THIRD QUARTER REPORT
                                                              SEPTEMBER 30, 2001


        Our cover icon represents the underpinnings of Gabelli. The
        Teton mountains in Wyoming represent what we believe in in
        America -- that creativity, ingenuity, hard work and a global
        uniqueness provide enduring values. They also stand out in
        an increasingly complex, interconnected and interdependent
        economic world.


The Gabelli Utility Trust is a closed-end, non-diversified management investment
company whose primary objectives are long-term growth of capital and income. The
Trust will invest in companies that provide products, services or equipment for
the generation or distribution of electricity, gas and water. Additionally, the
Trust will invest in companies in telecommunications services or infrastructure



                                             [PHOTO OF MARIO J. GABELLI OMITTED]



      In our  view,  the major  investment  theme  for  electric,  gas and water
utilities can be summed up in two words: size matters.  Electric generators with
a large and  geographically  diverse  portfolio of  generating  plants can trade
around their  structural  long  positions to enhance  returns while avoiding the
risk of asset concentration in a single market that experiences a hiccup, as all
markets do from time to time. Electric, gas and water companies can spread their
substantial  fixed costs over a larger base of  customers,  and see the cost per
customer  decline,   enhancing  earnings  while  reducing  prices.  The  current
unsettled market conditions seem to have caused the consolidation  activity seen
to over the past several years to slow for a while, but the underlying economics
continue  to point to  continuing  merger and  acquisition  activity  over time.
Things seem to be picking up a bit already, and if Congress cooperates, which is
always a big question mark, we could be off to the races next year.


      For the third  quarter  ended  September  30,  2001,  The Gabelli  Utility
Trust's (the "Trust") net asset value ("NAV") fell 5.24% after adjusting for the
reinvestment  of the $0.15 per share in  distributions.  The  Standard  & Poor's
("S&P")  Utility Index and the Lipper Utility Fund Average  declined  17.91% and
12.60%,  respectively,  over  the  same  period.  The S&P  Utility  Index  is an
unmanaged  indicator of electric and gas utility  stock  performance,  while the
Lipper  Average  reflects  the  average  performance  of open-end  mutual  funds
classified in this particular category.

      The  Trust  was up  0.83%  for  the  trailing  twelve-month  period  after
adjusting for the reinvestment of the $1.00 per share in distributions.  The S&P
Utility  Index and the Lipper  Utility  Fund  Average  fell  24.83% and  22.75%,
respectively, over the same twelve-month period. Since inception on July 9, 1999
through  September 30, 2001, the Trust had a cumulative  total return of 19.97%,
including  adjustments of $1.60 per share in distributions,  which equates to an
average annual total return of 8.50%.

      The Trust's shares of beneficial interest ended the third quarter at $8.54
per share on the New York Stock  Exchange,  a premium to the net asset  value of
15.72% and a total return  decline of 2.30% for the third  quarter.  The Trust's
common shares rose 15.94% for the trailing  twelve-month  period after adjusting
for all distributions.


      There are nearly 80 publicly traded  investor-owned  electric utilities in
the  U.S.,  and this is at least 50 more  than we need  from the  standpoint  of
economic  efficiency.  Stand-alone  natural gas  distribution  companies make no
economic sense either;  the  combination  utility model is clearly  better.  The
balkanized structure of the industry is inherently inefficient,  and competitive
forces are now putting pressure on the marginal players.  The big companies feel
the need to get bigger,  and the small  companies are selling out as the cost of
staying in the game rises.  It is only  because of a complex and lengthy  merger
review and approval  process that the industry  remains as  fragmented as it is.
Our  investments  in regulated  utility  companies  have  primarily,  though not
exclusively,  focused on  fundamentally  sound,  reasonably  priced  mid-cap and
small-cap  utilities  that are likely  acquisition  targets for large  utilities
seeking to bulk up. We also like the  beneficiaries of developing  trends.  This
has led to our ongoing focus on incumbent  local  telecommunications  companies,
natural gas pipelines and storage operators,  and wholesale electric generators,
another group that is in our opinion increasingly ripe for consolidation.




