3551-7th Street, Suite 204 |X|
                          Moline, IL 61265 Phone (309)
                         736-3580 |X| Fax (309) 736-3149

                                 March 26, 2003

Dear Fellow Stockholder:

On behalf of the board of directors and  management  of QCR  Holdings,  Inc., we
cordially  invite  you to attend  the  annual  meeting  of  stockholders  of QCR
Holdings,  Inc. to be held at 10:00 a.m. on May 7, 2003, at The Lodge located at
900 Spruce Hills Drive,  Bettendorf,  Iowa.  The  accompanying  notice of annual
meeting of stockholders and proxy statement discuss the business to be conducted
at the  meeting.  We have  also  enclosed  copies of our 2002  Annual  Report to
Stockholders  for your review.  At the meeting we will report on our  operations
and the outlook for the year ahead.

The annual meeting will be held for the purposes of electing persons to serve as
Class I directors  and  transacting  such other  business as may  properly  come
before the meeting. We recommend you vote your shares for the director nominees.

We encourage you to attend the meeting in person. Regardless of whether you plan
to attend the meeting, please complete, DATE, SIGN AND RETURN THE ENCLOSED PROXY
CARD in the enclosed envelope. This will assure that your shares are represented
at the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you and visiting with you at the meeting.

Very truly yours,

/S/ Michael A. Bauer                            /s/ Douglas M. Hultquist
-------------------------------------           --------------------------------
Michael A. Bauer                                Douglas M. Hultquist
Chairman of the Board                           President


                               QCR HOLDINGS, INC.

                         3551-7th Street, Suite 204 |X|
                          Moline, IL 61265 Phone (309)
                         736-3580 |X| Fax (309) 736-3149

                                    NOTICE OF
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                             TO BE HELD MAY 7, 2003

To the stockholders of QCR HOLDINGS, INC.:

The  annual  meeting  of  stockholders   of  QCR  Holdings,   Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation, will be held at The Lodge, 900 Spruce Hills Drive, Bettendorf, Iowa
on  Wednesday,  May 7,  2003,  at 10:00  a.m.,  local  time,  for the  following

1.   to elect three Class I directors for a term of three years, and

2.   to  transact  such other  business as may  properly  be brought  before the
     meeting and any adjournments or postponements of the meeting.

The board of directors has fixed the close of business on March 19, 2003, as the
record date for the determination of stockholders  entitled to notice of, and to
vote at, the meeting. In the event there are an insufficient number of votes for
a quorum or to approve or ratify any of the  foregoing  proposals at the time of
the annual meeting, the meeting may be adjourned or postponed in order to permit
the further solicitation of proxies.

By order of the Board of Directors

/s/ Todd A. Gipple
Todd A. Gipple

Moline, Illinois
March 26, 2003


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

QCR Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation, is the holding company for Quad City
Bank and Trust Company and Cedar Rapids Bank and Trust  Company.  Quad City Bank
and Trust Company is an Iowa banking  association  located in Bettendorf,  Iowa,
with  banking  locations  in  Bettendorf  and  Davenport,  Iowa  and in  Moline,
Illinois.  Cedar  Rapids  Bank  and  Trust  Company  is  also  an  Iowa  banking
association located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Quad City Bancard, Inc. is our wholly
owned  subsidiary,  which  functions  as a  credit  card  center  that  provides
cardholder  and  merchant  credit  card  processing  services.  Allied  Merchant
Services, Inc. was an independent sales organization in the merchant credit card
business.  In October  2002,  as a result of  Bancard's  sale of its ISO related
merchant credit card operations,  Allied's  operations as an ISO were ceased. We
also own all of the common  stock of QCR  Holdings  Capital  Trust I, a Delaware
business  trust.  We  created  this  business  trust  to issue  trust  preferred
securities  to the  public.  When we refer  to our  subsidiaries  in this  proxy
statement, we are collectively referring to Quad City Bank & Trust, Cedar Rapids
Bank & Trust, Quad City Bancard, Allied and the business trust.

This proxy  statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation  by the
board of directors of QCR Holdings of proxies to be voted at the annual  meeting
of  stockholders  to be held at The Lodge,  900 Spruce Hills Drive,  Bettendorf,
Iowa,  on May 7, 2003, at 10:00 a.m.,  local time,  and at any  adjournments  or
postponements  of the  meeting.  We changed  our fiscal year from ending on June
30th of each year to December  31st,  beginning on December  31,  2002.  We have
enclosed  our  2002  annual  report,  which  includes   consolidated   financial
statements  of QCR  Holdings  and our  subsidiaries.  This proxy  statement  and
related  materials are first being mailed to  stockholders of QCR Holdings on or
about March 26, 2003.

The following is information  regarding the meeting and the voting process,  and
is presented in a question and answer format.

Why am I receiving this proxy statement and proxy card?

You are receiving a proxy  statement and proxy card from us because on March 19,
2003, the record date for the annual meeting,  you owned shares of QCR Holdings'
common stock. This proxy statement  describes the matters that will be presented
for  consideration by the stockholders at the annual meeting.  It also gives you
information  concerning  those  matters  to assist  you in  making  an  informed

When you sign the  enclosed  proxy card,  you  appoint the proxy  holder as your
representative  at the  meeting.  The proxy  holder will vote your shares as you
have  instructed  in the proxy card,  thereby  ensuring that your shares will be
voted  whether  or not you attend  the  meeting.  Even if you plan to attend the
meeting, you should complete,  sign and return your proxy card in advance of the
meeting just in case your plans change.

If you have signed and  returned the proxy card and an issue comes up for a vote
at the meeting that is not  identified  on the card,  the proxy holder will vote
your shares, pursuant to your proxy, in accordance with his or her judgment.

What matters will be voted on at the meeting?

You are being asked to vote on the  election  of three Class I directors  of QCR
Holdings  for a term  expiring  in 2006.  The  nominees  and  other  information
relating to the  election of  directors  are more fully  described in this proxy

How do I vote?

You may  vote  either  by mail or in  person  at the  meeting.  To vote by mail,
complete  and  sign  the  enclosed  proxy  card  and  mail  it in  the  enclosed
pre-addressed  envelope.  No postage is required if mailed in the United States.
If you mark your proxy card to  indicate  how you want your shares  voted,  your
shares will be voted as you instruct.

If you sign  and  return  your  proxy  card but do not mark the card to  provide
voting  instructions,  the shares  represented  by your proxy card will be voted
"for" all nominees named in this proxy statement.

If you want to vote in person,  please come to the meeting.  We will  distribute
written  ballots  to  anyone  who  wants to vote at the  meeting.  Please  note,
however,  that if your shares are held in the name of your broker (or in what is
usually  referred  to as  "street  name"),  you will need to arrange to obtain a
legal proxy from your broker in order to vote in person at the meeting.  Even if
you plan to attend the meeting, you should complete,  sign and return your proxy
card in advance of the meeting just in case your plans change.


