensure that consumers are aware that these products, which bear the USDA mark of inspection, should not be consumed. As more information becomes available, FSIS will update this public health alert. Consumers should check back frequently because additional products may be added. The RTE poultry burrito items were produced on various dates between June 20, 2023, and December 30, 2023. The following products subject to the public health alert are [view labels]:
The products bear establishment number “P-20552” inside the USDA mark of inspection on the case label and “P-20552” on the back of the immediate package. These items were shipped to retail locations nationwide. The problem was discovered when the firm notified FSIS that they used FDA-regulated cotija cheese that may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes to produce burrito products. FDA is continuing its investigation into the dairy products produced by Rizo-Lopez Foods. There have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to consumption of these products. Anyone concerned about an illness should contact a health care provider. Consumption of food contaminated with L. monocytogenes can cause listeriosis, a serious infection that primarily affects older adults, persons with weakened immune systems, and pregnant women and their newborns. Less commonly, persons outside these risk groups are affected. Listeriosis can cause fever, muscle aches, headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance and convulsions sometimes preceded by diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms. An invasive infection spreads beyond the gastrointestinal tract. In pregnant women, the infection can cause miscarriages, stillbirths, premature delivery or life-threatening infection of the newborn. In addition, serious and sometimes fatal infections can occur in older adults and persons with weakened immune systems. Listeriosis is treated with antibiotics. Persons in the higher-risk categories who experience flu-like symptoms within two months after eating contaminated food should seek medical care and tell the health care provider about eating the contaminated food. FSIS is concerned that some product may be in consumers’ refrigerators or retailers’ freezers. Consumers who have purchased these products are urged not to consume them. Retailers that have purchased these products are urged not to serve them. These products should be thrown away or returned to the place of purchase. Media and consumers with questions regarding the public health alert can contact Meghan Stevenson, Sr. Director of Food Safety, Quality Assurance, and Procurement, SK Food Group, at 775-284-2041 or Meghan.Stevenson@SKFoodGroup.com. Consumers with food safety questions can call the toll-free USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 888-MPHotline (888-674-6854) or send a question via email to MPHotline@usda.gov. For consumers that need to report a problem with a meat, poultry, or egg product, the online Electronic Consumer Complaint Monitoring System can be accessed 24 hours a day at https://foodcomplaint.fsis.usda.gov/eCCF/. | ||||||
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NOTE: Access news releases and other information at FSIS’ website at http://www.fsis.usda.gov/recalls. Follow FSIS on X at twitter.com/usdafoodsafety or in Spanish at twitter.com/usdafoodsafe_es. | ||||||
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USDA FSIS USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service press@fsis.usda.gov