WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                     Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. __)

Filed by the Registrant X
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant __

Check the appropriate box:

__       Preliminary Proxy Statement
X        Definitive Proxy Statement
__       Definitive Additional Materials
__       Soliciting Material Pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 14a-11 or 14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)
               Payment of filing Fee (check the appropriate box):

X        No Fee Required.
__       Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and

1)       Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


2)       Aggregate number of securities to which the transaction applies:


3)       Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11: (Set forth the amount on which the
         filing is calculated and state how it was determined.)


4)       Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


5)       Total fee paid:


__       Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

__       Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
         Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
         was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1)       Amount Previously Paid:


2)       Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


3)       Filing Party:


4)       Date Filed:



                               1818 Market Street
                                   33rd Floor
                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

Dear Shareholder:

         On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to invite you to
attend our 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Thursday, May 2,
2002 at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time. This year's Annual Meeting will be
held at our headquarters, 1818 Market Street, 33rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA
19103. At this meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Enclosed
with this proxy statement are your voting card and the 2001 Annual Report to

         The principal business of the meeting is to elect eleven (11)
directors, to ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent
public accountants of Right Management Consultants, Inc. for 2002, and to
transact any other business that is properly presented at the Annual Meeting.
The notice of meeting and Proxy Statement accompanying this letter describe the
specific business to be acted upon in more detail.

         This year for the 2002 Annual Meeting, we have adopted the SEC's
"householding" rule. This rule permits us to deliver a single proxy or
information statement to a household, even though two or more shareholders live
under the same roof or a shareholder has shares registered in multiple accounts.
This rule enables us to reduce the expense of printing and mailing associated
with proxy statements and reduces the amount of duplicative information you may
currently receive. If this rule applies to you and you wish to continue
receiving proxy materials as in prior years, without participating in the
"householding" rule, please inform us in writing within sixty (60) days. If we
do not hear from you within sixty (60) days, we will assume that we have your
implied consent to deliver one set of proxy materials under this rule. This
implied consent will continue for as long as you remain a shareholder of the
company, unless you inform us in writing otherwise.

         We are delighted that you have chosen to invest in Right Management
Consultants, Inc. and hope that, whether or not you plan to attend the Annual
Meeting, you will vote as soon as possible by completing, signing and returning
the enclosed proxy in the envelope provided. Your vote is important. Voting by
written proxy will ensure your representation at the Annual Meeting if you do
not attend in person.

         I look forward to seeing you on May 2, 2002 at the Annual Meeting.


                                                    /S/ CHARLES J. MALLON
                                                    Charles J. Mallon


                               1818 Market Street
                                   33rd Floor
                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
                       TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2002

Date:    Thursday, May 2, 2002
Time:    10:00 a.m. (EDT)
Place:   1818 Market Street
         33rd Floor
         Philadelphia, PA 19103

         We will hold our Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Thursday, May 2,
2002, at 10:00 a.m., at our headquarters, 1818 Market Street, 33rd Floor,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

         The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to consider and take action on the

         1.       To elect eleven (11) directors for a term of one year.

         2.       To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as our
                  independent public accountants for the fiscal year 2002.

         3.       To transact any other business properly brought before the
                  Annual Meeting.

         If you are a shareholder as of March 15, 2002, you may vote at the
meeting. This Proxy Statement, voting instructions and our 2001 Annual Report to
Shareholders are being distributed on or about April 12, 2002.

         You are cordially invited to attend the meeting. However, whether or
not you expect to attend the meeting, to assure that your shares are represented
at the meeting, please date, execute, and mail promptly the enclosed proxy card
in the enclosed, stamped envelope. The return of the enclosed proxy card will
not affect your right to vote in person if you do attend the meeting.

                                        By order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ CHARLES J. MALLON

                                        Charles J. Mallon

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
April 12, 2002


                               1818 Market Street
                                   33rd Floor
                             Philadelphia, PA 19103

                                   May 2, 2002

         This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Directors of Right Management Consultants, Inc., for
use at our Annual Meeting of Shareholders which is scheduled to be held on
Thursday, May 2, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. (EDT), at our headquarters, 1818 Market
Street, 33rd Floor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This Proxy Statement, the
foregoing notice and the enclosed proxy are being sent to shareholders on or
about April 12, 2002.

                           Table of Contents

Commonly Asked Questions and Answers about the Annual Meeting.................6
Principal Shareholders and Management's Holdings..............................9
Compliance with Section 16(a) of Securities Exchange Act of 1934.............11
Proposal 1 - Election of Directors...........................................11
Committees of the Board of Directors.........................................15
Certain Relationships and Related Party Transactions.........................16
Executive Compensation.......................................................17
Stock Option Grants..........................................................18
Option Exercises and Year-end Option Value...................................19
Retirement Compensation......................................................19
Employment and Change in Control Agreements..................................21
Compensation of Directors....................................................22
Independent Public Accountants...............................................23
Audit and Non-Audit Fees.....................................................23
Audit Committee Report.......................................................23
Compensation and Options Committee Report on Executive Compensation..........25
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
 in Compensation.............................................................29
Common Shares Performance....................................................29
Proposal 2 - Ratification of Appointment of Independent Public Accountants...30
Other Business...............................................................30
Shareholder Proposals........................................................30
Annual Report on Form 10-K...................................................30
The Audit Committee Charter..................................................31


          Commonly Asked Questions and Answers about the Annual Meeting

Q.       What am I voting on?

A.       1.       Election of eleven (11) directors for a one-year term.

         2.       Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as Right Management
                  Consultants, Inc.'s independent public accountants for fiscal
                  year 2002.

         3.       Any other business that properly comes before the meeting for
                  a vote.

Q.       Who is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, and how many votes do
         they have?

A.       Common shareholders of record as of the close of business on March 15,
         2002 may vote at the Annual Meeting. Each share has one vote. There
         were 15,034,918 shares of common stock outstanding on March 15, 2002.

Q.       How do I vote?

A.       You must be present, or represented by proxy, at the Annual Meeting in
         order to vote your shares. Since many of our shareholders are unable to
         attend the Annual Meeting in person, we send proxy cards to all of our
         shareholders to enable them to be represented and to vote at the Annual

Q.       What is a proxy?

A.       A proxy is a person you appoint to vote on your behalf. If you are
         unable to attend the Annual Meeting, we are seeking your appointment of
         proxies so that your Common Shares may be voted. You must complete and
         return the enclosed proxy card to have your shares voted by proxy.

Q.       By completing and returning this proxy card, who am I designating as my

A.       You will be designating Richard J. Pinola, our Chief Executive Officer
         and Chairman of the Board and Joseph T. Smith, our Vice Chairman of the
         Board, as your proxies. They may act together or individually on your
         behalf, and will have the authority to appoint a substitute to act as

Q.       How will my proxy vote my shares?

A.       Your proxy will vote according to the instructions on your proxy card.

         We do not intend to bring any other matter for a vote at the Annual
         Meeting, and we do not know of anyone else who intends to do so. Your
         proxies are authorized to vote on your behalf, however, using their
         best judgment, on any other business that properly comes before the
         Annual Meeting.


Q.       How do I vote using my proxy card?

A.       If you do not attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person, you may
         vote by returning the enclosed proxy card to us. To vote by mail,
         simply mark, sign, and date the enclosed proxy card, and return it in
         the enclosed postage-paid envelope. Alternatively, you may deliver your
         proxy card to us in person, by facsimile, or by a courier. If you hold
         your shares through a broker, bank, or other nominee, you will receive
         separate instructions from the nominee describing how to vote your

Q.       Can I vote electronically?

A.       If you are a registered shareholder (that is, you hold your stock in
         certificate form), you may vote electronically through the Internet by
         following the instructions included with your proxy card. If your
         shares are held in "street name," please check your proxy card or
         contact your broker or nominee to determine whether you will be able to
         vote electronically.

Q.       How do I revoke my proxy?

A.       You may revoke your proxy at any time before your shares are voted at
         the Annual Meeting by:

         o        Notifying our Corporate Secretary, Charles J. Mallon, in
                  writing at 1818 Market Street, 33rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA
                  19103, that you are revoking your proxy;

         o        Executing a new proxy card; or

         o        Attending and voting by ballot at the Annual Meeting.