What does it mean if I receive more than one proxy card?

It means that you have multiple holdings reflected in our stock transfer records
and/or in accounts with stockbrokers.  Please sign and return ALL proxy forms to
ensure that all your shares are voted.  If you received more than one proxy card
but only one copy of the proxy  statement and annual and  transitional  reports,
you may request additional copies from us at any time.

If I hold shares in the name of a broker, who votes my shares?

If you received this proxy  statement from your broker,  your broker should have
given you instructions for directing how your broker should vote your shares. It
will then be your  broker's  responsibility  to vote your  shares for you in the
manner you direct.

Under the rules of various national and regional securities  exchanges,  brokers
may generally vote on routine matters, such as the election of directors and the
ratification of independent  auditors,  but cannot vote on non-routine  matters,
such as an  amendment to the  certificate  of  incorporation  or the adoption or
amendment of a stock option plan, unless they have received voting  instructions
from the  person  for whom they are  holding  shares.  If your  broker  does not
receive  instructions  from you on how to vote  particular  shares on matters on
which your broker does not have  discretionary  authority  to vote,  your broker
will  return the proxy card to us,  indicating  that he or she does not have the
authority to vote on these matters.  This is generally  referred to as a "broker
non-vote"  and will affect the outcome of the voting as described  below,  under
"How many  votes are  needed  for  approval  of each  proposal?"  Therefore,  we
encourage  you to  provide  directions  to your  broker  as to how you want your
shares voted on all matters to be brought before the meeting. You should do this
by carefully  following the  instructions  your broker gives you  concerning its
procedures. This ensures that your shares will be voted at the meeting.

What if I change my mind after I return my proxy?

If you hold your  shares in your own name,  you may revoke your proxy and change
your vote at any time before the polls close at the meeting. You may do this by:

o    signing another proxy with a later date and returning that proxy to us;

o    sending notice to us that you are revoking your proxy; or

o    voting in person at the meeting.

If you hold your  shares in the name of your  broker and  desire to revoke  your
proxy, you will need to contact your broker to revoke your proxy.

How many votes do we need to hold the annual meeting?

A majority of the shares  that are  outstanding  and  entitled to vote as of the
record  date must be  present  in person or by proxy at the  meeting in order to
hold the meeting and conduct business.

Shares are counted as present at the meeting if the stockholder either:

o    is present and votes in person at the meeting; or

o    has properly submitted a signed proxy card or other proxy.

On March 19, 2003, the record date,  there were 2,773,212 shares of common stock
outstanding.  Therefore,  at least  1,386,607  shares  need to be present at the
annual meeting in order to hold the meeting and conduct business.

What happens if a nominee is unable to stand for re-election?

The board may,  by  resolution,  provide  for a lesser  number of  directors  or
designate a  substitute  nominee.  In the latter  case,  shares  represented  by
proxies may be voted for a substitute nominee.  Proxies cannot be voted for more
than the number of nominees presented for election at the meeting. The board has
no reason to believe any nominee will be unable to stand for re-election.

What options do I have in voting on each of the proposals?

You may vote  "for"  or  "withhold  authority  to vote  for"  each  nominee  for
director.  You may vote "for," "against" or "abstain" on any other proposal that
may properly be brought  before the meeting.  Abstentions  will be considered in
determining  the presence of a quorum but will not affect the vote  required for
the election of directors.


How many votes may I cast?

Generally,  you are  entitled to cast one vote for each share of stock you owned
on the record date. The proxy card included with this proxy statement  indicates
the number of shares owned by an account attributable to you.

How many votes are needed for each proposal?

The three  individuals  receiving  the highest  number of votes cast "for" their
election will be elected as Class I directors of QCR Holdings.  Broker non-votes
and  abstentions  will not be counted as  entitled  to vote,  but will count for
purposes of determining whether or not a quorum is present on the matter.

All other  proposals  must  receive  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the
shares present in person or by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote. Broker
non-votes  and  abstentions  will not be counted as entitled  to vote,  but will
count for  purposes  of  determining  whether  or not a quorum is present on the

Where do I find the voting results of the meeting?

We will announce voting results at the meeting.  The voting results will also be
disclosed in our Form 10-Q for the quarter ending June 30, 2003.

Who bears the cost of soliciting proxies?

We will bear the cost of soliciting  proxies.  In addition to  solicitations  by
mail,  officers,  directors or employees of QCR Holdings or of our  subsidiaries
may solicit  proxies in person or by  telephone.  These persons will not receive
any special or additional  compensation for soliciting proxies. We may reimburse
brokerage  houses  and other  custodians,  nominees  and  fiduciaries  for their
reasonable   out-of-pocket   expenses  for  forwarding  proxy  and  solicitation
materials to stockholders.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Our  directors are divided into three classes  having  staggered  terms of three
years.  Stockholders will be entitled to elect three (3) Class I directors for a
term  expiring  in 2006.  The board has  nominated  Michael A.  Bauer,  James J.
Brownson and Henry Royer to serve as Class I directors.

Other than as described  above,  we have no  knowledge  that any of the nominees
will  refuse  or be  unable  to  serve,  but  if any  of  the  nominees  becomes
unavailable  for  election,  the  holders of the  proxies  reserve  the right to
substitute  another  person  of their  choice as a  nominee  when  voting at the
meeting. Set forth below is information concerning the nominees for election and
for each of the other  persons  whose  terms of office will  continue  after the
meeting,  including  age, year first elected a director and business  experience
during the previous five years.  The nominees,  if elected at the annual meeting
of stockholders,  will serve as Class I directors for a three year term expiring
in 2006. The board of directors recommends that stockholders vote FOR all of the
nominees for director.


Name                      Director          Positions with QCR Holdings, Quad City Bank & Trust, Cedar
(Age)                      Since                    Rapids Bank & Trust and Quad City Bancard
(Term Expires 2006)

Michael A. Bauer            1993         Chairman of the Board and Director of QCR Holdings; President,
(Age 54)                                 Chief Executive Officer and Director of Quad City Bank & Trust;
                                         Director of Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust; Chairman of the Board
                                         and Director of Quad City Bancard

James J. Brownson           1997         Director of QCR Holdings; Secretary and Director of Quad City
(Age 57)                                 Bank & Trust

Henry Royer                 2002         Director of QCR Holdings; Chairman of the Board and Director of
(Age 71)                                 Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust


                              CONTINUING DIRECTORS

Name                       Director        Positions with QCR Holdings, Quad City Bank & Trust, Cedar
(Age)                       Since                  Rapids Bank & Trust and Quad City Bancard
(Term Expires 2004)

Larry J. Helling             2001         Director of QCR Holdings; President, Chief Executive Officer
(Age 46)                                  and Director of Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust; Director of Quad
                                          City Bank & Trust

