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Civil Voice Groups (an NGO non-profit) is launching its platform in eight countries (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland). All operating systems, devices, tablets, smartphones & screen sizes are supported using a browser. No download is required.
This platform is designed to deliver legislative change. This platform will excite the 45+ million people that participated in George Floyd, Earth Day, Women’s March, Climate Strike, March for our Lives, Pride Marches & other protests.
Voting rights groups, women’s rights groups, racial rights groups, climate change groups, gun law groups & free press rights groups will welcome this news since the platform has been designed to provide features, benefits, and reusable processes that are far more powerful than what social movement groups currently use.
Unlike simplistic echo chambers, this platform focuses on providing turnkey solutions to deliver legislative change. It is a platform based on years of solid research, assessment, planning, and professional design encapsulating privacy, security, scalability, features, benefits, and workflows to assist legitimate social movement groups and their bases deliver their goals and mandate. See platform snapshot.

The primary concept of this platform is to organize all social movement groups (with their combined bases of tens of millions of followers, members, and activists) into a powerful and massive voting bloc:
- Organize tens of millions of like-minded people into a single, organized, integrated collective. This concept creates a massive voting bloc that is too large, organized, vocal, managed, and powerful for politicians to ignore.
- Provide social movement groups with features and turnkey workflows that best manage their organization and members, raise funds, onboard volunteers, assign & manage tasks, issue surveys, monitor progress, organize, launch & manage protests, get out the vote, etc.
- Provide social movement followers, members, and activists with the ability to support, pro-actively volunteer, and simultaneously assist many social movement groups.
Provide protesters (led by social movement groups) with seven (7) stepped phases of a legal, civil, and respect-based protest system that targets specific legislators. Each step generates a massive number of results that must be individually managed or handled by a targeted politician or their office(s). For example, a 2 million person online protest (for phases 1 and 2) targeting four politicians will generate:
- 8 million USPS letters delivered to politicians (while providing supporting political leaders and journalists with reports validating this).
- 3 to 4 million scheduled telephone calls (while providing supporting political leaders and journalists with reports validating this).
- 8 to 12 million social media posts (while providing supporting political leaders and journalists with reports validating this).
- Phase 3 substantially bumps up the pressure since it generates worldwide news coverage. Using only 30 to 40 protesters spaced across a mile (no protest license required), three shifts of 4 hours per protester generate 12 hours of daily coverage across all cities in a specific region or state. After phase 3, phases 4, 5, 6, and 7 generate even harsher consequences, each of which has been designed to detrimentally impact a politician’s career.
- Next, integrate the free press into the platform where vetted journalists receive specialized features. Features include notifications of pending activities, aggregated demographic analysis of protesters with pivots, the ability to connect with verified social movement leaders and spokespeople, GPS track activities, issue surveys to protesters or members, and receive press releases from verified groups, all of which pertain to the journalist’s subscribed interests that respect member opt-in interactivity and interest settings. Free press integration is important as features provided to news organizations have been designed to generate longer-term cycles that last for months (rather than days).
The Civil Voice Groups operating model is scalable and self-sustaining.
Social movement groups may use the platform independently or work with coalitions of other groups. Civil Voice Groups will assist when requested but otherwise allow groups to use the platform as they see fit as long as they adhere to the non-profit’s civility, respect, truth, and do no harm policies.
All social movement group organizations are verified and vetted. Journalist accounts must adhere to the canons of their profession. Approved organization and journalist accounts receive all services at no cost in perpetuity.
All accounts are CAPTCHA verified, e-mail address, and mobility phone verified. User members are surname and two-way mailing address confirmed. All platform users may utilize two simultaneous profiles (a true profile and a non-identifying anonymous profile) used whenever desired. These verifications ensure a more civil, harmonious, and trust-based environment while preventing bots, fake accounts, and fraudulent organizations from using the platform.
Platform member accounts (social movement group followers, members, and activists) pay USD 3.40 annually for unlimited use of the platform (less than a penny per day). This small annual fee provides the funding for hosting, developing, and managing the platform.

Green items have been completed and deployed. All other items are ready to be coded. Each yellow item requires approximately 2 to 3 weeks to complete. White items require 2 to 4 months to complete. With 7 to 10 separate teams working on different items, deliverables are fast-tracked. Note one year of research was performed By Civil Voice Groups to identify why protests fail. A year was spent determining how to circumvent failures and identify solutions. Two years were required to plan the technology requirements of all items above. And finally, one year was spent deploying an infrastructure supporting all items above. Watch the video detailing these efforts.
