After the killing of a black man, George Floyd, by a white police officer, author Rev. Douglas Ahamefula was spurred to write There Is Hope for Blacks & Whites. Many people across the world believed his killing was racially motivated. People watched the video, saw how the police officer had his knees on the neck of the black man who was screaming and saying "I cannot breathe" till he died.
This event led to numerous protests and demonstrations all over the world. In many cities where the protests and demonstrations were held, the number of the white people who were protesting outnumbered the black protesters. The new generation of white youth came out in record number to protest.
This is a turning point in the history. With this turn of events, Ahamefula can now visualize a future society where discrimination and social injustice would become a thing of the past. Now that the blacks and whites have agreed on the same issue and are asking for social justice for all, irrespective of the color of your skin, then There is Hope for Blacks and Whites.
About the Author
Rev. Douglas Ahamefula is an ordained minister of the American Assembly of God Mission. He is also an architect by profession. He studied at the University of Florence in Italy at the department of architecture where he graduated in 1998 before migrating to the United States of America. Ahamefula is an African American and hails from Nigeria. He speaks four languages: English, Italian, and two other African languages.
He believes that all human race, blacks, white, and brown, originated from one source who is God. For this reason, as one of the leaders of his church, which was predominantly white, he worked hard with other leaders of his church, to make it now multicultural and international with people from about thirty-six nations in the Victory Church where he serves as a prayer minister.
There Is Hope for Blacks & Whites is a 152-page paperback with a retail price of $14.00 (eBook $9.00). The ISBN is 978-1-64957-937-9. It was published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information, or to request a review copy, please go to our virtual pressroom at https://dorrancepressroom.com/there-is-hope-for-blacks-whites/ or our online bookstore at https://rosedogbookstore.com/there-is-hope-for-blacks-whites/
Raquel Ponce
RoseDog Books
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