Q.       Is my vote confidential?

A.       Yes, only certain employees will have access to your proxy card. All
         comments remain confidential, unless you ask that your name be

Q.       Who will count the votes?

A.       One of our officers will act as the inspector of election and will
         count the votes in conjunction with our transfer agent, StockTrans,

Q.       What constitutes a quorum?

A.       A majority of the outstanding shares, either present or represented by
         proxy, constitutes a quorum. As of March 15, 2002 there were 15,034,918
         shares of common stock issued, outstanding, and entitled to vote at the
         Annual Meeting. A quorum is necessary in order to conduct the Annual
         Meeting. If you choose to have your shares represented by proxy at the


         Annual Meeting, you will be considered part of the quorum. If a quorum
         is not present at the Annual Meeting, the shareholders present in
         person or by proxy may adjourn the meeting to a date when a quorum is
         present. If an adjournment is for more than 30 days or a new record
         date is fixed for the adjourned meeting, we will provide notice of the
         adjourned meeting to each shareholder of record entitled to vote at the

Q.       What vote is needed for the proposals to be adopted and how will my
         vote be counted?

A.       With respect to Proposal 1, the election of directors, the eleven
         directors who receive the most votes will be elected. You may vote
         separately for, or withhold your vote separately for, each nominee.
         Votes that are withheld will not be included in the vote tally for the
         election of directors, and will have no effect on the results of the
         vote. Shareholders do not have the right to cumulate votes in the
         election of directors.

         With respect to Proposal 2, the vote of a majority of the shares of
         shareholders are required to approve the ratification of Ernst & Young
         LLP as our independent public accountants for the fiscal year 2002.
         Abstentions and any shares as to which a broker or nominee indicates
         that it does not have discretionary authority to vote on a particular
         matter, will be treated as shares that are present and entitled to vote
         for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum but as unvoted for
         purposes of determining whether the approval of shareholders has been
         obtained with respect to Proposal 2.

Q.       What percentage of our Common Shares do the directors and officers own?

A.       As of March 15, 2002, our directors and executive officers owned
         approximately 18.3% of our Common Shares. See the discussion under the
         heading "Principal Shareholders and Management's Holdings" on page 9
         for more details.

Q.       Who is soliciting my proxy, how is it being solicited, and who pays the

A.       The Board of Directors of Right Management Consultants, Inc. is
         soliciting proxies primarily by mail. In addition, proxies may also be
         solicited in person, by telephone, or facsimile. We will pay the cost
         of soliciting proxies. We will also reimburse brokerage houses and
         other custodians, nominees, and fiduciaries for their reasonable
         out-of-pocket expenses for forwarding proxy and solicitation material
         to the owners of our common shares.

Q.       When are Shareholder proposals for the year 2003 Annual Meeting due?

A.       Shareholder proposals to be presented at our year 2003 Annual Meeting
         must be submitted in writing by December 1, 2002 to our Corporate
         Secretary, at 1818 Market Street, 33rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
         You should submit any proposal by a method that permits you to prove
         the date of delivery to us. See the discussion under the heading
         "Shareholder Proposals" on page 30 for information regarding certain
         procedures with respect to shareholder proposals.

Q.       How may I obtain a copy of the Company's Form 10-K?

A.       You may request a copy of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
         ended December 31, 2001, by writing to our Corporate Secretary at 1818
         Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.


Principal Shareholders and Management's Holdings

         The following table sets forth each nominee for director, all directors
and officers as a group and each shareholder who is known to own beneficially
more than 5% of the outstanding Common Shares as of March 15, 2002.

                                                                       Number of Shares          Percent of Class
Name of Shareholder                                                   Beneficially Owned                (1)
-------------------                                                   ------------------                ---
FMR Corporation                                                          2,019,575 (2)                13.4%
Richard J. Pinola                                                        1,645,857 (3)                10.9%
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.                                           1,354,600 (4)                 9.0%
Joseph T. Smith                                                            478,780 (5)                 3.2%
Frank P. Louchheim                                                         173,680 (6)                 1.2%
John J. Gavin                                                               87,503 (7)                 *
Larry A. Evans                                                              85,234 (8)                 *
Frederick R. Davidson                                                       56,192                     *
John R. Bourbeau                                                            46,316 (9)                 *
James E. Greenway                                                           24,561 (10)                *
Charles J. Mallon                                                           20,063 (11)                *
Catherine Y. Selleck                                                        19,287 (12)                *
Rebecca J. Maddox                                                           12,601 (13)                *
Howard H. Mark                                                               6,516 (14)                *
Keiichi Iwao                                                                    --                     *
Oliver S. Franklin                                                              --                     *
Stephen Johnson                                                                 --                     *
All Directors and Officers as a Group (23 persons)                       2,750,444 (15)               18.3%
----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------
* Less than 1%

(1)      Any securities not currently outstanding but subject to options
         exercisable by such shareholder within 60 days of March 15, 2002 are
         deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage of
         outstanding securities of the class owned by such person.

(2)      Based on Schedule 13G/A dated February 14, 2002 filed by FMR
         Corporation ("FMR") with the Securities and Exchange Commission
         ("SEC"). In such Schedule, FMR reported having sole voting power with
         respect to 529,750 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to
         all 2,019,575 shares. FMR's address is 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, MA

(3)      The number of shares listed as held by Mr. Pinola includes (a) an
         aggregate of 4,500 shares which are held in two separate trusts for his
         children, as to which Mr. Pinola disclaims beneficial ownership and (b)
         currently exercisable options to purchase 1,039,632 shares of our
         Common Shares.


(4)      Based on Schedule 13G/A dated February 14, 2002 filed by T. Rowe Price
         Associates, Inc. ("Price Associates") with the SEC. In such Schedule,
         Price Associates reported having sole voting power with respect to
         208,300 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to all 1,354,600
         shares and states the following: "These securities are owned by various
         individual and institutional investors including T. Rowe Price
         Small-Cap Value Fund, Inc. (which owns 1,110,000 shares, representing
         7.4% of the shares outstanding), which Price Associates serves as
         investment adviser with power to direct investments and/or sole power
         to vote the securities. For purposes of the reporting requirements of
         the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Price Associates is deemed to be a
         beneficial owner of such securities; however, Price Associates
         expressly disclaims that it is, in fact, the beneficial owner of such
         securities." Price Associates' address is 100 E. Pratt Street,
         Baltimore, MD 21202.

(5)      The number of shares listed as held by Mr. Smith includes currently
         exercisable options to purchase an aggregate of 437,663 shares of our
         Common Shares.

(6)      The number of shares listed as held by Mr. Louchheim includes (a) an
         aggregate of 3,543 shares which are held by certain of his children as
         custodian for a total of seven minor grandchildren of Mr. Louchheim, as
         to which Mr. Louchheim disclaims beneficial ownership, and (b)
         currently exercisable options to purchase an aggregate of 29,533 of our
         Common Shares.

(7)      The number of shares listed as held by Mr. Gavin includes currently
         exercisable options to purchase an aggregate of 45,000 of our Common

(8)      The number of shares listed as held by Mr. Evans includes (a) an
         aggregate of 8,100 shares held by his wife, as to which Mr. Evans
         disclaims beneficial ownership, and (b) currently exercisable options
         to purchase an aggregate of 16,876 of our Common Shares.

(9)      The number of shares listed as held by Mr. Bourbeau includes currently
         exercisable options to purchase an aggregate of 13,500 of our Common

(10)     The number of shares listed as held by Mr. Greenway includes (a) an
         aggregate of 9,343 shares held in a Stock Fund under our 401(K) Plan,
         and (b) an approximate aggregate of 6,750 shares in an SEP IRA account
         held jointly with his wife.

(11)     The number of shares listed as held by Mr. Mallon includes currently
         exercisable options to purchase an aggregate of 6,563 of our Common

(12)     The number of shares listed as held by Ms. Selleck includes currently
         exercisable options to purchase an aggregate of 13,500 of our Common

(13)     The number of shares listed as held by Ms. Maddox includes currently
         exercisable options to purchase an aggregate of 9,125 of our Common


(14)     The number of shares listed as held by Mr. Mark includes (a) an
         aggregate of 2,539 shares held in a Stock Fund under our 401(K) Plan,
         and (b) currently exercisable options to purchase an aggregate of 3,750
         of our Common Shares.

(15)     The number of shares in the aggregate listed as held by our directors
         and executive officers as a group includes (a) currently exercisable
         options to purchase an aggregate of 1,636,705 of our Common Shares and
         (b) 27,232 shares held in a Stock Fund under our 401(K) Plan.