Douglas M. Hultquist         1993         President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of QCR Holdings;
(Age 47)                                  Chairman of the Board and Director of Quad City Bank & Trust;
                                          Director of Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust; Secretary, Treasurer and
                                          Director of Quad City Bancard

John W. Schricker            1993         Director of QCR Holdings; President and Director of Quad City
(Age 56)                                  Bancard

(Term Expires 2005)

Patrick S. Baird             2002         Director of QCR Holdings; Director of Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust
(Age 48)

John K. Lawson               2000         Director of QCR Holdings and Quad City Bank & Trust
(Age 62)

Ronald G. Peterson           1993         Director of QCR Holdings and Quad City Bank & Trust
(Age 59)

All of our directors  will hold office for the terms  indicated,  or until their
earlier  death,  resignation,  removal  or  disqualification,  and  until  their
respective  successors  are duly  elected and  qualified.  All of our  executive
officers  hold  office  for a term of one  year.  There are no  arrangements  or
understandings  between any of the  directors,  executive  officers or any other
person  pursuant to which any of our  directors or executive  officers have been
selected for their respective  positions.  Mr. Royer is also a director of Media
Sciences International, Inc., a company registered under the Securities Exchange
Act,  and a trustee of  Berthel  Growth  and  Income  Fund I, a  business  trust
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

The business experience of each of the nominees and continuing directors for the
past five years is as follows:

Patrick S. Baird is President and Chief Executive  Officer of AEGON USA, Inc., a
U.S. subsidiary of the international  insurance company, AEGON nv. He is also an
officer  and  director of many of AEGON USA's life  insurance  subsidiaries.  He
currently serves on the board of directors of the Kirkwood Foundation,  Waypoint
(formerly YMCA) and Priority One in Cedar Rapids.  Mr. Baird has been a director
of Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust since September 2001.

Michael A. Bauer,  prior to co-founding QCR Holdings,  was employed from 1971 to
1992 by the  Davenport  Bank and Trust Company  located in Davenport,  Iowa with
assets of approximately  $1.8 billion,  as of December 31, 1992. In January 1992
he was named President and Chief Operating  Officer,  while from 1989 to 1992 he
served as Senior Vice  President in charge of all lending.  Mr. Bauer  currently
serves as a director of St. Ambrose  University,  Genesis Medical  Center,  Kahl
Home for the Aged and Infirm,  Davenport ONE, and the Illowa Council, Boy Scouts
of  America.  He also  currently  serves on the  Community  Bank  Council of the
Chicago Federal  Reserve.  Mr. Bauer is a member of Rotary Club of Davenport and
Crow Valley Golf Club. He also serves as Chairman of the Finance  Council of the
Diocese of  Davenport  and the Finance  Council of St. Paul The Apostle  Church.
Along  with  Mr.   Hultquist,   Mr.  Bauer  received  the  1998  Ernst  &  Young
"Entrepreneur of the Year" award for the Iowa and Nebraska region.

James J.  Brownson  is the  President  of W.E.  Brownson  Co., a  manufacturers'
representative agency located in Davenport,  Iowa, and has been in that position
since 1978. Mr. Brownson began his career in 1967 as a staff auditor with Arthur
Young & Co., CPA's, of Chicago, Illinois. From 1969 until 1978, Mr. Brownson was
employed  by  Davenport  Bank & Trust  Company,  where  he left as  Senior  Vice
President and Cashier. He is a past member of the National Sales  Representative
Council of Crane Plastics,  Columbus, Ohio, and Dayton Rogers Manufacturing Co.,
Minneapolis,  Minnesota.  Mr.  Brownson has been  director and Secretary of Quad
City Bank & Trust since October 1993.


Larry J.  Helling was  previously  the  Executive  Vice  President  and Regional
Commercial  Banking  Manager of Firstar Bank in Cedar Rapids with a focus on the
Cedar Rapids  metropolitan area and the Eastern Iowa region.  Prior to his seven
years with Firstar,  Mr. Helling spent twelve years with Omaha National Bank. He
is a graduate of Cedar Rapids' Leadership for Five Seasons program and currently
serves on the board of directors of the Cedar Rapids Symphony, board of trustees
of Big Brothers/Big  Sisters,  board of directors of Downtown  Rotary,  board of
trustees of Junior Achievement, in addition to serving on the board of directors
for Quad City  Bank & Trust and Cedar  Rapids  Bank & Trust.  Mr.  Helling  is a
member of the Cedar Rapids Country Club. In addition, he is actively involved in
numerous school and church related activities and committees.

Douglas M. Hultquist is a certified public accountant and previously served as a
tax partner with two major accounting  firms. He began his career with KPMG Peat
Marwick in 1977 and was named a partner in 1987. In 1991, the Quad Cities office
of KPMG Peat Marwick merged with McGladrey & Pullen.  Mr.  Hultquist served as a
tax partner in the Illinois  Quad Cities  office of McGladrey & Pullen from 1991
until co-founding QCR Holdings in 1993. During his public accounting career, Mr.
Hultquist  specialized  in bank  taxation  and  mergers  and  acquisitions.  Mr.
Hultquist  serves on the board of directors  of the PGA TOUR John Deere  Classic
and was its Chairman for the July 2001 tournament.  Mr. Hultquist also serves on
the board of The Robert Young  Center for Mental  Health and he is a past member
and  Secretary  of the  Augustana  College  board of trustees  and serves on its
Planned  Giving  Council.  He is a member of the Short Hills Country  Club.  Mr.
Hultquist is a member of the American  Institute of CPAs and the Iowa Society of
CPAs.  Along  with Mr.  Bauer,  Mr.  Hultquist  received  the 1998 Ernst & Young
"Entrepreneur of the Year" award for the Iowa and Nebraska region.

John K. Lawson  began his career with Deere & Company in 1958 as an  engineering
co-op trainee and retired in 2002. He received his mechanical engineering degree
in 1962, and by the mid 1960's,  he was assigned to the Deere & Company European
Office in Heidelberg,  Germany. His  responsibilities  included working with the
manufacturing engineering operations in eight European and African countries. He
returned  to  the  United  States  in  1968,   and  held  positions  in  several
manufacturing  operations,  including General Manager, Dubuque and Davenport. In
1985, Mr. Lawson was named Vice President, Manufacturing, Agricultural Equipment
Division.  In 1992, he became President,  Lawn and Grounds Care Division. In his
final  position with Deere & Company as Senior Vice  President,  Technology  and
Engineering  for Deere & Company,  Mr. Lawson was  responsible for the company's
engineering,   business  computer  systems,  quality,  supply  management,   and
communications  areas.  He serves on the board of  directors  of the Iowa  State
University  Foundation,  Iowa College Foundation,  and Junior Achievement of the
Quad Cities Area.  Mr. Lawson also serves as an Advisory Board Member for Varied
Investments,  located in Muscatine,  Iowa.  Mr. Lawson has been director of Quad
City Bank & Trust since July 1997.