                   Average Annual Returns - September 30, 2001

                                 NAV Average          Investment Average
                               Annual Return (a)       Annual Return (b)
                               -----------------      ------------------

      1 Year ..................      0.83%                   15.94%
      Life of Fund (c) ........      8.50%                   12.56%

(a) Life of Fund return based on initial net asset value of $7.50. Total returns
and average annual returns reflect  changes in net asset value and  reinvestment
of distributions and are net of expenses. Of course, the returns noted represent
past performance and do not guarantee future results. Investment returns and the
principal value of an investment  will fluctuate.  When shares are sold they may
be worth more or less than their original cost.

(b) Life of Fund return based on initial offering price of $7.50.  Total returns
and average annual returns  reflect  changes in closing market values on the New
York Stock Exchange and reinvestment of distributions.

(c) From commencement of investment operations on July 9, 1999.


      The third quarter of 2001 was miserable  before  September 11, and it only
got worse after that.  The economy was already  weak and getting  weaker.  Seven
Federal Reserve Board ("Fed") easings did not seem to be helping. The investment
spending  binge of the past decade  combined with the sudden  economic  slowdown
dropped U.S. capacity  utilization below 80% for the first time in a decade, and
American  businesses  slashed capital budgets in response.  Lower interest rates
will not bring  investment  spending up; only higher  retail  demand can do that

      September 11 reduced any lingering  doubt about whether or not the U.S. is
in a recession.  It is. The payroll  number  reported on October 5, covering the
period  through  September  12, was much worse than  expected.  The number to be
reported  on November  2, which will  reflect  the first month of American  life
after the attack, will be awful. Unemployment,  currently at 4.9% and up sharply
from less than 4% only a few months  ago,  seems  destined  to go up as American
businesses  batten  down the  hatches  in the face of the storm that is upon us.
Jobs  that  seemed  secure  are  suddenly  seen  to be at  risk.  This is not an
environment  conducive to robust  consumer  spending.  We have seen the onset of
recessions  before,  and we know what the consumer  does. The consumer cuts back
and waits to see just how bad it is going to get. The consumer's need to rebuild
liquidity in the face of economic uncertainty exacerbates the falloff in demand,
and the recession is fully under way. We can't know until after the fact how bad
the  recession is going to be. The  recessions of 1974-75 and 1981-82 were truly
awful,  while that of 1990-91 was broad based but relatively mild. History tells
us that  unemployment  normally peaks in a recession between 7% and 9%. There is
more pain to come in the months ahead.

      Arguing for a relatively  mild  recession  are several  factors.  Monetary
policy at the moment is highly  stimulative,  and history tells us that when the
pundits  start  pontificating  about "the Fed pushing on a string" the  monetary
stimulus  usually  starts to kick in.  Fiscal policy has turned  stimulative  as
well.  President  Bush's summer tax cut, widely derided by columnists and policy
wonks on the left,  looks  positively  prescient.  Whether that is by luck or by
design is for  history to judge.  More tax cuts are coming,  sooner  rather than
later. In addition, government spending, the third leg of the economic stool, is
set to rise  faster  than the 4% spending  growth  that the  administration  had
targeted.  An awful lot of money,  much of it from the  Federal  government,  is
going to be spent on  security.  While this  represents  a dead loss in terms of
economic efficiency (security spending does not make or produce anything), it is
a lot of money and a lot of jobs.


      Of course,  this means that the U.S. is running a deficit again.  So what?
The U.S. has less debt relative to Gross Domestic Product ("GDP") than any major
industrial  nation in the world.  If a little deficit  spending gets the economy
growing again,  and eventually it will, it is money well spent.  Social Security
reform will just have to wait for another day.

      What  does  this  mean  for  utility  stock   investors?   Utility  stocks
historically have performed relatively well during recessions.  Electricity, gas
and water usage have some economic  sensitivity but not that much.  Weather is a
lot more important.  People and businesses pay their utility bills in good times
and bad.  Utilities,  in addition,  are in the best financial  shape in decades.
Dividend payouts are low, balance sheets are strong, and the quality of earnings
is excellent. The stocks are cheap, with many quality stocks trading at 10 times
earnings or less.  One  additional  point to consider:  the 4% to 6% yields that
investors can get on utility stocks looks very  attractive  compared to what the
banks are  paying on CDs as the Fed  hammers  interest  rates  lower and  lower.
Utilities have long offered equity investors a safe haven in economic downturns,
and this time should be no different.