Compliance with Section 16(a) of Securities Exchange Act of 1934

         The rules of the SEC require that our directors and executive officers,
and persons who own more than ten percent of a registered class of our equity
securities, file with the SEC initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership of Common Shares and other equity securities. Officers,
directors and greater than ten percent shareholders are required by SEC
regulations to furnish us with copies of all forms they file.

         To our knowledge, based solely on our review of the copies of such
reports furnished to us and written representations that no other reports were
required during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001, two initial reports of
ownership by Mr. Iwao and Mr. Hayashi, former Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Right WayStation, Inc., and eight reports of changes of ownership by
four directors were not timely filed. The late filings of reports of changes of
ownership include two reports by Mr. Davidson, reporting two indirect sales
transactions, two reports by Mr. Evans, reporting a sale of shares directly
owned by him and seven indirect sales transactions all occurring on the same
day, two reports by Mr. Louchheim reporting five sales transactions, and two
reports by Dr. Smye, former director, reporting three sales transactions.

                           PROPOSALS TO BE VOTED UPON

Proposal 1: Election of Directors

         After Dr. Smye's resignation in February 2002, our Board of Directors
consists of eleven members. Ten of the current members have been nominated for
re-election, and have agreed to serve a one-year term if elected. Keiichi Iwao
has decided not to run for re-election. One new nominee, Stephen Johnson, is
being proposed. If any nominee is unable to stand for election or re-election,
as the case may be, which we do not expect, the Board may provide for a lesser
number of directors or designate a substitute. If a substitute is designated,
shares represented by proxies may be voted for a substitute nominee.


The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" each of the nominees:

   Name                           Director Since    Age              Position
Frank P. Louchheim                     1980         78               Founding Chairman

Richard J. Pinola                      1989         56               Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief
                                                                     Executive Officer

Joseph T. Smith                        1991         66               Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

John J. Gavin                          1999         45               President and Chief Operating Officer

Larry A. Evans                         1980         59               Founding Principal

John R. Bourbeau                       1995         57               President of Midwest Reemployment Associates,
                                                                     Inc., an Affiliate of the Company

Rebecca J. Maddox                      1995         48               President of Rebecca Maddox Co. LLC

Catherine Y. Selleck                   1995         68               Business Consultant

Frederick R. Davidson                  1997         65               Chairman of Right Management Consultants Holdings, Pty. Ltd.

Oliver S. Franklin                     2001         56               Executive Vice President of GS Capital Management

Stephen Johnson                         N/A         66               Chairman of Coutts Consulting Group, Ltd.

         Mr. Louchheim is one of our founders. From November 1980 until
September 1987, he served as President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of
our Board of Directors. He continued to serve as Chief Executive Officer and
Chairman of the Board through December 1991. From January 1992 to December 1993,
he served as the full-time Chairman of the Board of Directors. Effective January
1, 1994, Mr. Louchheim was appointed Founding Chairman and continues as a

         Mr. Pinola was elected as a director by the Board in October 1989. Mr.
Pinola is a Certified Public Accountant and joined Penn Mutual Life Insurance
Company in 1969. He was appointed President and Chief Operating Officer in 1988,
which position he held until his resignation in September 1991. Mr. Pinola was a
financial consultant to various organizations from September 1991 until July


1992, at which time he was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of
the Company. Effective January 1, 1994, Mr. Pinola was appointed Chairman of the
Board of Directors and continues as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Pinola also
serves as a director of K-Tron International, a publicly held company.

         Mr. Smith joined the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company in 1963. In
1976, he was promoted to Vice President of Administration and Human Resources,
which position he held until his resignation in 1980. From 1981 to 1984, Mr.
Smith worked as an independent consultant offering a range of consulting
services to businesses. He joined us as a Senior Consultant in Professional
Services in August 1984 and, from August 1988 until September 1992 held the
position of Regional Managing Principal of our Philadelphia office. Mr. Smith
was elected as a Director in May 1991. From September 1992 through December
1993, Mr. Smith served as our Chief Operating Officer. Effective January 1,
1994, Mr. Smith was appointed President in which capacity he served until
December 1998. Effective January 1, 1999, Mr. Smith was appointed Vice Chairman
of the Board of Directors. Mr. Smith retired as an employee of the company on
January 1, 2001, and continues as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.

         Mr. Gavin was employed at Arthur Andersen LLP in Philadelphia for 18
years in which he served as the partner in charge of the
manufacturing/distribution industries. Mr. Gavin joined us in December 1996 as
Executive Vice President. In this capacity, Mr. Gavin was responsible for the
overall marketing strategy and business development activities for our worldwide
locations. Effective January 1, 1999, Mr. Gavin was appointed President and
Chief Operating Officer. Also effective January 1, 1999, Mr. Gavin was elected a
Director by the Board of Directors. Mr. Gavin is a member of the Board of
Advisors for Temple University's Fox School of Business and he is a member of
the Board of Directors of Global Health Ministry. Mr. Gavin is also a director
of Opinion Research Corporation, which provides marketing research and services.

         Mr. Evans was professionally involved in the international finance and
venture capital industries, prior to May 1978. From May 1978 to November 1980,
Mr. Evans was employed as an independent outplacement consultant for Bernard
Haldane Associates, Inc., working with Mr. Louchheim. Since November 1980, Mr.
Evans served as our Executive Vice President and a Director. From January 1990
until May 1995, Mr. Evans served as Regional Managing Principal of several of
our offices. From May 1995 until December 1999, Mr. Evans worked in our
corporate office together with our regional offices in marketing to major
national and international accounts. Effective January 1, 2000, Mr. Evans was
appointed to oversee one of our largest Key Executive Services practices. Mr.
Evans retired as an employee of the company on January 1, 2001, at which point
he founded Virtual Board of Advisors ("Virboa"), a company that provides
assistance with acquisitions. Mr. Evans serves on various boards of both
non-profit organizations and community associations. He also holds directorships
with Knite, Inc., a high-tech ignition company, Eschoolmall, an internet
educational procurement and learning site, and he is an advisor to Embedded
Wireless Devices, a wireless solutions company.


         Mr. Bourbeau founded Midwest Reemployment Associates, Inc., our
franchise affiliate, in 1981, where he currently serves as the Regional Managing
Principal and which has offices in Southfield, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing
and Midland, Michigan, as well as Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Bourbeau also serves as a
board member for the State of Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Colleges
Foundation, Detroit Historical Society, and is a life member of the Economic
Club of Detroit.

         Ms. Maddox is President and Founder of Rebecca Maddox Co. LLC, a
consulting firm specializing in helping Fortune 1000 companies market and sell
their products and services to women customers. Ms. Maddox is a Certified Public
Accountant, holds an MBA in Finance from Columbia University and is the author
of Inc. Your Dreams. Ms. Maddox serves on the Board of D-Code, a market research
firm in Canada and served for six years on the Regional Advisory Board of PNC

         Ms. Selleck spent many years with IBM, in various executive capacities.
Subsequent to her positions with IBM, Ms. Selleck joined Metaphor, a software
and services company, where she served as President and Chief Executive Officer.
She is now an independent business consultant to information technology
companies on a wide range of business issues. Ms. Selleck is a Trustee of
Occidental College.

         Mr. Davidson is the Chairman of Right Management Consultants Holdings,
Pty. Ltd., formerly Right D&A Pty. Ltd., an Asia-Pacific career transition firm
of which we acquired a fifty-one percent interest during 1997, and which is now
owned 100% by us. Mr. Davidson was elected a Director by the Board of Directors
on July 24, 1997. Mr. Davidson is Chairman of St. John Ambulance Australia
(Victoria), Chairman of Cooperative Research Centre for Cochlear Implant and
Hearing Aid Innovation, Chairman of Hearworks, Pty. Ltd., a Commander of the
Order of St. John, and a member of the International Institute of Strategic
Studies in London.

         Mr. Franklin is an Executive Vice President with GS Capital Management,
a private equity and venture capitalist firm. He joined GS Capital Management in
early 2002. Prior to this, Mr. Franklin co-founded in 1998, RISA Investment
Advisers, LLC ("RISA"), an investment firm focusing on the RISA Fund and RISA
Business Finance. He served as the President of RISA until it was sold in early
2002. Prior to co-founding RISA, Mr. Franklin was the Senior Vice President at
The Fidelity Management Trust Company, where he directed a unit that developed
new institutional financial products. Also in 1998, The British Ambassador to
the US appointed him Her Majesty's Honorary Consul in Philadelphia. In this
position, he is responsible for promoting British diplomatic, investment and
consular interest in the region. Mr. Franklin is a member of the Philadelphia
Securities Association and The National Association of Securities Professionals.