Ronald G.  Peterson is the President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the First
State Bank of Western Illinois, located in La Harpe, Illinois, and has served in
that position since 1982. Mr.  Peterson is also President of that bank's holding
company,  Lamoine Bancorp,  Inc. He currently serves as President of the LaHarpe
Educational Foundation,  Treasurer of the Western Illinois University Foundation
and a  member  of the  McDonough  District  Hospital  Development  Council.  Mr.
Peterson has been a director of Quad City Bank & Trust since October 1993.

Henry Royer is a 30 year veteran of the banking industry who served as President
of  Merchants  National  Bank in  Cedar  Rapids,  IA from  1983 to  1994.  He is
currently Executive Vice President of Berthel Fisher Planning,  Inc.,  President
of Berthel SBIC,  LLC and General  Manager of Berthel Growth and Income Trust I.
Henry  currently  serves  as the  Chairman  of the  board  of  directors  of the
Mid-America  Housing  Partnership.  He is the past President of the Cedar Rapids
Chamber of Commerce and the past Chairman of Priority One. Henry has served as a
director or trustee for many Cedar Rapids  companies or  institutions  including
the Cedar Rapids Art Museum, Coe College, Iowa Electric Light and Power Company,
Mercy Hospital,  and United Way. Mr. Royer has been the Chairman of the board of
directors of Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust since September 2001.

John W.  Schricker has been the President of Quad City Bancard since March 1995.
From April 1994, until Quad City Bancard was organized in March 1995, he was the
manager of Quad City Bank & Trust's Credit Card Division.  Prior to that, he was
a  Vice  President  with  Electronic  Exchange  and  Transfer  Corporation.  Mr.
Schricker had served with  Davenport Bank and Trust Company from 1975 to 1992 as
Vice President in charge of the Credit Card Division.


Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors

General.  Currently,  there are nine  numbers of the board of  directors  of QCR
Holdings.  Directors,  Baird, Brownson, Lawson, Peterson and Royer are deemed to
be  "independent"  as that term is defined by the Nasdaq  Stock  Market,  Inc. A
total of seven regularly  scheduled and special  meetings were held by the board
of directors of QCR Holdings in calendar  2002.  During that time, all directors
attended at least 75 percent of the meetings of the board and the  committees on
which they served during the period they served on the board.

All directors of QCR Holdings received  quarterly fees of $1,250 during calendar
2002.  They also  received  fees of $100 for  attendance  at each meeting of the
board of directors.  In addition,  non-employee  directors received fees of $200
per committee meeting attended. All directors of Quad City Bank & Trust received
quarterly fees of $1,250 during  calendar 2002.  They also received fees of $100
for  attendance  at  each  meeting  of the  board  of  directors.  In  addition,
non-employee directors received fees of $200 per committee meeting attended. All
non-employee  directors of Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust  received  fees of $400 for
attendance at each meeting of the board of directors and $200 for  attendance at
each committee meeting during the 2002 calendar year.

The  committees  of the  board  of  directors  of QCR  Holdings  are  the  audit
committee, the executive committee,  compensation and benefits committee and the
technology committee.

Audit Committee. The audit committee consists of directors Brownson,  Lawson and
Royer. Each member of the audit committee is an "independent"  director, as that
term is defined by Nasdaq. The audit committee met four times in calendar 2002.

The functions performed by the audit committee include,  but are not limited to,
the following:

o    the  selection  of  our  independent   auditors  and  pre-approval  of  all
     engagements and fee arrangements;

o    reviewing the independence of the independent auditors;

o    reviewing  actions by  management  on  recommendations  of the  independent
     auditors and internal auditors;

o    meeting with management, the internal auditors and the independent auditors
     to review the  effectiveness of our system of internal control and internal
     audit procedures;

o    reviewing our earnings  releases and reports filed with the  Securities and
     Exchange Commission; and

o    reviewing reports of bank regulatory  agencies and monitoring  management's
     compliance with recommendations contained in those reports.

To promote  independence  of the audit function,  the audit  committee  consults
separately and jointly with the independent auditors,  the internal auditors and
management.  The audit committee has adopted a written charter, which sets forth
the  committee's  duties and  responsibilities.  We attached a copy of the audit
commitee charter to the 2001 proxy statement.

Executive Committee. In 2002, the executive committee took over the roles of the
former  board  affairs  committee  and certain  duties of the  compensation  and
benefits committee.  This change was done to consolidate the duties of the board
while maximizing the decisions made by the independent directors.  The executive
committee is comprised of Messrs. Baird, Brownson,  Lawson,  Peterson and Royer,
each of whom is deemed to be  independent  under the rules set forth by  Nasdaq.
The executive  committee is charged with  overseeing  our  corporate  governance
programs,  board  policies,  committee  structure and  membership  reviewing and
recommending the nominees for election to the board of directors,  and reviewing
and establishing the salaries and  compensation of our executive  officers.  The
executive  committee met once in calendar  2002.  The board  affairs  committee,
which was replaced by the executive committee, met four times in calendar 2002.

Compensation and Benefits  Committee.  The  compensation and benefits  committee
consists of directors Bauer,  Hultquist,  Helling, and Lawson, as well as Arthur
L. Christofferson, director of Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust and Joyce E. Bawden and
John H.  Harris,  directors  of Quad City  Bank & Trust.  The  compensation  and
benefits  committee has authority to perform  policy  reviews and to oversee and
direct the  compensation  and  personnel  functions of the  employees,  with the
exception of our executive officers. The compensation and benefits committee met
three times during calendar 2002.


Technology  Committee.  The technology  committee  consists of directors  Bauer,
Helling,  Hultquist,  Ann M.  Lipsky,  director of Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust and
John H. Harris,  director of Quad City Bank & Trust.  The  technology  committee
reviews  the  technology  plans of QCR  Holdings  and its  subsidiaries  for the
future. The technology committee met three times during calendar 2002.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The following table sets forth  information  concerning the compensation paid or
granted  to QCR  Holding's  chief  executive  officer  and the  other  executive
officers who had an aggregate  salary and bonus which exceeded  $100,000 for the
calendar year ended December 31, 2002.