      Fundamental developments for utilities in the third quarter were generally
positive.  The lights stayed on in  California.  The  President's  energy policy
proposals  unveiled  in May were  going  nowhere  fast,  particularly  since the
Democrats took control of the Senate, but post-September 11 they are back on the
front burner in Congress,  and we could see legislation on the President's  desk
by the end of the year. Since it is Congress, of course, you never know until it
is done.  The  President's  package  contains  several  items of  importance  to
utilities.  The  Administration  package would  substantially  reform the Public
Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA),  which would allow non-utility companies to
invest in  utilities  in a  meaningful  way for the first time since 1935.  This
would be a  tremendous  spur to utility  merger and  acquisition  activity.  The
proposal  would also allow  electric  companies  to avoid  capital  gains tax on
transmission assets transferred to independent regional transmission  operators,
and  would  clarify  the tax  status  of  nuclear  decommissioning  funds.  Both
proposals,  if enacted,  would facilitate  utility  consolidation  activity,  an
ongoing focus of the Trust's  investment  strategy.  Consolidation  activity saw
some signs of  picking up in the third  quarter,  as German  utility  giant E.ON
agreed to buy  American  Water  Works for a very rich  price.  In  October,  the
independent  power producer ("IPP") Reliant Resources paid up to acquire another
IPP,  Orion  Power.  Also in  October,  Northwest  Natural Gas agreed to acquire
Portland General Electric from Enron in a pretty  reasonably-priced deal that we
like a lot. So, things seem to be  developing  as we hoped,  as discussed in our
second  quarter  report:  the  rhetoric  is cooling  off,  rates are coming down
(except in California, and they did it to themselves) and things in utility-land
are getting back to normal.

      One thing that we are watching  closely with some concern is the risk that
regulators  will reduce  allowed rates of return for utilities as interest rates
ratchet down. With interest rates where they are currently, a reasonable allowed
return on equity  would be in the range of 9.5% to 10.5%.  Some  utilities  that
have  avoided  filing rate cases for years still have  allowed  returns that are
substantially  higher.  In  an  economic  downturn,  industrial  and  commercial
customers are under a lot of pressure to cut costs, and one way of doing that is
to complain to  regulators  that  utilities  are earning too much money.  We are
consistently  trying to avoid  companies  that are  vulnerable  to a  regulatory
earnings review that could trigger a general rate case.



      The  following  are stock  specifics  on  selected  holdings of our Trust.
Favorable  earnings  prospects do not  necessarily  translate  into higher stock
prices,  but they do express a positive  trend that we believe will develop over

BANGOR HYDRO-ELECTRIC CO. (BGR - $26.63 - NYSE) was acquired by Canadian utility
Emera Inc. (EMA.TO - $15.95 - Toronto Stock Exchange) on October 10, 2001. Under
the agreement reached in June 2000, Emera acquired all of the outstanding common
stock of BGR for $26.806 per share in cash. Emera said that the purchase is part
of its strategy to grow its businesses  outside of Canada. BGR will operate as a
standalone  division within the company and will be the base for Emera to launch
other initiatives in the U.S.

BELLSOUTH CORP.  (BLS - $41.55 - NYSE) is the incumbent  local exchange  carrier
serving most of the  southeastern  U.S. The stock has been held back by investor
concern that  BellSouth is  contemplating  a significant  domestic  acquisition,
which we doubt,  and by valuation  issues in relation to the  company's  lowered
earnings per share ("EPS") growth expectations.  The lower earnings guidance was
in part due to  nonrecurring  factors,  and also due to the  acceleration of the
company's  digital  subscriber line rollout,  which will inflate expenses in the
near term.  BellSouth's  management has shown its aversion to dilution over many
years, which gives us some comfort about the company's  acquisition plans. At 16
times consensus 2002 EPS estimates,  BellSouth is statistically  the cheapest of
the three regional Bells.