         Mr. Johnson spent much of his career in the fibre and petrochemical
industry. He held a position with AKZO-NOBEL for many years, where his
concentrations included strategic planning and international operations. He
entered the career consulting business in 1986 when he took the position of
Senior Consultant with Coutts Consulting Group, Ltd. ("Coutts"). In 1987, Mr.
Johnson was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Coutts, where his


responsibilities included the management of operations and the development of
the business. In 1987, Mr. Johnson became a Director of Coutts. Effective in
1996, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors for Coutts.

Committees of the Board of Directors

         What are the current committees of the Board of Directors?

         The Board of Directors has four committees: the Compensation and
Options Committee, the Audit Committee, the Executive and Finance Committee and
the Nominating Committee.

                         Compensation and                                Executive and Finance        Nominating
                         Options Committee        Audit Committee             Committee               Committee
Mr. Louchheim                                                                      X                       X
Mr. Pinola                                                                         X                       X
Mr. Smith                                                                          X
Mr. Gavin                                                                          X
Mr. Evans                                                                                                  X
Mr. Bourbeau                                             X                         X
Ms. Maddox                        X                      X
Ms. Selleck                       X                      X
Mr. Davidson                                                                                               X
Mr. Franklin                      X

COMPENSATION AND OPTIONS COMMITTEE: This Committee's duties involve reviewing
proposals made by the Chief Executive Officer to grant stock options, evaluating
the rationale and expected contributions of the grantees to our future results,
ensuring that compensation is at market levels and is supportive of our overall
goals and objectives, and determining whether to approve stock option grants
with any modifications it deems appropriate. This Committee is also responsible
for remuneration agreements with the Chief Executive Officer and the
President/Chief Operating Officer. Ms. Selleck serves as Chair of this

AUDIT: The Committee's principle function is to oversee our annual audit and
financial reporting. Ms. Maddox serves as Chair of this Committee. The Board of
Directors has adopted a written Audit Committee Charter, a copy of which is
attached as Exhibit A.

EXECUTIVE AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: This Committee is available to meet when
necessary at anytime and has the power of the Board of Directors in between the
scheduled Board meetings.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: This Committee recommends to the Board of Directors
nominees for election or re-election as director at the next Annual Meeting of
shareholders or for vacancies arising within the Board of Directors. The
Nominating Committee will consider nominees recommended by shareholders, which
should be submitted in writing to the Nominating Committee on or before the date


specified under "Shareholder Proposals" below in order to be considered for the
next Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee is under no obligation to
recommend any persons identified by shareholders as nominees to the Board of
Directors. Mr. Louchheim is Chair of this Committee.

         How many Board and Committee Meetings were held in 2001?

         During 2001, the Board of Directors met seven times, one of which was a
special meeting, the Compensation and Options Committee met six times, one of
which was a special meeting, the Audit Committee met two times, and the
Nominating Committee met once. The Executive and Finance Committee did not meet
during 2001. Mr. Iwao attended three of the seven Board meetings that he was
scheduled to attend during the year.

Certain Relationships and Related Party Transactions

         Midwest Reemployment Associates, Inc., ("Midwest"), the franchise
business owned by Mr. Bourbeau, received approximately $1,675,000 in fees from
us during 2001 for services performed on our behalf. Midwest incurred
approximately $2,783,000 in royalties and fees payable to us for our services
performed during 2001 on behalf of Midwest, including payments for reimbursable
expenses and materials purchased from us by Midwest. The fees paid and received
by Midwest were in accordance with our standard fee and royalty arrangement with
all of our franchisees under our Affiliate Agreement.

         In accordance with two separate consulting agreements, one for Mr.
Smith and one for Mr. Evans, each effective January 1, 2001, we paid Mr. Smith
approximately $120,000 and we paid Mr. Evans approximately $75,000 for the
consulting services they provided to us during 2001. Per these consulting
agreements, Mr. Smith and Mr. Evans were provided with the usage of an
automobile or an automobile allowance. In addition, for their outstanding
performance and numerous years of service to the Board of Directors, both Mr.
Smith and Mr. Evans' stock options were extended beyond their retirement. For
his efforts during 2001, Mr. Smith was awarded a $50,000 bonus.

         Effective January 1, 2001, we purchased an additional 31% interest in
Right WayStation, a Japanese career transition and organizational consulting
firm of which Mr. Iwao is a Director. This purchase gave us a controlling 51%
interest in Right WayStation. We paid an aggregate purchase price of
approximately $9,540,000 to the shareholders of Right WayStation, of which Mr.
Iwao received $6,246,000. In connection with this purchase agreement, Mr. Iwao
provides consulting services to Right WayStation under a consulting agreement.
During 2001, Right WayStation paid Mr. Iwao approximately $98,750 for his
consulting services.

         Effective January 1, 2002, we purchased from Mr. Iwao an additional 20%
interest in Right WayStation, bringing our total ownership to 71%. We paid the
total purchase price of approximately $3,285,000 to Mr. Iwao. After this
transaction, Mr. Iwao now owns 5 shares of Right WayStation, representing less
than 1% of the total outstanding stock of Right WayStation.


         On March 22, 2002, we purchased all of the shares of Atlas Group
Holdings Limited ("Atlas"), the parent company of Coutts, of which Mr. Johnson
was Chairman of the Board of Directors and a partial owner. Coutts is a London
based career transition and organizational consulting firm with operations in
Europe, Japan and Canada. This acquisition was valued at approximately
$105,000,000, including the costs of the transaction. The consideration
consisted of a combination of cash, purchase price notes and funds we supplied
to repay existing indebtedness of Atlas. The total of the cash and purchase
price notes payable to the shareholders of Coutts was approximately $59,011,000,
of which Mr. Johnson received $1,928,000. This consideration was payable to Mr.
Johnson approximately $61,000 in cash and approximately $1,867,000 in a purchase
price note.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table

         The following table summarizes the compensation of the Chief Executive
Officer and the four other most highly compensated executive officers for 2001
("named officers"), as well as the compensation paid to each such individual for
2000 and 1999.

                                            Annual Compensation                        Long Term Compensation
                                                                                 Common Shares
                                                                                    Options        Compensation (1)
           Name                  Year           Salary             Bonus
Richard J. Pinola Chairman      2001          $580,000         $3,590,087             175,001            $390,699
of the Board and CEO            2000           530,000            265,000                  --              68,278
                                1999           530,000            556,500             125,000              79,250

John J. Gavin                   2001           $385,000        $1,540,934              62,501            $172,087
President and COO               2000            350,000           140,000             100,000              29,747
                                1999            350,000           301,875              60,000              36,877

James E. Greenway               2001           $250,000          $965,291              15,000             $45,535
EVP - Western Group             2000            220,000            77,000              25,000               2,625
                                1999            200,000           152,500              13,500               3,750

Howard H. Mark (2)              2001           $190,000          $748,621              15,000             $35,188
EVP, e-Business                 2000             32,096            20,000              11,250                 --
                                1999            144,970              --                 3,375               3,750

Charles J. Mallon               2001           $190,000          $733,621              15,000             $34,067
EVP and Chief Financial         2000            175,000            61,250              56,250               2,625
Officer                         1999            128,333            61,333              19,688               3,750

(1)      Includes amounts paid, payable or accrued in connection with
         retirement. Such amounts consist of contributions and allocations
         relating to qualified and non-qualified defined contribution plans,


         excluding the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan effective on
         January 1, 2000. Matching contributions to our qualified 401(k) savings
         plan and the non-qualified deferred compensation plan vest at a rate of
         33 1/3% per year from the date of hire. Contributions to the
         supplemental non-qualified plans vest according to the terms in each
         officer's respective employment agreement. See "Employment Agreements
         and Change in Control Agreements."

(2)      Mr. Mark's stock options received in 1999 expired with his departure
         from the Company in December 1999. Mr. Mark re-joined the Company in
         November 2000. His salary above for 2000 represents a pro-rated amount
         for the time he worked with the Company during that year.

Stock Option Grants

         The table below shows option grants made in 2001 to the named officers.