                                                      SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                                 Long Term
                                                           Annual Compensation                  Compensation
            (a)                   (b)             (c)           (d)              (e)                (g)                (i)
                                                                             Other Annual        Underlying         All Other
Name and                       Calendar                                      Compensation         Options/        Compensation
Principal Position             Year (1)      Salary($)(2)   Bonus($)(3)         ($)(4)            SARs(#)              ($)
Douglas M. Hultquist              2002       $   172,500    $    92,500       $   33,558          $    ---          $   21,701 (6)
President and Chief               2001       $   170,000    $    65,000              ---             5,000          $   24,820 (7)
Executive Officer of              2000       $   155,000    $    57,500              ---             3,750          $   23,964 (8)
QCR Holdings,
Chairman of Quad City
Bank & Trust
Michaal A. Bauer                  2002       $   172,500    $    92,500       $   15,587               ---          $   30,213 (6)
Chairman of QCR                   2001       $   170,000    $    65,000       $      ---             5,000          $   29,820 (7)
Holdings, President and           2000       $   155,000    $    57,500              ---             3,750          $   28,964 (8)
Cheif Executive Officer
of Quad City Bank &
Larry J. Helling (5)              2002       $   161,500    $    49,800       $      ---               ---          $   21,677 (6)
President and Chief               2001       $   124,450    $    16,000              ---            18,100          $   12,964 (7)
Executive Officer of
Cedar Rapids Bank &
John W. Schricker                 2002       $    50,000    $    76,900              ---                75         $  202,994 (6)
President of Quad City            2001       $    50,000    $    51,050              ---               100         $    5,614 (7)
Bancard, Inc.                     2000       $    50,000    $   103,915              ---               100         $    6,679 (8)
Todd A. Gipple                    2002       $   127,500    $    58,700              ---             1,575         $   20,434 (6)
Executive Vice President          2001       $   120,000    $    33,000              ---             4,100         $    8,287 (7)
and Chief Financial               2000       $   112,500    $    30,000              ---             7,600         $    6,809 (8)
Officer of QCR Holdings

(1)  QCR  Holdings  changed  its  fiscal  year end from June 30 to  December  31
     following its last filed Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002.
     Therefore,  the  Summary  Compensation  Table has been  restated to include
     information  regarding the compensation of the named executive officers for
     the calendar years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000.

(2)  Includes  amounts  deferred  under  the QCR  Holdings,  Inc.  401(k)/Profit
     Sharing Plan (the "401(k) Plan") and the deferred compensation agreements.

(3)  As indicated  above,  bonus  payments have been restated to a calendar year
     basis from a fiscal year basis.  Bonuses were  previously paid in July each
     year, but beginning with the six month transition period ended December 31,
     2002, bonsues will be paid in January following the close of each year.

(4)  Represents amount of tax benefit rights paid on behalf of Messrs. Bauer and
     Hultquist in connection with their exercise of stock options.

(5)  Mr. Helling joined Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust as Chief Executive  Officer in
     April 2001 and, therefore,  we are only providing compensation  information
     for 2002 and 2001.


(6)  During the 2002 calendar year,  each individual had  contributions  made to
     the 401(k)  plan for his benefit as follows:  Mr.  Hultquist - $5,666;  Mr.
     Bauer - $9,178; Mr. Helling - $8,712; Mr. Schricker- $8,240; and Mr. Gipple
     - $9,669.  In addition,  each received term life insurance  which had a per
     person premium cost as follows:  Messrs.  Hultquist and Bauer - $1,035; Mr.
     Helling - $965;  Mr.  Schricker - $300 and Mr.  Gipple - $765. In addition,
     pursuant to the deferred  compensation  agreements entered into between QCR
     Holdings  and each of Messrs.  Hultquist,  Bauer,  Helling and Gipple,  QCR
     Holdings  contributed  deferred  compensation of $15,000 for Mr. Hultquist,
     $20,000 for Mr. Bauer,  $12,000 for Mr. Helling and $10,000 for Mr. Gipple.
     Mr.  Schricker  also received a one-time  payment of $183,450 in connection
     with the revenue  received as a result of the sale of the  merchant  credit
     card  portfolio.  Mr.  Schricker  also  received  one month  payment on his
     severance compensation agreement in the amount of $11,004.

(7)  Messrs.  Hultquist and Bauer each had contributions made to the 401(k) Plan
     for their  benefit  for the 2001  calendar  year in the  amounts of $8,800.
     Messrs. Helling,  Schricker and Gipple had contributions made to the 401(k)
     Plan for their  benefit  in the  amounts  of  $6,004,  $5,314  and  $7,567,
     respectively.  In addition,  each received term life insurance  which had a
     per person premium cost of $1,020 for Messrs. Bauer and Hultquist, $960 for
     Mr. Helling,  $300 for Mr. Schricker and $720 for Mr. Gipple.  In addition,
     pursuant to the deferred  compensation  agreements entered into between QCR
     Holdings and each of Messrs.  Hultquist,  Bauer and  Helling,  QCR Holdings
     contributed deferred compensation of $15,000 for Mr. Hultquist, $20,000 for
     Mr. Bauer and $6,000 for Mr. Helling.

(8)  Messrs.  Hultquist and Bauer each had contributions made to the 401(k) Plan
     for their  benefit  for the 2000  calendar  year in the  amounts of $8,034.
     Messrs.  Schricker and Gipple had contributions made to the 401(k) Plan for
     their  benefit  in the  amounts  of $6,379  and  $6,134,  respectively.  In
     addition,  each received term life insurance which had a per person premium
     cost of $930 for Messrs.  Bauer and Hultquist,  $300 for Mr.  Schricker and
     $675 for Mr.  Gipple.  In addition,  pursuant to the deferred  compensation
     agreements entered into between QCR Holdings and each of Messrs.  Hultquist
     and Bauer, QCR Holdings  contributed  $15,000 of Mr.  Hultquist's  deferred
     compensation and $20,000 of Mr. Bauer's deferred compensation.

The following  table sets forth certain  information  concerning  the number and
value of stock  options  granted in the 2002  calendar  year to the  individuals
named in the Summary Compensation Table.

                                         OPTION GRANTS IN 2002 CALENDAR YEAR
                                                  Individual Grants
             (a)                     (b)               (c)               (d)               (e)               (f)
                                                    % of Total                                            Grant Date
                                   Options       Options Granted     Exercise or                        Present Value
                                   Granted       to Employees in     Base Price         Expiration        ($)(2)(3)
             Name                   (#)(1)         Fiscal Year         ($/Sh)              Date
Michael A. Bauer                        ---            ---           $      ---            ---            $    ---
Douglas M. Hultquist                    ---            ---           $      ---            ---            $    ---
Larry T. Helling                        ---            ---           $      ---            ---            $    ---
John W. Schricker                        75            0.4%          $    14.80       June 30, 2012       $    557
Todd A. Gipple                        1,500            8.2%          $    11.18      January 5, 2012      $  8,415
                                         75            0.4%          $    14.80       June 30, 2012       $    557

(1)  Options vest in five equal annual portions beginning one year from the date
     of grant.

(2)  The  Black-Scholes  valuation  model was used to  determine  the grant date
     present values.  Significant assumptions include:  risk-free interest rate,
     5.62% and 5.68%;  expected  option  life,  10 years;  expected  volatility,
     24.54% and 24.22% and expected  dividends,  0%.  (Grants have not been made
     since QCR Holdings commenced paying a dividend in January 2003.