To date, all efforts have been voluntary, and the directors have personally funded all hard costs. Now, a team of 35 to 50 full-time, permanent developers is required to complete the platform. Fortunately, the directors of Civil Voice Groups have a proven pool of proven and trusted solution experts, business analysts, UI developers, business layer developers, logic developers, database administrators, privacy experts, and security & hosting experts that are on standby to complete the platform. To fund this development, Civil Voice Groups has a GOFUNDME.
Civil Voice Groups also accepts three (3) types of anonymous CRYPTO donations and provides a philanthropy page for large contributions.
Civil Voice Groups also asks that social movement group followers, members, and activists to sign-up since member signups simultaneously build a massive collective of like-minded members while also generating scale-based funding.
All social movement groups, followers, members, and activists understand that mandates that require congress approval vanish without fair representation at the legislative dinner table. Minimum Federal based Voting rights are critical to all social movement groups, their bases, and all voting citizens regardless of the political party they support.
Civil Voice Groups has spent months preparing a detailed plan to launch a massive voting rights protest campaign to deliver bipartisan-based, federally mandated, minimum voting rights.
ACTION REQUEST: Social Movement Group Leaders:
Civil Voice Groups invites social movement group leaders to attend a virtual group meeting with all other leaders to learn more about the seven (7) phased continuous voting rights protest that their tens of millions of combined supporters will want to participate in. This approach creates a collation of all major social movement groups while also generating a massive, organized collective of protesters. This protest also raises funds for each participating social movement group.
ACTION REQUEST: Social Movement followers, members, and activists:
Civil Voice Groups invites all social movement followers, members, and activists to create their user member account to prepare to participate in this protest.
ACTION REQUEST: Free Press Journalists:
Free Press journalists that abide by the canons of their profession may create their account at https://journalists.civilvoicegroups.org/Apply. Civil Voice Groups also invites journalists to call 1 (206) 923-9146 or 1 (800) 609-8145 to arrange an interview to answer questions, confirm statements, etc.
ACTION REQUEST: Philanthropists:
See https://civilvoicegroups.org/philanthropists/
Months go by. Years go by. Massive street protests have occurred. Yet substantial legislative change rarely occurs.
Now, women's rights are about to be tossed, and The BIG LIE is being used to restrict voting rights. It is time to ask yourself, "Where do you and social movement groups want to be positioned within six weeks, two months, or five months from now?"
Sure, if you have the time to rally and participate in civil street protests, then do it. But also utilize this online platform to apply massive pressure on elected officials to deliver substantial legislative change. Both go hand in hand. Civil Voice Groups joins all social movement groups and their protesters, creating a megaphone of coordinated, managed and led voices to perform mass-based actions. All voices must be real. Each action must be provable to a politician so they understand that their careers will be squashed if they ignore demands. This is how democracy is supposed to work.
To set expectations, below are hard timelines:
- Within six (6) weeks of funding, all social movement groups and their members will now have the means to launch massive, phased, long-term protests (for any type of concern) that have been scratch-designed to deliver substantial legislative change. Many different types of protests (causes) may occur simultaneously. The first step is to create coalitions of major groups and attract their members.
- Within 2 to 3 months of funding, powerful Social Enterprise features will help social movements better manage their operations, volunteers, followers, and activists.
- Within 4 to 5 months of funding, a major "Get Out The Vote" system will be released, supporting getting out the vote any chosen neighborhood, in any city, across all states or provinces or voting regions in eight countries to deliver votes that are friendly to social movement groups.
The Civil Voice Groups platform was founded by Gary Campbell - President | Canada, Gus Emery | Vice President | United States, and Bill Bradley | Chairman | United States. These three directors have 70 years of combined Enterprise-class commercial experience creating complex software solutions.
It took the three founders their lifetimes to build a large pool of proven relationships with professional software developers, project managers, business analysts, security specialists, and hosting experts capable of creating this platform.
Join Civil Voice Groups in their efforts to ensure that social movement groups and their followers, members, and activists have a place at the legislative table as voting rights are fundamental to protecting and advancing Women's Rights, Racial Equality, Climate Change, LGBT Rights, Common Sense Gun laws and more.
Contact Details
Gary Campbell
Founder, Director, President - Civil Voice Groups
+1 250-859-3610
View source version on newsdirect.com: https://newsdirect.com/news/techies-launch-protest-platform-to-deliver-legislative-change-866728046