                                                                                                Potential Realizable Value at
                                                          Individual Grants                      Assumed Annual Rates of Stock
                                                          -----------------                  Price Appreciation for Option Term (2)
                                Number of      % of Total                                    --------------------------------------
                                Underlying       Options
                                 Options       Granted to      Exercise
                                Granted in    Employees in     Price Per      Expiration
            Name                 2001 (1)         2001           Share          Date                 5%                 10%
            ----                 --------         ----           -----          ----                 --                 ---
Richard J. Pinola                 37,500          6.0%            $16.00       7/25/2011           $843,972           $2,735,950
                                  37,500          6.0%            $21.94      10/07/2011         $1,157,296           $3,751,672
                                 100,001         16.0%            $21.97      10/23/2011         $3,090,373          $10,018,239

John J. Gavin                     18,750          3.0%            $16.00       7/25/2011           $421,986           $1,367,975
                                  18,750          3.0%            $21.94      10/07/2011           $578,648           $1,875,836
                                  25,001          4.0%            $21.97      10/23/2011           $772,617           $2,504,635

James E. Greenway                  7,500          1.2%            $16.00       7/25/2011           $168,794             $547,190
                                   7,500          1.2%            $21.94      10/07/2011           $231,459             $750,334

Howard H. Mark                     7,500          1.2%            $16.00       7/25/2011           $168,794             $547,190
                                   7,500          1.2%            $21.94      10/07/2011           $231,459             $750,334

Charles J. Mallon                  7,500          1.2%            $16.00       7/25/2011           $168,794             $547,190
                                   7,500          1.2%            $21.94      10/07/2011           $231,459             $750,334

(1)      The grants detailed above were made on July 26, 2001, October 8, 2001
         and October 24, 2001 in connection with achieving our earnings per
         share targets, and for Mr. Pinola and Mr. Gavin, to renew their
         employment agreements with us. The first one-third of each grant
         becomes exercisable one year from the date the grant was made. All
         options vest on a cumulative basis, one-third each year. These options
         were granted at an exercise price equal to the closing price of the
         Common Shares on the NASDAQ as of the date of grant. If a change in
         control (as defined in the 1993 Stock Incentive Plan pursuant to which


         the options were granted) were to occur before the expiration date,
         these options would vest and become exercisable immediately.

(2)      The potential realizable values are based on an assumption that the
         stock price of our Common Shares will appreciate at the annual rate
         shown (compounded annually) from the date of grant until the end of the
         option term. These values do not take into account amounts required to
         be paid as income taxes under the Internal Revenue Code and any
         applicable state laws or option provisions providing for termination of
         an option following termination of employment, non-transferability or
         vesting within a three year period. These amounts are calculated based
         on the assumptions required to be used by the SEC and do not reflect
         our estimate of future stock price growth of our Common Shares.

Option Exercises and Year-end Option Value

         The table below shows information concerning the exercise of stock
options during 2001 by each of the named officers and the year-end value of the
in-the-money unexercised options.

                                                             Number of Securities Underlying      Value of Unexercised In-the-Money
                                                             Unexercised Options at 12/31/01           Options at 12/31/01 (1)
                                                             -------------------------------           -----------------------

                         Shares Acquired       Value
                         on Exercise (#)    Realized ($)     Exercisable      Non-Exercisable      Exercisable      Non-Exercisable
                         ---------------    ------------     -----------      ---------------      -----------      ---------------
Richard J. Pinola               --                 --          983,382             268,751        $10,694,405         $1,121,250

John J. Gavin               138,750         $1,812,575          18,750             332,501           $232,688         $3,432,300

James E. Greenway            22,875           $245,703           7,500              81,375            $93,075           $853,043

Howard H. Mark                  --                 --            3,750              22,500            $47,550           $104,850

Charles J. Mallon            11,157           $181,965           5,625              77,813            $69,806           $812,161

(1)      Based on the closing price ($17.30) on the NASDAQ on December 31, 2001.

Retirement Compensation

         In addition to our defined contribution savings plan under Section
401(K) of the Internal Revenue Code, and our non-qualified deferred compensation
plan for certain employees (see Compensation and Options Committee Report on
Executive Compensation), effective January 1, 2000, the Board of Directors
approved a non-qualified Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan for executive
officers and other key employees. The purpose of this plan is to provide
supplemental income benefits to plan participants or their survivors upon
participants' retirement or death. This plan was amended effective January 1,
2002, to change the defined percentage of the average final compensation for
benefits payable to Mr. Pinola and Mr. Gavin and to change the number of years
of service for participants in the plan, with the exception of Mr. Pinola and
Mr. Gavin.


         The following tables set forth the estimated aggregate annual benefits
payable under our Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, to persons in
specified average final compensation and credited service classifications upon
retirement at age 65. The first table relates to Mr. Pinola, and Mr. Gavin,
whose benefits payable are 50% of their average final compensation, and are not
service-related, except for vesting purposes. The second table relates to all
other participants whose benefits payable are 20% of their average final
compensation after ten years of service, and a pro-rata reduction for total
service less than ten years, as well as for future service less than five years.
Amounts shown in these tables do not include deductions for U.S. Social Security
benefits per terms of this plan.

                                               Estimated Aggregate Annual Retirement Benefit
       Average                                         Assuming Credited Service of:
        Final                      ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     Compensation                   15 Years       20 Years      25 Years       30 Years       35 Years
     ------------                   --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
      $335,000                      $167,500      $167,500       $167,500      $167,500       $167,500
       385,000                       192,500       192,500        192,500       192,500        192,500
       435,000                       217,500       217,500        217,500       217,500        217,500
       485,000                       242,500       242,500        242,500       242,500        242,500
       535,000                       267,500       267,500        267,500       267,500        267,500
       585,000                       292,500       292,500        292,500       292,500        292,500
       635,000                       317,500       317,500        317,500       317,500        317,500
       685,000                       342,500       342,500        342,500       342,500        342,500

         The rounded number of years of credited service for Mr. Pinola and Mr.
Gavin are 10 and 5, respectively.

                                               Estimated Aggregate Annual Retirement Benefit
       Average                                         Assuming Credited Service of:
        Final                      ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     Compensation                   15 Years       20 Years      25 Years       30 Years       35 Years
     ------------                   --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
      $150,000                      $ 30,000      $ 30,000       $ 30,000      $ 30,000       $ 30,000
       200,000                        40,000        40,000         40,000        40,000         40,000
       250,000                        50,000        50,000         50,000        50,000         50,000
       300,000                        60,000        60,000         60,000        60,000         60,000
       350,000                        70,000        70,000         70,000        70,000         70,000
       400,000                        80,000        80,000         80,000        80,000         80,000
       450,000                        90,000        90,000         90,000        90,000         90,000
       500,000                       100,000       100,000        100,000       100,000        100,000
       550,000                       110,000       110,000        110,000       110,000        110,000
       600,000                       120,000       120,000        120,000       120,000        120,000

         The rounded number of years of credited service for Mr. Greenway, Mr.
Mark and Mr. Mallon are 4, 4 and 5, respectively.

         Compensation, for the purposes of determining retirement benefits,
consists of a participant's salary. This is the same salary as listed on the
Summary Compensation Table above. Severance pay, contingent payments and other


forms of special remuneration are excluded. For 2001, compensation for purposes
of determining retirement benefits for the named officers are the same as the
amounts shown in the Executive Compensation table.

         Average final compensation represents a defined percentage of an
average of a participant's three highest consecutive annual salaries for the
participant's credited service. Participants, with the exception of Mr. Pinola
and Mr. Gavin, vest in their accrued retirement benefit upon completion of five
years' service. Mr. Pinola's and Mr. Gavin's accrued retirement benefit vests at
5% for each year of service plus another 10% for each year of plan
participation. The benefits shown in the table above are calculated based on a
lifetime with a guaranteed minimum of ten years.

Employment and Change in Control Agreements

         Effective January 1, 2002, we and Mr. Pinola entered into a second
amendment to Mr. Pinola's Employment Agreement dated December 12, 1995. The term
of Mr. Pinola's employment was extended for three years from January 1, 2002 to
December 31, 2004, and his base salary was increased to $580,000 per year.

         Under Mr. Pinola's amended agreement, we will pay to Mr. Pinola
annually as incentive compensation a cash bonus based on our financial
performance for that year in such amounts, as are determined by our Board of
Directors or its Compensation and Options Committee. Mr. Pinola is also entitled
to participate in any profit sharing, retirement plans and insurance programs
made available to certain other employees.