(3)  The ultimate value of the options will depend on the future market price of
     our common stock,  which cannot be forecast with reasonable  accuracy.  The
     actual  value,  if any, an  executive  may realize  upon the exercise of an
     option will depend on the excess of the market  value of our common  stock,
     on the date the option is exercised, over the exercise price of the option.


The following  table sets forth  certain  information  concerning  the number of
stock options at December 31, 2002 held by the individuals  named in the Summary
Compensation Table.

                                                 OPTION/SAR VALUES
          (a)                 (b)            (c)                   (d)                            (e)
                                                                Number of                      Value of
                                                               Securities                     Unexercised
                                                               Underlying                    in-the-money
                                                               Unexercised                   Options/SARs
                                                             Options/SARs at                      at
                                                               CY End (#)                     CY End ($)
                          Acquired on       Value
          Name            Exercise (#)  Realized ($)  Exercisable   Unexercisable    Exercisable    Unexercisable
Michael A. Bauer             10,000        $83,800        36,000         7,750        $  235,338     $  27,944
Douglas M. Hultquist         24,000       $180,420        32,000         7,750        $  194,418     $  27,944
Larry J. Helling              ---            ---           3,620        14,480        $   23,171     $  92,684
John W. Schricker             ---            ---           1,680           258        $   13,875     $      571
Todd A. Gipple                ---            ---           3,860         9,415        $   16,251     $  46,287

Employment Agreements.  We entered into employment agreements with Messrs. Bauer
and Hultquist dated July 1, 2000.  These  agreements each have a three year term
and in the absence of notice from either party to the contrary,  the  employment
term under each agreement  extends for an additional one year on the anniversary
of each  agreement.  Pursuant  to these  agreements,  beginning  on July 1, 2000
Messrs. Bauer and Hultquist will each receive minimum salaries of $170,000.  The
agreements  include  provisions  for the increase of  compensation  on an annual
basis,  performance  bonuses,  membership  in a Quad  Cities  country  club,  an
automobile  allowance and participation in our benefit plans.  Messrs. Bauer and
Hultquist have also entered into deferred compensation agreements, allowing each
to defer up to $15,000 of their  salary.  The deferred  compensation  agreements
provide for us to match the amounts  deferred by each and  contribute  an amount
for the benefit of Messrs.  Bauer and Hultquist.  In the case of Mr.  Hultquist,
the amount we may  contribute  is limited to $15,000,  and for Mr.  Bauer we may
contribute up to $20,000.  Full benefits under the agreements will be payable to
Messrs. Bauer and Hultquist when they reach 65 years of age.

We have also entered into employment agreements with John W. Schricker,  Todd A.
Gipple and Larry J. Helling.  Mr. Schricker entered into an employment agreement
dated July 1, 1997. Under the agreement, Mr. Schricker receives a base salary of
$50,000,  plus an annual  bonus  equal to 12% of  Bancard's  first  $200,000  of
adjusted annual net income, 10.5% of the next $300,000,  9% of the next $500,000
and 7.5% of any  adjusted  annual  net  income  in  excess  of  $1,000,000.  Mr.
Schricker is also entitled to participate  in our benefit  plans.  The agreement
was  terminated  in  October  2002,  upon Quad City  Holdings'  announcement  of
Bancard's sale of its independent  sales  organization  related  merchant credit
card  operations to iPayment,  Inc. Mr.  Gipple's  employment  agreement,  dated
January  5, 2000,  provides  that Mr.  Gipple is to receive a minimum  salary of
$110,000. The agreement includes a provision for the increase in compensation on
an annual basis,  performance bonuses,  membership in a Quad Cities country club
and  participation  in our benefit  plans.  Mr.  Gipple  entered into a deferred
compensation agreement with us on January 1, 2002 under which he may defer up to
$10,000  ($5,000  in the fiscal  year ended June 30,  2002) of his salary and we
will match the amount  deferred by him. Mr.  Helling  entered into an employment
agreement dated April 11, 2001. Under the agreement, Mr. Helling receives a base
annual  salary  of  $160,000  and  is  eligible  to  participate  in a  deferred
compensation  agreement under which he may defer up to $12,000 of his salary and
we will  match the  amount  deferred  by him.  The  agreement  also  includes  a
provision  for the  increase in  compensation  on an annual  basis,  performance
bonuses,  membership in two Cedar Rapids country clubs, an automobile  allowance
and participation in our benefit plans.


All of the employment  agreements are terminable at any time by either our board
of directors or the respective officer. We may terminate these agreements at any
time  for  cause  without  incurring  any  post-termination  obligation  to  the
terminated officer.  Each agreement provides severance benefits in the event the
officer is terminated without cause,  including severance  compensation equal to
one year of the officer's salary for Messrs. Bauer and Hultquist, and six months
for  Messrs.  Schricker,  Gipple and  Helling.  We must also pay the officer all
accrued  salary,  vested deferred  compensation  and other benefits then due the
officer.  If the officer is terminated upon a change in control,  the officer is
to be paid  severance  compensation  equal to three times his salary for Messrs.
Bauer and  Hultquist,  and two times  salary for Messrs.  Schricker,  Gipple and
Helling, at the rate then in effect at the time of termination.  Each of Messrs.
Hultquist and Bauer is prohibited  from  competing  with us or our  subsidiaries
within a 20-mile  radius of the main office for a period of two years  following
the termination of his employment agreement.  In the case of Mr. Schricker,  the
radius is 200 miles and the term is one  year.  In the case of Mr.  Gipple,  the
radius is 30 miles from the main  office and the term is two years.  In the case
of Mr.  Helling,  the radius is 60 miles from the center of Cedar Rapids and the
term is two years.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

During the 2002 calendar year, the executive committee,  which sets the salaries
and compensation  for our executive  officers,  was comprised of Messrs.  Baird,
Brownson,  Lawson,  Peterson and Royer. The compensation and benefits committee,
which sets the salaries and  compensation of all employees who are not executive
officers, consisted of Messrs. Bauer, Hultquist, Helling, Lawson, Christofferson
and Harris and Ms. Bawden.  Messrs.  Bauer,  Hultquist and Helling are executive
officers  and  do  not   participate  in  any  decisions   involving  their  own

Executive Committee Report on Executive Compensation

The  incorporation  by reference of this proxy statement into any document filed
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission by QCR Holdings shall not be deemed
to include the following  report unless the report is specifically  stated to be
incorporated by reference into such document.

The executive committee of our board of directors is comprised of five directors
of QCR Holdings.  The committee is responsible for  recommendations to the board
of  directors  for  compensation  of  our  executive  officers.  In  determining
compensation, the following factors are generally taken into consideration:

o    the  performance of the executive  officers in achieving our short and long
     term goals;

o    payment of compensation  commensurate with the ability and expertise of the
     executive officers; and

o    an attempt to structure  compensation packages so that they are competitive
     with similar companies.