CENTURYTEL INC. (CTL - $33.50 - NYSE), based in Monroe, Louisiana, is the eighth
largest local telephone  company in the U.S., with over 1.8 million access lines
in the South and Midwest.  CenturyTel also has over 740,000 cellular  customers.
Through  acquisitions,  CTL has created clusters of rural telephone and cellular
companies  within commuting  distance of metropolitan  areas in states including
Wisconsin,  Michigan,  Ohio,  Louisiana  and  Arkansas.  With the  $2.2  billion
acquisition  of  Portland-based  Pacific  Telecom,  CenturyTel  has added  seven
states,  ten cellular markets and 640,000 access lines to its customer base. The
acquired  operations  have nearly doubled  Century's  revenues.  The company has
recently  closed  acquisitions  of 475,000  access  lines from  Verizon for $1.5
billion.   Century  recently  announced  it  decision  to  divest  its  wireless
operations  and focus on growing its rural  wireline  operations.  In July,  the
company  received an unsolicited bid from ALLTEL (AT - $57.95 - NYSE) to acquire
CenturyTel  for $43 per share in cash and ALLTEL  stock.  CenturyTel  management
rejected ALLTEL's initial offer.

CH ENERGY  GROUP  INC.  (CHG - $40.60 - NYSE) is the last  small New York  State
public  electric  utility  operating,  now that Orange & Rockland and RGS Energy
have  gone on to  utility  heaven,  which we  define  as  selling  out to bigger
companies at a rich premium.  CH Energy serves the territory  directly  north of
New York City, an area long  dominated by IBM. The buyer would almost have to be
Energy East, Consolidated Edison, National Grid or Keyspan. The best fit clearly
is with Energy  East.  The buyer could  rationalize  outside  plant  operations,
eliminate all of the corporate, finance, regulatory and public company overhead,
and save a lot of money for the benefit of both shareholders and customers. When
the deal happens is hard to say.  Energy East has a depressed stock price due to
arbitrage  pressures,  Con Ed is licking its wounds from the Northeast Utilities
fiasco and has its hands full and then some since  September 11, and the Grid is
tied down with Niagara Mohawk until 2002. We think it will happen in more than a
year but less than three.  Our estimate of the  company's  private  market value
("PMV") is $63, which represents a premium of around 50%.


CINERGY CORP. (CIN - $30.87 - NYSE) is another  consolidation  play. Cinergy has
been to the altar more times than Billy Bob  Thornton  (or Zsa Zsa Gabor for our
more  senior  shareholders),  but never quite got the deal done.  The  stumbling
block has been, as always, "social issues." The logjam may be breaking, however,
given the burgeoning  stock and option position of Cinergy's  senior  management
team.  Cinergy  has a  mouthwatering  portfolio  of  very  low  cost  coal-fired
generating  plants,  an opportunity  to make a lot of money in the  deregulating
Ohio  wholesale  generating  market,  and  transmission  access  that is  highly
strategic to a bigger buyer.  The stock is dirt cheap at 11 times consensus 2002
EPS of $2.90.  We think  that the  stock is cheap  because  investors  have been
waiting  so long for the sale  that  many  have  given up and moved on. At a 10%
discount multiple for a premier company, we'll wait.

NIAGARA MOHAWK  HOLDINGS INC. (NMK - $16.97 - NYSE) agreed to be acquired by the
National  Grid of the U.K.  in August  2000 for $19 per share in cash and stock.
The  acquisition  is expected to close by the end of 2001,  although the Grid is
pushing hard to move up the closing  date.  The New York  regulators  remain the
major hurdle to be cleared.  The company's revenue growth prospects are minimal,
but its operations are inefficient  and its cost structure is bloated.  The Grid
expects to be able to reduce  Niagara  Mohawk's cost base by 10% or $90 million.
Assuming that the Grid attains its cost  reduction  targets,  which we think are
readily  attainable,  the acquisition will be accretive to the Grid's EPS in the
first year.

RGS ENERGY GROUP INC. (RGS - $38.70 - NYSE) is a small  electric and gas utility
serving metropolitan  Rochester,  NY, a city that is the economic hub of upstate
New York.  In February,  RGS agreed to be acquired by Energy  East,  its upstate
neighbor, for $39.50 per share. We support this deal. RGS got a good premium for
its shareholders  while mitigating  lingering  concerns about the  deteriorating
outlook for major  industrial  customers,  including  Xerox and  Eastman  Kodak.
Energy East is paying a  reasonable  multiple  and is  acquiring a company  with
increasingly  valuable and strategic  generation  assets and a service territory
that presents ample scope for cost reduction over time.