         The amended agreement also entitles Mr. Pinola to participate in a
deferred compensation plan to which 5% of his compensation, including base
salary and bonuses, is credited yearly. Mr. Pinola's deferred compensation
account balance vests at the rate of 10% per year, beginning at age 47. The
account balance is payable as a life annuity (based on specified mortality
tables) in equal monthly installments with interest on the unpaid balance upon
his termination of service with us (except for death or if he is discharged for
cause) on or after age 62, subject to earlier payment in the event of death or
disability prior to termination of service, termination by us without cause and
under certain circumstances relating to a change in control. In the event there
is a change in control, we shall establish a trust and shall, from time to time,
transfer into the trust sufficient assets to meet our obligation to pay the
deferred compensation benefits to Mr. Pinola and his beneficiaries. Also, if Mr.
Pinola's employment is terminated within two years after the change in control,
he shall be entitled to begin receiving the deferred compensation benefits as if
he had reached his normal retirement date prior to termination.

         Mr. Pinola's employment agreement is renewable for successive one year
terms beginning January 1, 2004 unless either party gives written notice of
non-renewal to the other at least 120 days prior to the expiration of the term.
Mr. Pinola's employment will not be renewed under this agreement on or after
December 31 of the calendar year in which he reaches age 65. If Mr. Pinola's
employment is terminated without cause, his employment is not renewed at the end
of the term of his employment agreement, or if Mr. Pinola terminates his
employment as a result of various reasons specified in the agreement, he will be


entitled to severance compensation equal to the greater of $580,000 or his total
salary and cash bonus paid during the 12 month period immediately preceding the
termination. This amount will be payable over the longer of the remaining term
of the agreement or 12 months from the date of termination. Upon certain changes
in control (as defined in the agreement), Mr. Pinola may, upon written notice to
us within 60 days thereafter, elect to either (a) continue his employment for a
period equal to the greater of the current term or a period which expires two
years after the date of the change in control or (b) terminate this employment
and receive severance compensation. In either case, the annual compensation
payable to him shall not be less than the greater of the total amount of the
base salary and cash bonus paid to him during the 12 months immediately
preceding the change in control or $580,000.

         Effective January 1, 2002, we entered into an amendment to Mr. Gavin's
Employment Agreement, dated January 1, 1999. The terms of Mr. Gavin's agreement
are similar to those of Mr. Pinola's, except that Mr. Gavin's base salary per
year will be $385,000, and any component of his compensation determined by his
base salary is based upon $385,000. Mr. Gavin is also entitled to participate in
a deferred compensation plan with similar terms as outlined above for Mr.
Pinola, except that Mr. Gavin vests in his plan at the rate of 20% per year,
beginning at age 61.

         To assist in retaining key members of our management, the Board of
Directors adopted in February 1997 a policy to provide for the potential payment
of severance to all Executive Vice Presidents in the event of a change in
control. Under this policy, the Executive Vice Presidents would be entitled to a
severance payment payable over two years if their employment was involuntarily
terminated within eighteen months of a change in control. The total amount
payable annually would not be less than the greater of: (1) the total amount of
base salary and incentive payments paid during the calendar year immediately
preceding the change in control; or (2) the annualized amount of the Executive
Vice President's then current salary as of the date of the change of control if
the respective Executive Vice President did not work the full calendar year
immediately preceding the change in control. Under this policy, a change in
control includes the sale of a controlling interest in Common Shares, the sale
of all or substantially all of our assets, or a merger or consolidation where
the surviving entity is not controlled by our present management.

Compensation of Directors

         For 2001, we paid all directors who were not officers or employees
$17,000 per year as a director's fee, plus $750 for each Board of Directors
meeting attended and $750 for each Committee meeting attended plus reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses for attending such meetings. We also paid the Audit
Committee Chair and the Compensation and Options Committee Chair $1,500 and
$2,500, respectively, per year.

         In addition, pursuant to our 1995 Directors' Stock Option Plan, each
director who was never an officer or employee received a grant of 7,500 options
on December 31, 2001. The first one-third of such options becomes exercisable on
December 31, 2002. The options vest on a cumulative basis, one-third each year,


and they expire on December 30, 2011. These options were granted at an exercise
price equal to the closing price of our Common Shares on the NASDAQ as of the
date of grant of $17.30.

         Directors who have served as an officer, but who were no longer
employed with us during 2001, received a grant of 7,500 options on January 4,
2002 under our 1993 Stock Incentive Plan. The first one-third of such options
becomes exercisable on January 4, 2003. The options vest on a cumulative basis,
one-third each year, and they expire on January 3, 2012. These options were
granted at an exercise price equal to the closing price of our Common Shares on
the NASDAQ as of the date of grant of $16.14.

Independent Public Accountants

         For the fiscal year ended, December 31, 2001, our independent public
accountants were Arthur Andersen LLP. Representatives of Arthur Andersen LLP
will be available at the 2002 Annual Meeting to address questions.

Audit and Non-Audit Fees

         Fees paid to Arthur Andersen LLP, our independent public accountants,
during 2001 for audit services were $278,218. All other fees paid during 2001
were $538,026, including audit-related fees of $125,947 and other fees of
$412,079. Audit-related fees include benefit plan audits, acquisition due
diligence, accounting consultation, risk consultation, other audit-related
projects and consents. Other fees were primarily for tax services. There were no
financial information systems design and implementation fees paid to Arthur
Andersen LLP during 2001.

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

         The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors is composed of three
directors listed in this report. This Committee's principle function is to
oversee our annual audit and financial reporting. This Committee recommends to
the Board of Directors, subject to shareholder ratification, the selection of
our independent public accountants.

         Management is responsible for our internal controls and the financial
reporting process. The independent public accountants are responsible for
performing an independent audit of our consolidated financial statements in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and to issue a report
thereon. This Committee's principle function is to oversee this annual audit and
financial reporting.


         In connection with the appointment of members to this Committee, the
Board considered the new requirement of the NASD that members of this Committee
be independent directors. Ms. Maddox and Ms. Selleck are independent directors.
In appointing Mr. Bourbeau to this Committee, the Board recognized his lack of
independent director status, but determined that his membership was required in
our best interests and the interests of our shareholders. The Board recognizes
that the appointment of Mr. Bourbeau is exceptional and under limited
circumstances. It was acknowledged that Mr. Bourbeau is the controlling
shareholder of Midwest, our affiliate. Mr. Bourbeau in not employed directly by
us. Mr. Bourbeau holds a degree in Business Administration from Wayne State
University. It is the opinion of the Board that Mr. Bourbeau's relationship with
the Company would not interfere with the exercise of his judgement as a member
of this Committee, and that he is financially literate with background and
experience helpful to the work of this Committee. Specifically, Mr. Bourbeau's
knowledge of our operations, as the chief executive officer of an affiliate, is
deemed a benefit. In addition, Mr. Bourbeau's long-standing service on this
Committee was noted and this prior service provides a valuable source of

         The Board also feels that Mr. Bourbeau's continuation on this Committee
is consistent with the policy of having a chief executive officer of one of our
affiliates serve on the Board and on certain key committees. This has been our
policy since our founding. The decision to reappoint Mr. Bourbeau was reviewed
by our legal counsel who concurred in the permissibility of the decision in
light of the above factors.

         In this context, the Committee has met and held discussions with
management and the independent public accountants. Management represented to the
Committee that our consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles, and the Committee has reviewed
and discussed the consolidated financial statements with management and the
independent public accountants. This Committee discussed with the independent
public accountants matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 61 (Communications with Audit Committees).

         The independent public accountants also provided to the Committee the
written disclosures required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1
(Independence Discussions with Audit Committees), and the Committee discussed
with the independent public accountants their independence.

         Based upon this Committee's discussion with management and the
independent public accountants and the Committee's review of the representation
of management and the report of the independent public accountants to this
Committee, this Committee recommended that the Board of Directors include the
audited consolidated financial statements in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2001 filed with the SEC. This Committee also
recommended the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP to serve as our independent
public accountants for fiscal year 2002.

                  Audit Committee
                  Rebecca J. Maddox, Chair
                  Catherine Y. Selleck
                  John R. Bourbeau


                            ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

         The Compensation and Options Committee of the Board of Directors is
comprised of non-employee directors listed in this report. This Committee is
responsible for overseeing management's recommendations on executive
compensation and stock option proposals, policies, and programs. In addition,
this Committee makes yearly recommendations to the Board of Directors, as to the
compensation to be paid to the Chief Executive Officer.