The committee considers the foregoing factors, as well as others, in determining
compensation. There is no assigned weight given to any of these factors.

Additionally,  the committee considers various benefits, such as our 401(k) plan
and  the  stock  option  plan,   together  with   perquisites   in   determining
compensation.  The  committee  believes that the benefits  provided  through the
stock  based  plans more  closely tie the  compensation  of the  officers to the
interests of the stockholders  and provide  significant  additional  performance
incentives for the officers which directly benefit the  stockholders  through an
increase in the stock value.

Annually, the executive committee evaluates four primary areas of performance in
determining the chief executive  officer's  level of  compensation.  These areas

o    our long-range strategic planning and implementation;

o    our financial performance;

o    our compliance with regulatory  requirements  and relations with regulatory
     agencies; and

o    the individual's  effectiveness of managing relationships with stockholders
     and the board of directors.


When evaluating our financial  performance to determine the compensation package
for our chief executive officer, the committee considered  profitability,  asset
growth and risk management. The primary evaluation criteria are considered to be
essential  to our  long-term  viability  and  were  given  equal  weight  in the
evaluation.  Finally,  the  committee  considered  the  provisions  of the chief
executive  officer's  current  employment  agreement  and reviewed  compensation
packages  of peer  institutions,  as well as  compensation  surveys  provided by
independent  third  parties,  to  ensure  that  the  chief  executive  officer's
compensation  is competitive  and  commensurate  with his level of  performance.
Based on the evaluation of all of these factors,  the committee  determined that
the chief executive  officer's primary  compensation would be the minimum salary
provided  under  his  employment  agreement  and a  bonus  of  $50,000  for  the
transition period ended December 31, 2002.

                              Executive Committee:
                                Patrick S. Baird
                                James J. Brownson
                                 John K. Lawson
                               Ronald G. Peterson
                                   Henry Royer

Stockholder Return Performance Presentation

The  incorporation  by reference of this proxy statement into any document filed
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission by QCR Holdings shall not be deemed
to include the following  performance graph and related  information unless such
graph and related  information  are  specifically  stated to be  incorporated by
reference into such document.

The graphical presentation omitted herein shows a comparison of cumulative total
returns for QCR Holdings, the Nasdaq Stock Market (US Companies) and an index of
Nasdaq  bank  stocks  for the period  commencing  June 30,  1998.  The graph was
prepared at our request by SNL Securities, Charlottesville, Virginia.

                               QCR Holdings, Inc.
                                  Period Ending

                      06/30/98  06/30/99  06/30/00  06/30/01  06/30/02  12/31/02

QCR Holdings, Inc.     $100.00   $ 83.20   $ 75.59   $ 48,52   $ 69.38   $ 79.46
Nasdaq - Total US       100.00    143.67    212.43    115.14     78.44     71.79
Nasdaq Bank Index       100.00     98.77     80.99    112.35    125.93    116.38



The following  table sets forth certain  information  regarding our common stock
beneficially  owned on December 31, 2002, by each  director,  by each  executive
officer  named  in the  summary  compensation  table  and by all  directors  and
executive officers of QCR Holdings as a group. To the best of our knowledge,  no
person was the beneficial owner of more than five percent of our common stock as
of December 31, 2002.  Beneficial ownership has been determined for this purpose
in  accordance  with Rule 13d-3 under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as
amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"),  under  which  a  person  is  deemed  to be the
beneficial  owner  of  securities  if he or she has or  shares  voting  power or
investment  power in  respect  of such  securities  or has the right to  acquire
beneficial ownership of securities within 60 days of December 31, 2003.

Name of Individual and                          Amount and Nature of                           Percent
Number of Persons in Group                      Beneficial Ownership(1)                       of Class
--------------------------                      -----------------------                       --------

Directors and Nominees
Patrick S. Baird                                            23,115 (2)                            *
Michael A. Bauer                                            51,669 (3)                          1.86%
James J. Brownson                                           19,627 (4)                            *
Todd A. Gipple                                              20,378 (5)                            *
Larry J. Helling                                            25,523 (6)                            *
Douglas M. Hultquist                                        54,129 (7)                          1.95%
John K. Lawson                                               6,170 (8)                            *
Ronald G. Peterson                                           8,600 (9)                            *
Henry Royer                                                  5,291 (10)                           *
John W. Schricker                                           24,552 (11)                           *
All directors and executive officers as a
    group (10 persons)                                     246,922 (12)                         8.77%

*        Less than 1%.

(1)  Amounts  reported  include shares held directly,  including  certain shares
     subject to  options,  as well as shares  held in  retirement  accounts,  by
     certain  members of the named  individuals'  families  or held by trusts of
     which  the  named  individual  is a  trustee  or  substantial  beneficiary.
     Inclusion  of shares  shall  not  constitute  an  admission  of  beneficial
     ownership or voting and sole  investment  power over included  shares.  The
     nature of  beneficial  ownership  for  shares  listed in this table is sole
     voting  and  investment  power,  except  as  set  forth  in  the  following

(2)  Includes  22,750  shares held  jointly by Mr.  Baird and his spouse and 365
     shares held in a trust,  all of which he has shared  voting and  investment
     power. Excludes 200 option shares not presently exercisable.

(3)  Includes  20,000 shares subject to options which are presently  exercisable
     and over which Mr.  Bauer has no voting  and sole  investment  power.  Also
     includes 3,378 shares held by his minor  children,  4,575 shares held in an
     IRA account,  3,990 shares held in a trust, 4,305 shares held in the 401(k)
     Plan and 12 shares held by his wife,  all of which he has shared voting and
     investment power.

(4)  Includes  1,410 shares  subject to options which are presently  exercisable
     and over which Mr. Brownson has no voting and sole investment  power.  Also
     includes  1,865 shares held jointly by Mr.  Brownson and his spouse,  1,350
     shares held by his spouse,  3,872 shares held in a trust, and 11,130 shares
     held in an IRA account,  all of which he has shared  voting and  investment
     power. Excludes 590 option shares not presently exercisable.

(5)  Includes  3,360 shares  subject to options which are presently  exercisable
     and over which shares Mr. Gipple has no voting and sole  investment  power.
     Also includes  9,815 shares held in an IRA account,  200 shares held by his
     children and 813 shares held in the 401(k)  Plan,  over which he has shared
     voting and  investment  power.  Excludes  7,415 option shares not presently

(6)  Includes  2,420 shares  subject to options which are presently  exercisable
     and over which shares Mr. Helling has no voting and sole investment  power.
     Also includes  21,500  shares held in an IRA account,  992 shares held in a
     trust and 611 shares  held in the 401(k)  Plan,  all of which he has shared
     voting and  investment  power.  Excludes  9,680 option shares not presently


(7)  Includes  16,000 shares subject to options which are presently  exercisable
     and over which Mr. Hultquist has no voting and sole investment  power. Also
     includes  6,225  shares  held  by his  spouse  or for  the  benefit  of his
     children, 2,700 shares held in an IRA account, 4,088 shares held in a trust
     and 3,783 shares in the 401(k) Plan,  all of which he has shared voting and
     investment power.