SEMCO  ENERGY  INC.  (SEN  -  $14.35  -  NYSE)  is  a  diversified   energy  and
infrastructure  company  distributing gas to over 367,000  customers in Michigan
and  Alaska.  It  also  has  businesses  involved  in gas  engineering  services
including  pipeline  construction  and natural  gas  storage in various  regions
throughout  the United  States.  The  company's  propane  division is one of the
largest suppliers in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.


      The  Gabelli  Utility  Trust had a $0.05 per  share  monthly  distribution
policy in place.  The Trust's monthly  distribution has been increased by 20% to
$0.06 per share beginning in October 2001.

                                /S/ MARIO J. GABELLI, CFA
                                MARIO J. GABELLI, CFA
                                Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer

October 31, 2001


                            THE GABELLI UTILITY TRUST
                            PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS
                         SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 (UNAUDITED)

   SHARES                                                              VALUE
   ------                                                              ------

                COMMON STOCKS -- 71.3%
                AGRICULTURE -- 0.1%
   10,600       Cadiz Inc.+ ....................................     $    90,842
                BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION -- 1.2%
   15,000       Newport News Shipbuilding Inc. .................       1,008,000
                COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 0.4%
   60,000       Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd. .....................         326,366
                ENERGY AND UTILITIES: ELECTRIC -- 27.8%
   15,742       AES Corp.+ .....................................         201,812
   85,000       Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. ......................       2,263,550
   55,000       Cinergy Corp. ..................................       1,697,850
   10,000       Cleco Corp. ....................................         206,100
  115,000       Conectiv Inc. ..................................       2,702,500
   35,000       DPL Inc. .......................................         851,200
   20,219       DTE Energy Co. .................................         870,428
  164,900       El Paso Electric Co.+ ..........................       2,168,435
    2,000       FPL Group Inc. .................................         107,100
   10,000       GPU Inc. .......................................         403,600
   52,200       Maine Public Service Co. .......................       1,453,770
  250,000       Niagara Mohawk Holdings Inc.+ ..................       4,242,500
  120,000       Northeast Utilities ............................       2,247,600
    1,500       Orion Power Holdings Inc.+ .....................          38,250
   57,000       SCANA Corp. ....................................       1,446,660
   20,000       TECO Energy Inc. ...............................         542,000
   25,000       UIL Holdings Corp. .............................       1,192,250
   20,000       Unisource Energy Corp. .........................         280,000
                ENERGY AND UTILITIES: INTEGRATED -- 18.1%
   13,000       Allete .........................................         333,320
   40,000       CH Energy Group Inc. ...........................       1,624,000
   52,000       DQE Inc. .......................................       1,000,480
   15,000       Edison International ...........................         197,400
    7,000       Empire District Electric Co. ...................         143,850
   18,000       Entergy Corp. ..................................         640,080
   50,000       Florida Public Utilities Co. ...................         777,500
   30,000       Madison Gas & Electric Co. .....................         754,500
   33,000       Montana Power Co. ..............................         173,250
   52,000       NSTAR ..........................................       2,178,800
   18,000       PG&E Corp. .....................................         273,600
   40,000       Progress Energy Inc. ...........................          12,000
    5,000       Puget Energy Inc. ..............................         107,450
   98,700       RGS Energy Group Inc. ..........................       3,819,690
    5,000       Sierra Pacific Resources+ ......................          75,500
  140,000       Western Resources Inc. .........................       2,317,000
    7,000       WPS Resources Corp. ............................         240,800
    9,000       Xcel Energy Inc. ...............................         253,350

   SHARES                                                              VALUE
   ------                                                              ------