Compensation Philosophy

         This report reflects our compensation philosophy as adopted by this
Committee and endorsed by the Board of Directors. Our executive compensation
programs are intended to provide our executives and managing principals with
competitive market salaries and the opportunity to earn incentive compensation
related to performance expectations identified by management and approved by the
Board of Directors. The broad objectives of our executive compensation program,
are to:

         (1)      Support and reinforce our business strategy and link pay to
                  shareholder value;

         (2)      Align compensation with the goals and key performance measures
                  of the business;

         (3)      Attract and retain high quality executives and managing
                  principals; and

         (4)      Reward such employees for superior performance, as measured by
                  financial results and key strategic achievements.

         A significant portion of executive pay is variable, uncapped, and is
tied to improvement in earnings per share (EPS) and, in the case of group
executives and regional managing principals, to their region's and group's
operating performance. This policy reflects management's belief that continuous
improvement in EPS and growth in group revenue and operating income directly
contributes toward creating shareholder value through the potential of
increasing our stock price.

Pay Positioning

         This Committee's executive compensation program is constructed to
provide an opportunity for compensation, through the three components described
below (base salaries, annual incentive compensation and long-term incentives),
to vary with performance relative to a peer group of professional services
companies. Competitive levels of pay for purposes of compensation comparison are
provided periodically by our staff and by compensation consultants' published
surveys, outside consulting firms and by the review of comparable public
companies' executive compensation disclosures in their annual proxy statements.
The primary companies used in the compensation comparison are other publicly
held consulting and service firms, although privately-held professional services
companies of similar size are also considered in determining pay level


Pay Mix and Measurement For Executives

         The compensation of executives currently includes base salary, annual
incentive compensation and stock option awards. This Committee considers the
total compensation of the Chief Executive Officer, the most highly compensated
officers and the other executives in reviewing each element of compensation. In
general, the proportion of an executive's incentive compensation increases with
the executive's level of responsibility. Executives also receive various
benefits, including life, medical, and disability insurance, similar to those
generally available to all of our employees.

Base Salaries

         This Committee, based on management's recommendations, seeks to set
base salaries for our executives at levels that are competitive for executives
with comparable roles and responsibilities within other comparison companies. We
maintain an executive salary administration program which uses ongoing internal
and periodic external comparisons to set salary ranges at or around the median
levels of the comparison companies.

         Individual executive salaries are reviewed annually. Annual salary
adjustments are determined by a subjective evaluation of: (1) the position's
responsibilities, (2) competitive market rates, (3) strategic importance of the
position, and (4) individual performance and contributions. The annual salaries
for executives (other than the CEO and the President/COO whose salaries are
evaluated by the Committee with the Board of Directors) are approved by this
Committee following a review with the CEO and Chief Operating Officer.

Annual Incentive Compensation

         This Committee administers an annual cash incentive plan for
executives. The annual cash incentive plan reflects our belief that executives'
contributions to shareholder value come from maximizing earnings and the annual
incentive payments to executives are made upon the achievement of annual
corporate financial objectives (expressed as a post-incentive EPS goal) that
reflect targeted annual growth. Individual award targets are established at the
beginning of the year and are based on an individual's position and contribution
to our results. Awards are increased or decreased for achievement that is above
or below target levels. We exceeded our 2001 EPS target by 77% which resulted in
corporate executive officers receiving incentive awards higher than their target
amount. In addition, each executive is measured annually against qualitative
criteria selected to provide incentives for performance towards strategic
initiatives. Achievement or failure to achieve these criteria as recommended by
our CEO and COO may increase or decrease the individual's annual incentive
amount by up to 20%. The Board of Directors and the Committee review similar
criteria for our CEO and COO with the ability to increase or decrease the
individual's annual incentive compensation by up to 20% for achievement or
failure to achieve these goals. No adjustment has ever been made to incentive
pay for any executive.


         In addition to the incentive to achieve the EPS goal, certain
executives and managing principals responsible for team region and/or group
performance are rewarded in part based on the achievement of regional and/or
group revenue and income targets. No awards are made unless a threshold regional
and/or group revenue target level is achieved that generally reflects
significant growth over the prior year.

Long-Term Incentives

         We provide executives with the opportunity to earn annual stock options
in order to retain and motivate them to improve long-term stock values. Annual
grants of stock options are made to executives based on a market analysis of
long-term incentive levels within a peer group of companies. The annual grants
are intended to reflect the individuals' respective responsibilities, as well as
the actual and expected contribution of the individuals to our long-term

         Stock options are granted only if we achieve our annual EPS target. In
order for group executives and regional managing principals to receive stock
options, their group must achieve its operating income target for the preceding
year, in addition to us achieving our annual EPS target. Grants vest in equal
amounts over a three-year period and are exercisable over a ten-year period.
This Committee reviews and establishes the grants for all executive officers.

         Since we exceeded our EPS target for 2001 and each group met their
respective income targets, accordingly, stock options were granted to all
eligible employees, including managing principals.

Retirement Compensation

         The intent of this Committee's retirement compensation policy is to
provide employees and executives with certain tax-qualified retirement benefits.
We maintain a defined contribution savings plan available to substantially all
employees, including executives, under Section 401(K) of the Internal Revenue
Code. Under this plan, we contribute 25% of the participating employee's
contribution. Employee contributions are generally limited to 10% of their
compensation, subject to Internal Revenue Code limitations. We also provide
discretionary contributions if we meet or exceed our EPS target. A discretionary
contribution of an additional 12.5% of the participating employee's contribution
was made for 2001 as we exceeded our EPS target.

         In addition, we provide a non-qualified creditor exempt salary savings
plan to eligible employees to help them save for retirement. Under the plan,
participants may contribute an elected percentage of their annual cash
compensation. Effective August 2001, we amended the plan where we will
contribute 25% of the participating employee's contribution. Similar to our
defined contribution 401(K) savings plan, we also provide discretionary
contributions under this non-qualified savings plan if we meet or exceed our EPS
target. A discretionary contribution of an additional 12.5% of the participating
employee's contribution was made for 2001 as we exceeded our EPS target.


         Effective January 1, 2000, the Board of Directors approved a
non-qualified Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan for executive officers and
other key employees for the purpose of providing supplemental income benefits to
plan participants or their survivors upon participants' retirement or death. We
have established and maintain a grantor "rabbi" trust for the purpose of
accumulating funds with which to meet our future obligations under the plan.
Although the trust is irrevocable and assets contributed to the trust can only
be used to pay such benefits with certain exceptions, the benefits under the
plan remain our obligations. We have purchased company-owned life insurance
policies for its benefit on the lives of certain participants estimated to be
sufficient to recover, over time, the full cost of the benefits provided plus
the cost of insurance.

         We also have non-qualified deferred compensation plans for Mr. Pinola,
Mr. Smith and Mr. Gavin. Upon his retirement and effective January 1, 2001, Mr.
Smith began receiving payments in accordance with this plan. The details of this
plan for Mr. Pinola and Mr. Gavin were described under the section "Employment
and Change in Control Agreements" previously mentioned in this proxy statement.

Section 162 (m)

         Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally imposes a
$1,000,000 limit on the deductibility of certain compensation that it pays to
certain executive officers unless certain requirements are met. Compensation
attributable to options granted under the various stock option plans currently
in effect is expected to qualify for deductibility. This Committee monitors the
effect of this section on the deductibility of such compensation and intends to
optimize the deductibility of such compensation to the extent deductibility is
consistent with the objectives of the executive compensation program. This
Committee, however, intends to weigh the benefits of full deductibility with the
objectives of the executive compensation program and, if this Committee believes
to do so is in our best interests and the interests of our shareholders, we will
make compensation arrangements that may not be fully deductible due to this

         During 2001, the provisions of this section will result in a portion of
the incentive compensation paid to Mr. Pinola for 2001 to be non-deductible. The
Committee believes the compensation to Mr. Pinola reflects its policies as
stated in this report. The Committee also notes that the Company's 2001
Operating Plan provided for cash compensation for Mr. Pinola to be approximately
at the limits imposed by Section 162 (m). The variable cash compensation for
2001 reflected the fact that the actual EPS for 2001 exceeded the target EPS by
77%. In general, bonuses for all of our employees, all of which are performance
based, also reflected the exceptional results for 2001.

Chief Executive Officer Compensation

         The principles guiding compensation for our Chief Executive Officer are
substantially the same as those set forth for other executives as previously
described in this report. During 2001, our most highly compensated officer was
Richard J. Pinola, Chairman of the Board and CEO. Mr. Pinola's performance was
reviewed by the Committee which made recommendations to the Board regarding his
annual cash compensation (salary plus annual incentive) and approved his
long-term incentive awards.