(8)  Includes 340 shares subject to options which are presently  exercisable and
     over  which  Mr.  Lawson  has no voting  and sole  investment  power.  Also
     includes 2,830 shares held in trust, over which shares he has shared voting
     and investment power. Excludes 460 option shares not presently exercisable.

(9)  Includes  2,130 shares  subject to options which are presently  exercisable
     and over which Mr. Peterson has no voting and sole investment  power.  Also
     includes  4,220  shares  held in a trust,  over which  shares he has shared
     voting and  investment  power.  Excludes  620 option  shares not  presently

(10) Includes  4,500  shares  held in an IRA  account  and 791 shares  held in a
     trust,  over all of which Mr. Royer has shared voting and investment power.
     Excludes 400 option shares not presently exercisable.

(11) Includes  1,680 shares  subject to options which are presently  exercisable
     and over which Mr. Schricker has no voting and sole investment  power. Also
     includes 311 shares held by his spouse or minor children, 2,483 shares held
     in a trust and 9,957  shares held in the 401(k)  Plan,  all of which he has
     shared  voting  and  investment  power.  Excludes  258  option  shares  not
     presently exercisable.

(12) Excludes 20,916 option shares not presently exercisable.


Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act  requires  that  our  executive
officers  and  directors  and persons who own more than 10% of our common  stock
file  reports of  ownership  and changes in ownership  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  and with the  exchange on which our shares of common stock
are  traded.  Such  persons  are also  required to furnish us with copies of all
Section 16(a) forms they file.  Based solely on our review of the copies of such
forms, we are aware of an incident that prevented one of its directors to comply
with the filing requirements of Section 16(a) during the last calendar year.

                          TRANSACTIONS WITH MANAGEMENT

Our  directors  and  officers  and their  associates  were  customers of and had
transactions  with QCR Holdings,  Quad City Bank & Trust and Cedar Rapids Bank &
Trust during the calendar year ended December 31, 2002. Additional  transactions
are expected to take place in the future. All outstanding loans,  commitments to
loan, and certificates of deposit and depository  relationships,  in the opinion
of management,  were made in the ordinary course of business,  on  substantially
the same terms, including interest rates and collateral,  as those prevailing at
the time for comparable transactions with other persons and did not involve more
than the normal risk of collectibility  or present other  unfavorable  features.
From  January  1,  2002  through  December  31,  2002,  Quad City  Bancard  paid
approximately  $2,371,769 to Nobel Electronic Transfer, LLC, for merchant credit
card processing services.  John W. Schricker, a director of QCR Holdings and the
President  and a  director  of Quad  City  Bancard,  is a  principal  of  Nobel.
Additionally,  QCR  Holdings  owns 20% of the capital of Nobel.  Our  management
believes that the terms on which the above  described  transaction was conducted
are no less  favorable to us than would have been obtained from an  unaffiliated
third party.


                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

The  incorporation  by reference of this proxy statement into any document filed
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission by QCR Holdings shall not be deemed
to include the following  report and related  information  unless such report is
specifically stated to be incorporated by reference into such document.

The audit committee assists the board of directors in carrying out its oversight
responsibilities for our financial reporting process, audit process and internal
controls.  The audit committee also reviews the audited financial statements and
recommends to the board that they be included in our annual report on Form 10-K.
The committee is comprised solely of independent directors.

The audit committee has reviewed and discussed our audited financial  statements
for the calendar year ended  December 31, 2002 with our management and McGladrey
& Pullen, LLP, our independent  auditors.  The committee has also discussed with
McGladrey  &  Pullen,  LLP  the  matters  required  to be  discussed  by  SAS 61
(Codification  for Statements on Auditing  Standards) as well as having received
and discussed the written  disclosures  and the letter from  McGladrey & Pullen,
LLP required by  Independence  Standards  Board  Statement  No. 1  (Independence
Discussions  with Audit  Committees).  Based on the review and discussions  with
management  and McGladrey & Pullen,  LLP, the committee has  recommended  to the
board that the audited  financial  statements  be  included in our  transitional
report on Form 10-K for the six month period ending December 31, 2002 for filing
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                Audit Committee:
                                James J. Brownson
                                 John K. Lawson
                                   Henry Royer


Representatives of McGladrey & Pullen,  LLP, our independent public accountants,
are expected to be present at the meeting and will be given the  opportunity  to
make a  statement  if they desire to do so and will be  available  to respond to
appropriate questions.

Accountant Fees

Audit Fees. The aggregate fees and expenses billed by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP in
connection with the audit of our annual  financial  statements as of and for the
six-month  transition period ended December 31, 2002 and for the required review
of our  financial  information  included  in our SEC filings for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2002 was $72,799.

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees. There were no fees
incurred for these services during the 2002 calendar year.

All Other Fees.  The aggregate  fees and expenses  billed by McGladrey & Pullen,
LLP and RSM  McGladrey,  Inc. (an affiliate of McGladrey and Pullen LLP) for all
other services  rendered to us during the  transition  period ended December 31,
2002 was $59,685.

The audit committee,  after  consideration of the matter,  does not believe that
the rendering of these  services by McGladrey & Pullen,  LLP to be  incompatible
with  maintaining  McGladrey  &  Pullen,  LLP's  independence  as our  principal


Any proposal which a stockholder  wishes to have included in our proxy materials
relating to the next annual  meeting of  stockholders,  which is scheduled to be
held in May  2004,  must be  received  at our  principal  executive  offices  at
3551-7th Street,  Suite 204, Moline,  Illinois 61265, no later than November 27,
2003 in order to  consider  it for  inclusion  in our proxy  materials  and must
otherwise comply with the notice and other provisions of our bylaws.



Our report on Form 10-K  (without  exhibits)  and  transitional  report  will be
included as part of our annual report to  stockholders,  which will be mailed to
each stockholder of record as of the record date for the annual meeting. We will
furnish  without  charge to each person  whose proxy is  solicited,  and to each
person  representing that he or she is a beneficial owner of our common stock as
of the record date for the meeting,  upon written request,  copies of our annual
report on Form 10-K and  transitional  report as filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission,  together  with the  financial  statements  and  schedules
thereto.  Such written request should be sent to Ms. Shellee R. Showalter,  Quad
City Bank and Trust Company.

                       By order of the Board of Directors

/s/ Michael A. Bauer                            /s/ Douglas M. Hultquist
----------------------------------              --------------------------------
Michael A. Bauer                                Douglas M. Hultquist
Chairman                                        President

Moline, Illinois
March 26, 2003

                         AND MAIL THEIR PROXIES PROMPTLY