                ENERGY AND UTILITIES: NATURAL GAS -- 10.8%
   37,000       AGL Resources Inc. .............................       $ 738,890
    2,000       Chesapeake Utilities Corp. .....................          36,700
   34,000       Delta Natural Gas Co. Inc. .....................         680,000
    3,000       Dynegy Inc., Cl. A .............................         103,950
   14,000       National Fuel Gas Co. ..........................         322,420
   12,000       Nicor Inc. .....................................         465,000
   22,000       ONEOK Inc. .....................................         364,320
   19,000       Peoples Energy Corp. ...........................         755,440
   23,000       Piedmont Natural Gas Co. Inc. ..................         716,220
  110,000       SEMCO Energy Inc. ..............................       1,578,500
   17,254       Southern Union Co. .............................         361,126
  130,000       Southwest Gas Corp. ............................       2,756,000
                ENERGY AND UTILITIES: WATER -- 5.7%
    8,000       American States Water Co. ......................         296,000
   11,000       Artesian Resources Corp., Cl. A ................         287,870
   26,000       Birmingham Utilities Inc. ......................         413,400
   20,520       California Water Service Group .................         554,040
    7,500       Connecticut Water Service Inc. .................         207,067
   21,200       Middlesex Water Co. ............................         699,600
   45,000       NiSource Inc.+ .................................          95,400
    4,100       Pennichuck Corp. ...............................         131,200
   30,000       Philadelphia Suburban Corp. ....................         787,800
   14,500       SJW Corp. ......................................       1,187,550
    5,250       Southwest Water Co. ............................          74,288
                ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES -- 0.1%
   13,000       Catalytica Energy Systems Inc.+ ................          99,580
                SATELLITE -- 0.5%
   30,000       General Motors Corp., Cl. H+ ...................         399,900
                TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 6.1%
    2,000       ALLTEL Corp. ...................................         115,900
   15,000       AT&T Canada Inc., Cl. B+ .......................         435,150
   10,000       AT&T Corp. .....................................         193,000
   27,000       BellSouth Corp. ................................       1,121,850
    3,000       British Telecommunications plc, ADR ............         153,450
   30,000       BroadWing Inc.+ ................................         482,400
   52,000       CenturyTel Inc. ................................       1,742,000
   20,000       Citizens Communications Co. ....................         188,000
    5,000       Commonwealth Telephone
                  Enterprises Inc.+ ............................         183,750
   12,000       Conestoga Enterprises Inc. .....................         275,400
   10,000       Deutsche Telekom AG, ADR .......................         155,000


                            THE GABELLI UTILITY TRUST
                         SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 (UNAUDITED)
    SHARES                                                             VALUE
    ------                                                             ------
                WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS -- 0.5%
     44,000      Nextel Communications Inc., Cl. A+ ............    $   380,160
      2,000      Nextel Partners Inc., Cl. A+ ..................         13,460
                TOTAL COMMON STOCKS ............................     58,815,164

                PREFERRED STOCKS -- 0.7%
                TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 0.7%
    14,000      Citizens Communications Co.,
                  5.00% Cv. Pfd. ...............................        609,560

  PRINCIPAL                                                            MARKET
   AMOUNT                                                              VALUE
  ---------                                                            ------

                CORPORATE BONDS -- 2.6%
                ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES -- 2.5%
 $2,050,000     Waste Management Inc., Sub. Deb. Cv.
                  4.00%, 02/01/02 ..............................      2,060,250
                TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 0.1%
    100,000     Williams Communications Group Inc.
                  10.88%, 10/01/09 .............................         42,000
                TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS ..........................      2,102,250

  PRINCIPAL                                                            MARKET
   AMOUNT                                                              VALUE
  ---------                                                            ------
                U.S. GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS -- 21.2%
 17,500,000     U.S. Treasury Bills,
                  3.37% to 3.52%++,
                  due 10/11/01 to 11/15/01 .....................     17,445,155

                REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS -- 4.2%
 $3,495,000     Agreement with State Street
                  Bank & Trust Co.,
                  3.05%, dated 09/28/01,
                  due 10/01/01, proceeds
                  at maturity $3,495,888 (a) ...................    $ 3,495,000

  (Cost $80,833,045) ...........................................     82,467,129

  LIABILITIES (NET) -- (0.0)% ..................................        (15,050)

NET ASSETS -- 100.0%
  (11,175,126 shares outstanding) ..............................    $82,452,079

  (82,452,079 / 11,175,126 shares outstanding) .................          $7.38


                For Federal tax purposes:
                Aggregate cost .................................    $80,833,045
                Gross unrealized appreciation ..................    $ 6,566,659
                Gross unrealized depreciation ..................     (4,932,575)
                Net unrealized appreciation ....................    $ 1,634,084


     (a)    Collateralized by U.S. Treasury Bond, 6.625%, due 02/15/27, market
            value $3,566,852.
     +      Non-income producing security.
     ++     Represents annualized yield at date of purchase.
     ADR -  American Depositary Receipt.