         In accordance with Mr. Pinola's Employment Agreement noted previously
in this report, Mr. Pinola's annual base salary during 2001 was $580,000. Mr.
Pinola received additional compensation based on the Company's final 2001

                  Compensation and Options Committee
                  Catherine Y. Selleck, Chair
                  Rebecca J. Maddox
                  Oliver Franklin

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation in Compensation

         Mr. Pinola, our Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, makes general
recommendations to and reviews with the Compensation and Options Committee the
compensation of our executive officers, other than his own. This information is
carefully considered by this Committee. Except for this, during 2001, there were
no interlocking relationships between any of our executive officers and any
entity whose directors or executive officers serve on the Board of Directors'
Compensation and Options Committee, nor did any current or past officers serve
on the Compensation and Options Committee. Except as discussed in the section
"Certain Relationships and Related Party Transactions" with respect to the
transactions with Midwest, the franchise owned by Mr. Bourbeau, and with respect
to the consulting agreements made with Mr. Smith and Mr. Evans, and with respect
to the purchase of Right WayStation, of which Mr. Iwao was a Director and is
partial owner, and with respect to the purchase of Coutts, of which Mr. Johnson
was Chairman of the Board of Directors and partial owner, no member of any
committee of the Board of Directors in 2001 had any relationship with us other
than as a director and member of such committee.

                            COMMON SHARES PERFORMANCE

         The line graph set forth below compares for the period December 31,
1996 through December 31, 2001, the cumulative return on our Common Shares based
on the market price of the Common Shares, with the cumulative return (assuming
dividend reinvestment) of common stock listed on the Russell 2000 Index, and the
common stock issued by companies with SIC Code: 8742, Management Consulting
Services Index. The SIC Code Index was selected primarily because it is
representative of our professional service business and the Russell 2000 Index
was selected because it represents a comparable market capitalization. We
believe the SIC Code Index and the Russell 2000 Index compare effectively with
us based on the selection criteria mentioned above.

                       Comparison of a 5-year Cumulative Total Return Among Right
                  Management Consultants, Inc., SIC Code Index and Russell 2000 Index

                       12/31/96      12/31/97       12/31/98      12/31/99       12/31/00      12/31/01
                       --------      --------       --------      --------       --------      --------
Company                 $100.00       $ 57.30       $ 66.29        $ 51.69        $70.79       $174.77
SIC Code                 100.00        117.10        128.70         141.44         69.61         63.82
Russell 2000             100.00        122.34        118.91         142.21        136.07        137.46

                Assumes $100 Invested on December 31, 1996 and All Dividends Reinvested


Proposal 2: Ratification of Appointment of Independent Public Accountants

         While we have no dispute with Arthur Andersen LLP, the Audit Committee
considered other independent accountants in addition to Arthur Andersen LLP for
appointment as our auditor for fiscal year 2002. Our Board of Directors, based
on the recommendation of the Audit Committee and subject to ratification by the
shareholders at our Annual Meeting, has approved the appointment of Ernst &
Young LLP as our independent accountants for fiscal year 2002. If the
shareholders do not ratify this appointment by the affirmative vote of a
majority of shares present in person or represented by proxy at the Meeting,
other independent public accountants will be considered by the Board of
Directors upon recommendation of the Audit Committee.


                                 OTHER BUSINESS

         The Board of Directors does not know of any further business to be
presented at the Meeting. However, should any other matter requiring a vote the
shareholders arise, the persons appointed by the enclosed proxy intend to vote
on those matters in accordance with their judgement as to our best interests.

Shareholder Proposals

         Shareholder proposals for the 2003 Annual Meeting of Shareholders must
be received by December 1, 2002 to be considered for inclusion in our 2003 Proxy
Statement. At the 2003 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, Management will have
discretionary authority to act upon such matters as may be brought before the
Meeting as to which written notice was not received on or before February 20,

Annual Report on Form 10-K

         We file an Annual Report on Form 10-K with the SEC. Shareholders may
obtain a paper copy of this report, including the financial statements and
schedules, without charge, by writing to Mr. Paul Straub, Vice President and
Corporate Controller, Right Management Consultants, Inc., 1818 Market Street,
33rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103.

         The Board of Directors urges shareholders to attend the Meeting.
Whether or not you plan to attend the Meeting, shareholders are asked to
complete, date, sign and return the enclosed proxy promptly in the accompanying
envelope. Shareholders who attend the Meeting may vote their shares personally
even though they have sent in their proxies.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /S/ CHARLES J. MALLON

                                        Charles J. Mallon

Philadelphia, PA
April 12, 2002


                                    EXHIBIT A

                           THE AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

Function, Scope, Duties and Responsibilities

A.       Functions

         Primary responsibility for the Company's financial reporting rests with
         the management, overseen by the Board of Directors. The principal
         function of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in
         carrying out this oversight responsibility. This function is performed
         by gathering information sufficient for the knowledgeable review and
         understanding of reports and recommendations of the management and
         independent outside auditors. In turn, the Committee should aid in the
         transmission of these reports to the Board.

B.       Scope

         The Committee shall be composed of Outside Directors, one of whom will
         be its Chairman. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, President
         and Chief Financial Officer shall work closely with the Audit Committee
         on the formulation of its recommendations. The Committee will report to
         the full Board on its activities.

C.       Duties and Responsibilities

         The Audit Committee is expected to:

         1.       Review, examine and discuss with management the reports and
                  recommendations of the independent auditors and follow up the
                  implementation of their suggestions.

         2.       Ensure the auditors full and direct access to the Board
                  through the Audit Committee should they feel it is needed and
                  it cannot be arranged properly through the Chairman of the

         3.       Conduct an executive session with the independent auditors at
                  least once per year.

         4.       Review proposed audit coverage with the independent auditors
                  and Chief Financial Officer. This should include their fees
                  for the Audit engagement.

         5.       Review the Company's internal and financial controls and keep
                  the Board informed through reports of significant control


         6.       Evaluate the performance of the independent auditors and
                  recommend their engagement to the Board.

         7.       Review the Company's legal counsel matters which may have a
                  significant impact on the Company's financial statements.

         8.       Review Company policies and procedures for a regular review of
                  officers' expenses and perquisites and, where appropriate,
                  review a summary of expenses and perquisites at least

         9.       Review releases of financial information to the public
                  including Form 10-K, 8K, the Annual Report and other reports
                  as requested.

         10.      Review and approve the plan of internal audit.

         11.      Review compliance with the Company's Code of Conduct at least



Annual Meeting of Shareholders -- May 2, 2002

         The undersigned shareholder of RIGHT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, INC.,
revoking all previous proxies, hereby constitutes and appoints RICHARD J. PINOLA
and JOSEPH T. SMITH, and each of them acting as individuals, as the attorney and
proxy of the undersigned, with full power of substitution, for and in the name
and stead of the undersigned, to attend our Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be
held on Thursday, May 2, 2002, at 10:00 A.M. at our headquarters, 1818 Market
Street, 33rd Floor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and to vote all Common Shares
which the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally present at the
Meeting, and at any adjournment or postponement thereof; provided that said
proxies are authorized and directed to vote as indicated with respect to the
following matters:

1.       / / FOR all nominees for director named below.
         / / WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees for director named
         / / FOR all of the nominees for director named below, except WITHHOLD
         AUTHORITY to vote for the nominee(s) whose name(s) is (are) lined


2.       / / FOR the ratification of the selection by the Board of Directors of
         Ernst & Young LLP, as our independent public accountants for the
         current fiscal year.
         / / AGAINST
         / / ABSTAIN

3.       In their discretion, the proxies will vote on such other business as
         may properly come before the Meeting.

         This Proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned shareholders. IF NO DIRECTION IS MADE, THIS PROXY WILL
PROXY. This proxy also delegates discretionary authority to vote with respect to
any other business which may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment
or postponement thereof.

undersigned also hereby ratifies all that the said attorneys and proxies may do
by virtue hereof and hereby confirms that this proxy shall be valid and may be
voted whether or not the shareholder's name is signed as set forth below or a
seal is affixed or the description, authority or capacity of the person signing
is given or other defect of signature exists.


ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. Please sign this proxy exactly as name appears in address
below. If shares are registered in more than one name, all owners should sign.
If signing in a fiduciary or representative capacity, such as attorney-in-fact,
executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title and attach
evidence of authority. Corporations please sign with full corporate name by a
duly authorized officer and affix the corporate seal.

                                                   Dated: _______________, 2002

                                                      (Shareholder's Signature)

                                                      (Shareholder's Signature)
