IBAT President and FinTech Cowboys
Left to right:\nChristopher Williston, VI, President & CEO of IBAT,\nTanner Mayo, President of FedFis,\nDave Mayo, CEO of FedFis
IBAT and FedFis announced a new bankers-only platform at the Roundup (fifintech.com/the-roundup.html ) today to help community banks survive and thrive.
FedFis has spent 40+ years building data in the banking industry that can benefit every community bank in the United States. When asked why Bankers Helping Bankers was built, according to Dave Mayo, CEO of FedFis, "Community Bankers need answers. Misinformation, regulatory burden, changing customer expectations and warp-speed technological evolution, they say, are just too much for community banks to weather. We believe bankers can make the right decisions and thrive if they have the right information. Period. That's why IBAT and FedFis have partnered to pioneer an entirely new way for banks to band together, by forming a community of bankers, where conversations are driven by fact and data. The community bank associations have delivered the missing information that bankers needed to unlock the amazing opportunity that only a small number of banks have tapped into. Finally, there is hope for community banking, the backbone of our country."
According to Christopher Williston, VI, President & CEO at Independent Bankers Association of Texas, "The future of community banking depends on their collaboration. For decades, banking associations have offered the means of collaboration for bankers, mostly using face-to-face gatherings. But those means are no longer enough because the industry is changing too quickly. Bankers Helping Bankers is the next iteration of the traditional value proposition of associations - the promise that together we can accomplish more than we ever could alone."
Bankers Helping Bankers will be rolling out for community bankers nationwide in the weeks ahead with support from state community banking associations and the Independent Community Bankers of America. "We are excited to get Bankers Helping Bankers into the hands of the community banking leaders across the United States via our network of association relationships," Williston said.
The technology discovery and selection process is the true legacy problem in banking. Bankers needed a way to evaluate technologies and products that can integrate with their existing tech stack, eliminating their reliance on opinions and consultants. It's intended to make bankers the smartest people in the room again.
Why make it free? According to Dave Mayo, "It's not free; the vendors support community banking with their sponsorship, because they know we are all in this boat together and we had better work together or we all fail together. This is the Alamo for banking, take a stand and fight for community banks. Bankers Helping Bankers is the place to join the fight!"
For more information on Bankers Helping Bankers, visit https://bankershelpingbankers.com. For more information on FedFis, visit www.fedfis.com. For more information on Independent Bankers Association of Texas, visit https://www.ibat.org/.
Contact: Mary Coleman, Extraco Consulting, 1-888-797-7468, info@extracoconsulting.com.
Press Release Service by Newswire.com
Original Source: Unprecedented Support for Community Banks: Bankers Helping Bankers