                               SELECTED HOLDINGS
                              SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

     Bangor Hydro-Electric Co.            Cinergy Corp.
     BellSouth Corp.                      Niagara Mohawk Holdings Inc.
     CenturyTel Inc.                      RGS Energy Group Inc.
     CH Energy Group Inc.                 SEMCO Energy Inc.

NOTE: The views expressed in this report reflect those of the portfolio  manager
only through the end of the period stated in this report.  The  manager's  views
are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions.


                        AND VOLUNTARY CASH PURCHASE PLAN


   It  is  the  policy  of  The  Gabelli  Utility  Trust  ("Utility  Trust")  to
automatically   reinvest   dividends.   As  a   "registered"   shareholder   you
automatically  become a participant in the Utility  Trust's  Automatic  Dividend
Reinvestment  Plan (the "Plan").  The Plan authorizes the Utility Trust to issue
shares to participants  upon an income dividend or a capital gains  distribution
regardless  of whether  the shares are trading at a discount or a premium to net
asset value. All  distributions  to shareholders  whose shares are registered in
their  own  names  will be  automatically  reinvested  pursuant  to the  Plan in
additional  shares of the Utility Trust.  Plan participants may send their stock
certificates to State Street Bank and Trust Company ("State  Street") to be held
in their  dividend  reinvestment  account.  Registered  shareholders  wishing to
receive their distribution in cash must submit this request in writing to:

                            The Gabelli Utility Trust
                     c/o State Street Bank and Trust Company
                                  P.O. Box 8200
                              Boston, MA 02266-8200

   Shareholders  requesting  this cash election  must include the  shareholder's
name and  address as they  appear on the share  certificate.  Shareholders  with
additional  questions  regarding  the Plan may contact  State  Street at 1 (800)

must do so in writing or by  telephone.  Please submit your request to the above
mentioned  address  or  telephone  number.  Include in your  request  your name,
address  and  account  number.  The  cost  to  liquidate  shares  is  $2.50  per
transaction as well as the brokerage commission incurred.  Brokerage charges are
expected to be less than the usual brokerage charge for such transactions.

   If your shares are held in the name of a broker, bank or nominee,  you should
contact such institution.  If such institution is not participating in the Plan,
your account will be credited with a cash  dividend.  In order to participate in
the Plan through  such  institution,  it may be  necessary  for you to have your
shares  taken out of  "street  name" and  re-registered  in your own name.  Once
registered in your own name your  dividends  will be  automatically  reinvested.
Certain brokers participate in the Plan.  Shareholders holding shares in "street
name"  at   participating   institutions   will  have  dividends   automatically
reinvested.  Shareholders  wishing  a cash  dividend  at such  institution  must
contact their broker to make this change.

   The number of shares of Common Stock  distributed to participants in the Plan
in lieu of cash dividends is determined in the following manner. Under the Plan,
whenever  the market  price of the Utility  Trust's  Common Stock is equal to or
exceeds  net  asset  value  at the  time  shares  are  valued  for  purposes  of
determining  the number of shares  equivalent  to the cash  dividends or capital
gains distribution, participants are issued shares of Common Stock valued at the
greater of (i) the net asset value as most  recently  determined  or (ii) 95% of
the then current market price of the Utility Trust's Common Stock. The valuation
date is the dividend or distribution  payment date or, if that date is not a New
York Stock Exchange trading day, the next trading day. If the net asset value of
the Common Stock at the time of valuation exceeds the market price of the Common
Stock,  participants will receive shares from the Utility Trust valued at market
price.  If the  Utility  Trust  should  declare  a  dividend  or  capital  gains
distribution  payable  only in cash,  State  Street will buy Common Stock in the
open  market,  or  on  the  New  York  Stock  Exchange  or  elsewhere,  for  the
participants'  accounts,  except that State  Street will  endeavor to  terminate
purchases in the open market and cause the Utility  Trust to issue shares at net
asset value if, following the  commencement of such purchases,  the market value
of the Common Stock exceeds the then current net asset value.

   The automatic  reinvestment of dividends and capital gains distributions will
not  relieve  participants  of any  income  tax  which  may be  payable  on such
distributions.  A participant in the Plan will be treated for Federal income tax
purposes  as  having  received,  on a  dividend  payment  date,  a  dividend  or
distribution in an amount equal to the cash the participant  could have received
instead of shares.

   The  Utility  Trust  reserves  the  right to amend or  terminate  the Plan as
applied to any voluntary  cash  payments  made and any dividend or  distribution
paid  subsequent to written notice of the change sent to the members of the Plan
at least 90 days before the record date for such dividend or  distribution.  The
Plan also may be  amended  or  terminated  by State  Street on at least 90 days'
written notice to participants in the Plan.


   The Voluntary Cash Purchase Plan is yet another vehicle for our  shareholders
to increase their  investment in the Utility  Trust.  In order to participate in
the Voluntary Cash Purchase Plan, shareholders must have their shares registered
in their own name.

   Participants  in the  Voluntary  Cash Purchase Plan have the option of making
additional  cash payments to State Street for investments in the Utility Trust's
shares at the then current  market price.  Shareholders  may send an amount from
$250 to $10,000.  State  Street  will use these funds to purchase  shares in the
open market on or about the 1st and 15th of each month. State Street will charge
each shareholder who participates  $0.75, plus a pro rata share of the brokerage
commissions.  Brokerage  charges for such purchases are expected to be less than
the usual  brokerage  charge for such  transactions.  It is  suggested  that any
voluntary cash payments be sent to State Street Bank and Trust Company, P.O. Box
8200,  Boston,  MA  02266-8200  such that State Street  receives  such  payments
approximately 10 days before the 15th of the month.  Funds not received at least
five  days  before  the  investment  date  shall be held for  investment  in the
following month. A payment may be withdrawn without charge if notice is received
by State Street at least 48 hours before such payment is to be invested.

   For more information  regarding the Dividend  Reinvestment Plan and Voluntary
Cash Purchase  Plan,  brochures  are  available by calling (914)  921-5070 or by
writing directly to the Utility Trust.


                             DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS

                            THE GABELLI UTILITY TRUST
                    ONE CORPORATE CENTER, RYE, NY 10580-1434


Mario J. Gabelli, CFA

Dr. Thomas E. Bratter

Anthony J. Colavita

James P. Conn

Vincent D. Enright

Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr.

John D. Gabelli

Robert J. Morrissey

Karl Otto Pohl

Anthony R. Pustorino

Salvatore J. Zizza


Mario J. Gabelli, CFA

Bruce N. Alpert

David I. Schachter

James E. McKee

Gabelli Funds, LLC
One Corporate Center
Rye, New York  10580-1434

Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP

State Street Bank and Trust Company

NYSE-Symbol:                               GUT
Shares Outstanding:                     11,175,126

The Net Asset Value appears in the Publicly Traded
Funds column,  under the heading "Specialized Equity Funds," in Sunday's The
New York  Times  and in  Monday's  The Wall  Street  Journal.  It is also
listed in Barron's Mutual Funds/Closed End Funds section under the heading
"Specialized Equity Funds."

The Net Asset Value may be obtained each day by calling (914) 921-5071.

     For general information about the Gabelli Funds, call
     1-800-GABELLI (1-800-422-3554), fax us at 914-921-5118, visit
     Gabelli Funds' Internet homepage at: HTTP://WWW.GABELLI.COM or
     e-mail us at: closedend@gabelli.com

     Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 23(c) of the
     Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, that the Utility
     Trust may, from time to time, purchase its shares in the open
     market when the Utility Trust shares are trading at a discount
     of 10% or more from the net asset value of the shares.


RYE, NY  10580-1434
(914) 921-5070

                                                            THIRD QUARTER REPORT
                                                              SETPEMBER 30, 2001

                                                                     GBFUF 09/01